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  1. #16
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Springfield NSW


    I have had a Bigpond cable connection for many years now.

    I think I must be in similar situation to SJT. I am in the northwest suburbs of Sydney but I am right in the middle between exchanges . ADSL simply does not work here, wireless is flaky and expensive and the Optus cable stops 100M up the hill. Bigpond cable is my only option.

    I have had many, many bad experiences over the years with performance, technical support and billing.

    Last Sunday afternoon we had a BIG electrical storm in this part of the world. I came home to find that the power had been off - all the usual things - the clocks on all the appliances were reset etc. I went to turn on the puter and noticed that the cable modem had no lights, it was dead, kaput, finished, no chance of revival. I even opened it up and ran the DVM over a few components to see if it might be an easy fix, but no, it was dead.

    With a great deal of angst I rang 133933 and went through the usual crap to get to a live person. Eventually a very sweet sounding girl , probably in India, answered. I told her the problem, she gave me two options for a new modem, I chose the Netgear wireless router cable modem for $109 and she said it would be delivered within 3 working days. Lo and behold, at 7:45 Wednesday morning the post office man delivered a box containing my new modem.

    Installed and connected 20 minutes later, registered the new modem to my account , but no acccess. Called 133933 a young fellow, probably in India, told me that it takes a couple of hours for the new modem connection to propagate around their servers. By midday everything was just hunky.

    A pretty good Bigpond story. Coming from me - that is exceptional.
    there are only 10 types of people in the world. Those that understand binary arithmetic and those that don't.

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Jun 2003


    Quote Originally Posted by Avery View Post
    I came home to find that the power had been off - all the usual things - the clocks on all the appliances were reset etc. I went to turn on the puter and noticed that the cable modem had no lights, it was dead, kaput, finished, no chance of revival. .......................I told her the problem, she gave me two options for a new modem, I chose the Netgear wireless router cable modem for $109 and she said it would be delivered within 3 working days. Lo and behold, at 7:45 Wednesday morning the post office man delivered a box containing my new modem.
    We're on the Optus cable and a few months ago we had the same. Power outage following a storm and modem stuffed. Rang Optus who came out the next day and installed a new modem free of charge. Go Optus.


  3. #18
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Springfield NSW


    Quote Originally Posted by Sturdee View Post
    We're on the Optus cable and a few months ago we had the same. Power outage following a storm and modem stuffed. Rang Optus who came out the next day and installed a new modem free of charge. Go Optus.

    IF i had been on a 12 or 24 month plan, Bigpond would have replaced the modem . My 24 month plan including modem ran out about 5 years ago. Once your plan runs out, you own the modem, if it breaks you pay.
    there are only 10 types of people in the world. Those that understand binary arithmetic and those that don't.

  4. #19
    Join Date
    Jun 2003


    Quote Originally Posted by Avery View Post
    Once your plan runs out, you own the modem, if it breaks you pay.
    I've been with Optus from the moment they started. Could pick my own phone number as portability wasn't in place yet.

    Had to replace the modem twice, first one as a result of a fire and I had to pay for the service call and this one for free as it wasn't my fault.


  5. #20
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Dandenong, Vic


    I've been with optus for 10 years I think.
    I had a service call in because of speed being slow.
    They came out and swapped the modem over as it was sick. That was 2 years ago, Well out of contract.
    I have also changed my plan over the years as the levels of Meg went to Gigs.
    Rang them and asked for the higher plan at the cheaper rate than currently paying but told them I would not sign for a plan under a contract. They always say, thats fine, Plans are for new people, swap me over with NO 2 yr deal rubbish.

  6. #21
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Katoomba NSW


    Deleted all reference to Telstra after yet another example of s&%t service.
    Cancelled mobile (wifes, I dumped T years ago) and home accounts. Not living in a major centre we had no choice but to use Telstra if we wanted a home phone. Then my ISP announced they would be starting phone services. WooHoo bye Telstra. They sent me a final bill of $34,000. They can't even close an account without stuffing it up.
    Those were the droids I was looking for.

  7. #22
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Munruben, Qld


    I teach computers in my spare time and on the few occasions I have had to contact Optus for assistance for one of my students, the response has been very good and helpful as well as speedy.
    Unfortunately, Optus is not available in my area so I have to stick with what I have which is iprimus, but as I mentioned earlier, I have received pretty good service from them over the years.
    Reality is no background music.
    Cheers John

  8. #23
    Join Date
    Jan 2010


    Dear Telstra/Bigpond computer.

    Just as well my connection was down for 4 whole days, I would of used the remaining 12.5GB in that time and the 2 days remaining. Imagine if I had of used my remaining bandwidth downloading this email? That would have made me cross.

    In future, could you please use some discretion when sending these mindless emails in a desperate attempt for me to increase my plan? It'll be a cold day in hell before I do.

    Yours Sincerely,
    Scott Taylor.
    (soon to be ex-customer).

