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Thread: Work Cover

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Dec 2005


    Quote Originally Posted by Doughboy View Post
    Get in touch with CGU and tell them you have no way of getting to the doctors appointment they have made for you.
    Done they suggested I take a taxi!

    huh? Two hours there, two hours back and the wait in between. Get a wriggle on doc the meters running.

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Jul 2006


    The problem here is that you are a number to them. If you give them grief they take your file from the top of the today pile and put it at the bottom of tomorrows pile, thus delaying a result even further.

    If only someone could hold the insurance companies responsible, alas they are an entity unto themselves.

    If you are never in over your head how do you know how tall you are?

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Dec 2005


    I think they are concerned by my complaint to Victorian Workcover Authority. certainly made them jump into gear when I told them I was registering a complaint.

  4. #19
    Join Date
    Jun 2003


    Quote Originally Posted by dadpad View Post
    Employer is responsible for first 10 days wages and $500 medical expenses but not until the insurance company accept the claim.

    Sorry, but in the event of a workplace accident the EMPLOYER is responsible for all costs as specified by law until you again return to full employment. So that you haven't received any payments is your employer's fault and not Workcover.

    To ensure that your employer can meet his obligations to you as injured worker there is the Workcover scheme which compulsory insures your employer to cover the employers liability. You claim from your employer not CGU ( the claims agent selected by your employer under the workcover scheme) but you are required to assist them in their investigations and handling of the claim.

    That you are required to see an investigator may well be to ascertain if your employer complied with worksafe regulations, non compliance will see that the employer will be dealt with by law.

    To often employers will blame non payment to injured workers on workcover etc, whereas the law requires them to make regular payments to you and to meet all medical expenses as they occur and then claim reimbursement from the claims agent.

    So rather than slinging of at insurance companies why don't you complain that your employer is not fulfilling his obligations to you.


  5. #20
    Join Date
    Dec 2005


    Cant argue with that except to say read my previouse posts.

  6. #21
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Northen Rivers NSW


    Hi Dadpad

    A couple of points.

    1. Your employer does not "accept" the claim. The insurer does. The employer can support or not support the claim and in your case they appear to have supported it which is great.

    Just an aside, when I was an apprentice a fellow apprentice broke his leg playing football on a sunday, took painkillers that night and morning, was carried into the workshop and laid in the bottom of the service pit where he "broke his leg" and went off to hospital.

    2. It is standard practice for an insurer to have an independant assessment. Nothing improper with that and if you have nothing to hide (and seeing as you are a fine citizen of this forum you wouldnt ) then its no great problem. You may have seen in the past that SOME people rip off insurers.

    3. Keep receipts of all your expensed including travel and accommodation so that you can claim them later.

    4. Lose the attitude;

    " have spoken with the investigator, his first comment to me was "hows the Ankle"
    I said shee et your good at this investigation stuff arnt you.
    he said "why"
    I said cause its my leg that broken. Nothing wrong with my ankle.

    There is always an attitude pile that sits and sits and sits. Instead of smart comments try this;

    "I am new at this stuff, can you help me get it all sorted out, I would really appreciate the help.

    good luck


  7. #22
    Join Date
    Jun 2005


    Also, just be frank with the insurance company doctor, they are really just their to make sure your treating doctor is doing a good job and not wasting money giving you unnecessary treatments
    Certainly not my experience, which seems to mirror that of others that I have spoken to.
    I'd say that the Insurance company medico is there to minimise the claim by understating the extent of the injury.
    I'm sure that there are some honest ones, however..... be careful.

    "Use your third eye" - Watson

  8. #23
    Join Date
    Dec 2005


    I live in Mansfield Victoria.
    The insurance company will not reimburse my daughter for lost wages (we estimate between $60 and $100) to drive me to Melb for their medical appointment. I cant drive myself because of the cast on my broken leg.

    I asked, they refused.

    They will however fund a taxi. $600.00 approx

    Also, just be frank with the insurance company doctor, they are really just their to make sure your treating doctor is doing a good job and not wasting money giving you unnecessary treatments
    eeyup. I really need to lose the attitude.

  9. #24
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Glenhaven, NSW



    I'll let you know when my head starts to get sore.[/quote]
    Sounds like it's pretty sore already.
    Good luck with the claim.
    From the other side, I had an employee who had a car accident on the way to work. (A bit strange as it happened about 20km on the other side of her house to our place)
    She convinced her medico that she couldn't raise her arm above the shoulder and suffered from fatigue. Result, she had to have one hour on and two hours off each day, I had to pay her full wages the whole time. It didn't seem to cramp her social life as she could nightclub all weekend with no ill effects but, come Monday, the whole thing came back.
    A phone call to my insurer and a quiet word that I wanted my choice of medico to examine her and she resigned immediately. A little later, my insurer told me that she had filed a claim in court and did I have any comments. Some of what I said could be quoted in court!! Case dismissed.
    It still cost me thousands but it was nice to see her legal bills mount up without my insurer paying. Bl00dy Workcover (NSW) assumes that the boss is always in the wrong and has to pay for any idiot's inability to look after themselves or their lack of common sense, not to mention the legal fraternity's complicity to screw the boss and split the proceeds.
    You are paying the price for all those illegitimates who rort the system.
    Not so many

  10. #25
    Join Date
    Dec 2005


    Quote Originally Posted by graemet View Post
    You are paying the price for all those illegitimates who rort the system.
    I am not entirely without sympathy for employers in situations such as you describe. I have seen it myself (and dobbed in rorters) several times.

