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  1. #16
    Join Date
    Aug 2004


    Thanks for taking the grey out of it Ding. I mostly see things in shades of grey, but I'm starting to think it's the colour of apathy.

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Feb 2008


    Good one Ding. When are you heading back there? You're not a one liner but then again the other pratt is not a journalist.

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    North Of The Boarder


    Thanks Ding for the FULL version. Now being a good boy for 3 days is going to be hard I know go find that secluded spot and R&R.

    less than a 1000 words

  4. #19
    Join Date
    May 2009
    On the road


    Bail conditions are that I remain more than 500 mtrs from Manari Rd (the site of the blockade) for 30 days

    mmmm the newly installed by the others "internet cafe" out there is well beyond the 500 mtr mark on top of a sand dune with the most amazing view anywhere... thats an option that I particularily like

    the tower area where theyre going to be doing the bulldozing is beyond the 500 mtr mark as well... the tower is about 600 mtrs high... chains are harder to cut when two blokes are chained to the top of a tower eh!... they cant continue the work whilst people are there or up there.

    As long as I remain outside of the 500 mtr mark I am free to roam as I please out there... theres always the other alternative of night manouvers a dozer to disable a few trucks to disable the traffic lights with their attached camera that takes photos of EVERY CAR AND PERSON who travels Manari Rd to James Prices Point to disable... oh theres a few wee activities that COULD be participated in IF one were so inclined

    Mind you I could remain in town... theres always Woodsnides office to "lock on" to... mmmmm

    But it WILL and is continuing with many more people out there determined to do whatever it takes to stop this thing occuring.

    One of the things that really got up my nose was Woodsnides staff who have cameras on their chest and take everyone regardless of who they are or the purpose of their visit to James Prices Point photos! THAT IS A INVASION OF EVERYONES PERSONAL CIVIL RIGHTS... No one has the right to photograph ANYONE without their explicit permission or at least the person being informed that they are being photographed!!!... but Woodsnide does... with apparent impunity!

    They also do whatever they choose out there tearing around in 6 wheel buggies ripping up sand dunes and miden grounds, doing sonar testings and soundings whenever whales and dolphins are seen... thing is people have been out there in the water when the whales and dolphin pods come through and for hours BEFORE they arrive Woodsnides contractors do nothing other than sit on the horizon AS SOON as they arrive the contractors boat moves in front of them and they start sonar soundings... disrupting the whales and dolphins until they move further out to sea.

    What theyre doing is quite simply wrong on so many levels its incredible that they are being allowed to get away with it! This government disgusts me... Never before have I felt disgust to call myself a Western Australian

  5. #20
    Join Date
    Aug 2007


    Onya Dingo,

    It's about time we (those who do not work in the mining industry, those who are not shareholders in Woodside etc, those who do not have a vested interest) stood up and stopped the "dig it up" mentality.

    I am usually supportive of industry and commerce, but it occurs to me there is a perfectly good facility on the Burrup Peninsula to process the gas. Yes, it will cost more, but the Burrup is buggered up now - why bugger up James Price Point as well.

    If it is too expensive now to pipe the gas to Karratha then leave it in the ground - it's not going anywhere. In 10 or 20 years it will be financially viable to pump the gas to Karratha.

    I still can't believe that miners are eyeing off the Margaret River area for coal mining!

  6. #21
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Mainland N.Z.


    Onya Shane, sometimes you've just got to stand up.
    We don't know how lucky we are......

  7. #22
    Join Date
    Mar 2003


    Onya Ding. Good luck with it. You might have started a few brains ticking over. The passive apathetic consumers are killing the planet.

  8. #23
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    North Of The Boarder

  9. #24
    Join Date
    May 2009
    On the road


    The comment by Inspector Stewart is incorrect and part of the problem... his comment that "others have the right to go about their business" is wrong! Woodside DOES NOT have ANY right to be there and less to clear the land... no approvals have been given to woodside to clear the land NONE AT ALL.

    There has been many similar comments made by police the government and woodside over the past months... but the fact remains that none of the agencies who control these things has given any approval to woodside... its been a major part of the problem the disinformation and steady encroachment into the country and the increasing destruction of sensitive areas by woodsides contractors.

    Starry sorta fella eh? brad pitt eat yer heart out and tom whatsisface move over for the ol dingo is comin! yeah rightio sunshine

  10. #25
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Beachport, South Oz, the best little town on the planet.


    Sic ,em Rex

  11. #26
    Join Date
    Nov 2006


    Sadly misinformation and simplistic notions are a big part of our society, that is how the Greens and One Nation survive.

    In Ding's passionate, if somewhat misguided tirade he has made many errors, all references to endangered wildlife are in regard to the Camden Sound area which is already a National and Marine Park area and is also being expanded in the near future, not the James Price Point. To join the two together is like stopping industry in Brisbane because whales calve in Harvey Bay.