    On 19/02/2012, at 11:31 AM, The BigPond Team wrote:

    Dear BigPond® Member,

    We're writing to let you know that you've just reached 12509 MB for your BigPond ADSL service with username [email protected].

    At Sunday, February 19, 2012 07:15:35 AM AEST, we registered:

    Your usage so far: 12509 MB
    Allowance for this period: 25000 MB
    Allowance remaining: 12491 MB
    Your allowance resets on: Wednesday, February 22, 2012

    We'd like to remind you that your service will be slowed after your monthly usage allowance is reached. The speed to which you will be slowed is defined in the terms for your plan, which are available from the Broadband plans page on

    A monthly and daily view of your usage is available from My Usage when you log in to My BigPond at

    If your allowance isn't enough, you might want to consider changing to a different plan. There's no additional cost to change plans, and in most cases it can take effect from 12am the following day. To see what's available and to change your plan, log in to My BigPond at

    Your plan's normal monthly allowance is 25000 MB. If it's different to the allowance for this period, it could be because this one doesn't work out to be a full billing month. You'd see this if you changed your plan or billing arrangement, or if you've just joined BigPond.

    For more information about usage, visit Manage My Usage in the BigPond Help Centre at Manage your usage .
    Kind regards,
    The BigPond Team

  9. #24
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Katoomba NSW


    Quote Originally Posted by sjt View Post

    In future, could you please use some discretion when sending these mindless emails in a desperate attempt for me to increase my plan? It'll be a cold day in hell before I do.
    It's an automated email. No discretion involved whatsoever. No actual person involved.
    What happened to the dummy spit by Acme? It gave me a good laugh.
    Those were the droids I was looking for.

  10. #25
    Join Date
    Dec 2005


    Quote Originally Posted by acmegridley View Post
    15 gb for 39,95 month
    Hummmm - mine's $29.95 for 250gig + free ABC TV iView, free Steam downloads and other extras, so you might be able to get a better deal than that!

    I get shaped to 1mbps after that though, so it's almost like being back on ADSL if I blow the limit!

  11. #26
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Gippsland Victoria

    Default Bigpond and Telstra


    Strongly agree with first post.

    AFter 12 months of increasing frustration I stopped my bigpond and now use a combination of Amaysim and Skype to do all telephone and internet for half the bigpond cost. I live in a lightly populated rural area.

    This combination is worth looking at and doing some sums if your current ISP isnt performing.

    I think bigpond works spectacularly well in densely populated areas and makes a lot of money from that.

    Their customer focus if you have a problem is appalling.

    My personal belief is that the business model focuses on relying upon the large customer bases in densely populated areas having relatively few problems and also "inertia" stops many of these customers from shopping around. Its easy to just carry on.



  12. #27
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Melbourne, Aus.


    As posted elsewhere I've had a good experience using Westnet as ISP and line retailer, even when it came to pinging Telstra to repair the line in the street.

    I've also had good tech support running the Telstra 'blue tick' mobile phone as modem in the bush. By good I mean the tech support person has not been the brightest but has been persistent and when they've found a cock-up* I've been well compensated with a free call or data allowance. And in the bush at the moment there's really no alt. given the extent of their network coverage though Optus seems to be making big investments in towers.

    All up though I can see T. dragging their heels on maintaining the copper wire network given the roll-out of NBN. You can find out when you're due for it (if at all) here: NBN Co - National Broadband Network - Australia | NBN rollout map

    * 2x now even though you have a data pack the system for some reason debits your talk allowance for data use. Once at Uluru that meant I couldn't even call support on the phone as there was no credit left and had to use a public call box.
    Cheers, Ern

  13. #28
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Melbourne, Aus.


    PS With Westnet I get 200 gig ADSL2+ (actual d/l speed around 600 kbps) for $50 per month and the line is $27 per month with some calls discounted cp. Telstra IIRC. This isn't the cheapest deal around but customer service is among the best.
    Cheers, Ern

  14. #29
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Gippsland Victoria

    Default Good deal

    Quote Originally Posted by rsser View Post
    PS With Westnet I get 200 gig ADSL2+ (actual d/l speed around 600 kbps) for $50 per month and the line is $27 per month with some calls discounted cp. Telstra IIRC. This isn't the cheapest deal around but customer service is among the best.
    Wow - that sounds awesome compared to what I was getting and what I am doing right now.

    Will check out Westnet.



  15. #30
    Join Date
    Nov 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by Avery View Post
    IF i had been on a 12 or 24 month plan, Bigpond would have replaced the modem . My 24 month plan including modem ran out about 5 years ago. Once your plan runs out, you own the modem, if it breaks you pay.
    If the modem was killed by a power spike from the electricity company THEY will pay for repairs of replace I think.
    ea Lady

    (White with none)
    Follow my little workshop/gallery on facebook. things of clay and wood.

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