    The point I am trying to make is the waste of time, effort and money which goes on when cases are cut and dried.

    1. An independant medical opinion could be sought from a doctor in my home town.
    or a regional center wang, shepp etc. But It s to be someone appointed. (read in CGU's pocket)

    2. A call or 2 to the people i was working with (A government department) would have sorted any doubt about the veracity of the claim.

    3. The length of time it takes for this mob to actually DO anything like mail a letter, or make a phone call.

    The problem is that decisions are made on a one size fits all basis by some dill whos ONLY goal is to cover his ####. Decisions made in city offices by people who's vague knowledge of country areas extend no further than the bitumen and how to get to the ski slopes. (They keep asking me what suburb I live in.)
    They also know that if they keep a claim going long enough a substantial number will just give up fighting for a fair deal and accept what they are given.

    The sooner we move away from big government/big business the better as far as I am concerned.

  11. #26
    Join Date
    Dec 2005


    Just thought i would resurect this thread to let all the insurance company supporters know;

    It will be 2 months next Wednesday since the accident. (7th dec - 7th Feb.) Despite repeated calls to both my ex employer and the insurance company.
    Despite co-operating with investigations and medical examinations ordered by the insurance company.
    Despite expensive trips to Melbourne
    Despite makiing complaints and following them up with the Victorian work cover Authority disputes resolution
    Despite having a letter from CGU saying that my case had been reviewed and LIABILITY ACCEPTED on the 16th of jan.

    Despite CGU sending me notification of the amount per week I was to recieve, Which was $4.00/ per hour MORE than I was being paid when the accident happened even with the 95% of pre injury clause applied.

    I still have NOT recieved one cent of income support, or in fact any kind of support at all.

  12. #27
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    campbelltown NSW


    Quote Originally Posted by dadpad View Post
    It will be 2 months next Wednesday since the accident. (7th dec - 7th Feb.)

    I still have NOT recieved one cent of income support, or in fact any kind of support at all.
    Dadpad, sorry to hear of your injury and the frustration you are going through. As for the time it will be settled in CGU's own good time, I have been stuffed around for 5yrs and endless trips to all sorts of Dr's for body and mind. I have been to court and already had a ruling in my favour, but that didn't stop them from stopping all payments and denying any further liability. I then had to go through the whole process again, this time I went to arbitration as the laws had changed in the way that claims are handled.

    My advise to you is
    1. Get a solicitor yourself or join a union and use their's.
    2. Keep records of every expense, if you can't claim it it won't matter, if you can and have no record, forget it they will not pay unless you have proof.
    3. Don't give up.
    4. Don't get mad, get even. Let your solicitor get mad!
    5. Speak to Centerlink, see if they can help with finances. Anything you get you will have to pay back upon settlement.
    6. Get your solicitor to write to your bank, they did for me and had the payment reduced by 50% untill everything was sorted out through my rough patch.
    7. Try to keep appointments, no matter how inconvenient, it will count for you in court. Your solicitor will mention how they made it very difficult for you.
    8. Most importantly, build a good raport with your solicitor and tell them everything, including if you felt intimidated, humiliated or anything like that, it comes down to "professional ethics and behaviour".
    My file stands the equivilant of 10-12 yellow pages phone books tall, my personel records stand about 25%-30% of this, good luck and stay cool and strong.

    Just as a note if you can't get in touch with your solicitor for any reason by phone, use E-mail or fax.

    Never, under any circumstances, take a sleeping pill and a laxative on the same night.

  13. #28
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Kuranda, paradise, North Qld


    feel for you, they sound like a bunch of asreholes. Never had to deal with the same situation, but I've been in some adversarial situations which I've come out of okay from which I learnt the following:
    Keep all corespondence.
    Give and get everything in writing.
    Record all conversations. (not telephone, this is illegal)
    Keep a diary of everything and anything to do with your case.
    Don't let them get to you, keep in mind that you will, in the end, win and that you will make them eat crow. This will make their crap easier to put up with.

    Hang in there mate!

    "If you need a machine today and don't buy it,

    tomorrow you will have paid for it and not have it."

    - Henry Ford 1938

  14. #29
    Join Date
    Jul 2004



    I feel sorry for you, you should not have gone this long without any payments from anywhere. As an employer I would have to say I think your boss is screwing you, if the system is unchanged then workcover pays your boss to reimburse his payments to you. At the very least he should advance payments against any unused sick and annual leave if he is worried about being caught out, but in the end he is ducking his obligations. Workcover can be a pain to work through, but more often the problem is the claims assessor followed by the insurer, its the dishonest claimants that make it harder for everyone else.


  15. #30
    Join Date
    Aug 2006


    Despite repeated calls to both my ex employer and the insurance company.

    DP How and when did they become your ex employer?
    Is unusual to resigh when on compo and illegal as far as I know to terminate someone in that situation.

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