    The beautiful reef that Ding refers to is also in the Camden Sound area, there is also a couple of reef's off Barrow Island that are well worth the visit. Barrow Island gets a mention for 2 reasons, under the guidance of Harry Butler, WAPET has proved that you can both use and preserve natural resources for future generations. The second reason is the Port Headland Facility is for Barrow Island (Gorgon Project) which is mainly crude, nothing to do with LNG.

    Now we get to the emotive points, valid but again misguided, Ding wants to ensure his children get a pristine coast to look at, admirable but impractical, the amount of development that has happened since I was in Broome 30 years ago means the place is no longer recognisable and in 30 years time it will be unrecognisable yet again. Nothing to do with greedy mining companies but with tourists and those that say they seek to preserve it. If Ding gets his way his children will have plenty of time to look at the coast because they will not have any chance of a job. Do you really think Australia can afford to say no to $30 billion? The natural disasters have put us in a very precarious position, plus anything that keeps money in Australia needs to be at least examined for best way forward, rather than outright refused.

    Next we get to the misinformation, 500,000 hectares? really? an area larger than Perth ?
    Sounds all nasty and bad, but entirely untrue.

    Now before I get flamed to death, I congratulate Shane, I admire his conviction and support his right to object. Democracy is defined by allowing those we disagree with to have their say, we do not have to agree.

  12. #27
    Join Date
    May 2009
    On the road


    Cuzi while I respect your right to contend my points. Some of your points are themselves invalid.

    1) The area they intend to destroy and build their bloody great industrial area on IS James Prices Point... the items I listed DO exist at James Prices Point... and WILL BE totally destroyed if this thing goes ahead

    2) The fact that Camden Sound is a nature reserve is true HOWEVER the fact that these creatures prints and other things listed DO EXIST at James Prices Point means in and of itself that it should be preserved NOT destroyed!

    3) THERE IS A LNG FACILITY AT KARRATHA!!! That lays empty and unused by its owner company BP and IS available to be used by this Woodside led consortium THAT has been made clear to the companies involved by BP itself last year

    4) What Barrow Island has to do with anything is beyond me Im afraid. This is the invalid point I refer to.

    5) I lived here 30 years ago for some years and the changes are not as vast as you would portray... yes there has of course been development that must happen in such a time period with new business ventures and in particular housing developments in the town but is still very recognizable as the Broome of 40 years ago. It still maintains the same laid back friendly attitudes that bought me here back then and keeps me here today... if development is kept to the manner in which it has progressed in the last 40 years then Broome will still retain the same qualities that draws people from around Australia and the world here in droves every year.

    6) On checking my facts with Environs Kimberley I find that indeed I was incorrect the actual hectres they are after amounts AT THIS TIME to be 25,000 yes a lot less than I first quoted... but then in my defence the FIRST hectre rate that Woodside and the government wanted was the amount of 25 hectres then it grew to 5000 hectres and now it rides at 25000 hectres... so if I may suggest that by the time they actually get around to being HONEST about how much they actually want I dont think my first figure will be far off the mark... but yes I was incorrect so apologize for that and the correct figure is PRESENTLY 25000 hectres

    As to the matter of "do you really think Australia can afford to say no to $30 billion?" I am curious as to where that figure comes from out of your back pocket? your ear? or just a number you conjured up? Its a figure that Ive not seen anywhere before in all the documentation Ive read INCLUDING the sum the government and woodside put alongside the heads of the KLC! (That for instance was in the order of $69 million) But I am curious as to where it comes from

    Do you honestly proport to suggest that without this thing being here in the Kimberley that my grandchildren will not be able to get jobs? Now you are being emotional and entirely untrue.

    It has been touted around town that "1000s of jobs will be created for locals" "100s of jobs will be created for local indiginous" "business will boom due to the needs of the gas hub" "real estate will be in high demand for the workers" and other such propaganda by both the government and woodside itself... however reality dictates that the workers WILL BE FIFO... that very few IF ANY jobs will be given to locals indiginous or otherwise... that business will NOT reap rewards from the hub as all needs will be bought in from other areas... this has happened in other areas.

    As to real estate... again lets look at Karratha... and Port Headland if you insist... rents here at present as a tourist town ride at between 700 and 1000 per week... in Karratha a mining town the rents ride at between 1400 and 2000 per week... Port Headland is around the same figure... the reason behind this is the companies rent the houses at whatever price the agent or owner sets its no big deal to the mining company... however what that does is make it IMPOSSIBLE for a local to be able to afford to rent a home in those towns and remain working outside the mining industry and given that most mining companies hire from the city some 2000klms to the south or over east the local rarely gains employment in the industry... so whats that mean to the local? SOARING rental prices for accomadation low wages as the local companies cannot afford to match or come close to the wages paid to mine workers... hence accomadation for the local becomes out of reach.

    Now... I may be an emotional passionate person I admit... but for all that I do not want the Kimberley to become the next Pilbara as our premier has stated he wants!!

    Others you included may well think its a great idea and maybe even consider it necessary... and that James Prices Point is as our premier stated not that long ago "an unremarkable piece of country"... However I personally find that offensive... and I will continue to fight this abomination being forced not only upon the true traditional owners (contrary to the so called traditional owners who signed the last "agreement in principle" with the KLC who were by the way ringins from other areas of the Kimberley bought in to ramp up the yea vote by one Gary Bergman the THEN leader of the KLC now sidelined in disgust for his lack of moral fortitude and integrity having been totally discredited by Joe Roe among others) but also upon the local community of Broome... and the community of Australia

    Finally... the community itself has come out en-masse several times now to protest this thing... until recently the business community has stayed silent on the issue but now they are also coming out protesting against it!... WHY? Because they are finally realizing and recognizing the amount of lies and propoganda that has been told them by the state government and by woodside so much so that some of the biggest and wealthiest business people in town are now becoming vocal in their objection to it... So it is that almost the entire community of Broome is against it AND both tribal groups with ties to it have of course also object to it

    But the government both federal and state drag their feet when deciding not only native title but also epa and heritage listing and other documentation that would stop this in its tracks... but then the cynic in me surfaces and its not unknown for governments and government agencies to be in the back pockets of big business is it perhaps thats why they drag their feet so... even when evidence is not only glaring them in the face but that their own offices and agencies aknowledge the uniqueness of the place and whats within the areas bounded by woodsides much vaunted "second largest gas hub in the world" second only to Quatar

    I suggest you among others check out that gas hub and overlay it on the Kimberley... Ive done it and I can tell you now its not something I want up here in such a pristine wilderness!!! AND PARTICULARILY since its NOT necessary and THERE ARE OPTIONS!!! Many of which the government and woodside simply ignored!!! Some of those far better in every way than JPP... Barnet decided on JPP and that was that no question no debate quite simply he decided without consultation or assessment that JPP was the place for the hub and additional industralization areas attached.

    Now the thing is that at present there are surveyors on the ground at the Horizontal Falls an area that the late Malcolm Douglas first presented to Australia and the world upon his first going there... the first white man to do so... the initial surveys and assessments found not only uranium but also copper at the falls... so I guess to you and others it would be okay for a mining company to go up there and totally destroy them as well?... what of the bungles? there is after all uranium copper and nickel along with some showings of gold there so why not?

    That is what Im getting at here!!! WHEN DOES IT STOP? WHEN IS IT OKAY TO SAY NO MORE?... I think now BEFORE they get the green light to totally destroy the entire Kimberely... emotive? I suppose it could be said to be... but realitically POSSIBLE given the amount of minerals that are under the ground here so like the Pilbara back in the 60s and 70s why not indeed?... anyone bothered to look at what the Pilbara has become in the last 10? 20? 30? years?... I have and IM DAMNED SURE I DONT WANT THAT HERE... oh and by the way... neither do many of the miners that come here for their R&R!!!

    I find it incredible that anyone who has been here and IF they have actually spent time at or near James Prices Point to be pro this thing... incredible and indeed sad.

  13. #28
    Join Date
    Aug 2004


    Quote Originally Posted by Wild_Dingo View Post
    That is what Im getting at here!!! WHEN DOES IT STOP? WHEN IS IT OKAY TO SAY NO MORE?...
    I really wanted to pose this question too Shane, in general terms I mean but thought it might be too off-topic. All I see is growth growth growth but when will it be enough.

    This is it, this is all we have apart from the sunlight that comes to Earth, it's an atom in the universe.

    Attachment 172876

  14. #29
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Dundowran Beach


    YYes Shane and Mic! This is so true! When will it EVER be enough??

    How many of us have really looked at the fleeting images we see on TV been absolutely agahst at the scope of the holes in the ground in WA??

    In many ways it demonstrates just how primative our economy has become.

    My limited understaning of the issue concerning the facility at Karratha and the wish for Woodside to build their own facility elsewhere is that it is an issue of control. BP would ultimately wind up being ble to control Woodside, or even lock it out of future expansion and increased profits.

    Understandably Woodside is p*&^ed off and wants to go its own way. Tony Burke ws to make a final decision on this. It is indeed a poisoned chalice for him.

    BTW, I think tony Burke and Stephen Smith are two of the better performing ministers in the current government. I think Smith did a good job as in foreign affairs and has now run into the strength of the Old Boys Club in his present role.

  15. #30
    Join Date
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    Blue Mountains


    Well I visited a friend in hospital after a massive asthma attack after the "natural" gas leak in Cambeltown recently. Coal seam gas is causing major health problems throughout rural USA and same as here, the people who live on the land have no say and there are health problems. Its coming to QLD and NSW. Somehow the government and its agencies decide and act and the population just has to suck it up. Literally.

    Onya Ding, keep it up mate, there is no grey in rape and pillage. Our turn is coming in the Sydney Basin. This stupid industry has to be stopped.
    "We must never become callous. When we experience the conflicts ever more deeply we are living in truth. The quiet conscience is an invention of the devil." - Albert Schweizer

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