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  1. #16
    Join Date
    Jul 2005


    I must agree with Peter. Just because we live in the city doesn't mean we can't live in a civilized way!

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Tolmie - Victoria


    I don't hear my neigbours and they don't hear me. I could just about use my machines any hour of any day without disturbing neighbours.

    I think people should be considerate to each other as far as noise whether it be mowers, leaf blowers, builders, loud music, barking dogs, domestic arguments or screaming kids.

    It seems to be a sad state of affairs when councils start to pass laws because people can't be considerate to each other by using common sense.

    Maybe if people are that ignorant just let them upset each other and drive each other crazy - they deserve it.
    - Wood Borer

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Mar 2006


    It really comes down to common sense, I do what I want when I want and have never had a complaint from anybody.

    Now if I couldn't mow my lawns on Sunday afternoon that I have done for the last 5 years when its cool and bearable then I would have to do it on a weeknight and I don't think my neighbours trying to get the little kids off to sleep would be to happy at all.
    I like to move it move it, I like to move it.

  4. #19
    Join Date
    Aug 2003


    Quote Originally Posted by aaa View Post
    I have must agree with Peter. Just because we live in the city doesn't mean we can't live in a civilized way!
    I think that being civilized includes tolerance to others wants too.


  5. #20
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Barboursville, Virginia USA


    Quote Originally Posted by Sturdee View Post
    As for woodworkers if they can't organize their work so that all the machining is done in the morning then they will just have to use darkside methods.

    I understand your point, but if you are counting on the average WWer to be that organized, you will be sorely disappointed. I often do not know what I will do next until I have spent considerable leaning, staring time in the shed. I can easily slip from morning to afternoon just contemplating my next process.

    [NB: I think the lawnmowers and blowers are the real culprits, anyway. I mean, no one turns on their tablesaw for a hour running. ]


  6. #21
    Join Date
    Jun 2003


    Quote Originally Posted by Honorary Bloke View Post
    [NB: I think the lawnmowers and blowers are the real culprits, anyway. I mean, no one turns on their tablesaw for a hour running. ]
    They are the real culprits to most noise disturbances as well as the noise of routers and electric hand planers, especially if they are used in a tin shed where all the noise is amplified.

    I don't have much of a problem myself with neighbours noise as I have an EPA inspector living a few houses away from us and nobody dares to exceed the noise limits when he is at home.

    but if you are counting on the average WWer to be that organized, you will be sorely disappointed.
    I must be different then for I was comparing everyone with myself. I plan my time and projects, organise the materials needed, the work flow schedule to do similar tasks all at once and minimise setup time, do all the machining in the morning and enjoy doing the quieter work in the afternoon and early evenings.

    I suppose that comes from my former life where it was essential to be organised and have an organised mind. I suppose that's what is also displayed in my workshop where everything has its place and everything is in its place.


  7. #22
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    Jan 2005


    Quote Originally Posted by ozwinner View Post
    The squeaky wheel gets the most oil, so the whingers will win out while the silent majority just take it on the chin once more.
    Ahh, yabbut Al, that'd be the noisy minority in this case - wouldn't it?

    I like the idea of a quiet day too, but the practicalities just don't work as I see them. What if you have to get a job done and it rains all day Sat and Sun morning, leaving Sun afternoon the only time to make a ruckus and achieve something?

    What if...
    What if...

    There are lots of them "if" things.

    It seems to me that when the neighbours have a "quiet BBQ" there is some loud-mouth demanding to be heard over the music, drinking more than his share, stays too late then squeals his tyres and beeps his horn as he leaves.

    Of course, there is a line between being a power tool user and a power tool abuser. I try to use the thicknesser only during the early afternoon or late morning, preferably when the lawn mowers are going. I also try to "batch" the other noise, however, I am simply not good enough, and usually find another cut needs to be done. Often I will use neander methods to keep the peace, but not always, I have my rights too.

  8. #23
    Join Date
    Aug 2003


    Quote Originally Posted by Groggy View Post
    I have my rights too.


  9. #24
    Join Date
    Jan 2005


    Quote Originally Posted by Sturdee View Post
    I must be different then for I was comparing everyone with myself. I plan my time and projects, organise the materials needed, the work flow schedule to do similar tasks all at once and minimise setup time, do all the machining in the morning and enjoy doing the quieter work in the afternoon and early evenings.
    Lol! Yep, you're different Peter . I think a lot of us just like to putz around with only a general aim in mind, with the occasional plan to follow. Having a really rigid schedule would just take all the fun out of it for me. I get that at work.

  10. #25
    Join Date
    Mar 2006


    This is ridiculous. If I want to use power tools and stay within the laws regarding noise pollution, which I believe are VERY adequate to protect the delicate sensibilities of precious city dwellers, then I'm sorry but I will. If I'm excessively noisey and inconsiderate of my neighbours (which I'm not, but I know some people are) then there are processes that can be commenced to curtail my activities. Legislating what I can and can't do in my own house/yard/workshop is well beyond the responsibility that I will willingly give to politicians.

    As an example, if I build a shed (at least, if I'm allowed to build a shed and that right hasn't been legislated away) and sound proof it so that I can run my thicknesser day and night without emitting a decibel, this proposed ban would still prevent me from using my powertools - even though I would be disturbing no-one.

    I believe in freedom. And if I have to, I'll fight for it. Everyway I need to.
    Bob C.

    Never give up.

  11. #26
    Join Date
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    In the shed, Melbourne



    I think Poppa has got it in a nutshell.
    I make things, I just take a long time.

  12. #27
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Redlands area, Brisbane


    Quote Originally Posted by Wood Borer View Post
    I think people should be considerate to each other as far as noise whether it be mowers, leaf blowers, builders, loud music, barking dogs, domestic arguments or screaming kids.
    I'll go with you up to the point of kids. There is nothing that can sometimes be reasonably (read as, lawfully!) done about the noise of children!!!

    I know, I've got two of the noisiest kids anywhere (now 11 going on 2!) but there is absolutely nothing I can do about it. It's not for want of trying. Believe me, they bug me far more than they do anybody else...

    I did have a couple of middle aged neighbours complain about my children in Sydney. Never mind that these same people were noisier than my children and woke the whole neighbourhood up at 5am every morning when they took their yelping greyhounds out to be trained. Not to mention her barbed wire voice like a cross between Pauline Hanson and Jeannie Little, on a bad day!

    If you don't like kids and their noise, there is only one solution. Move to the bush.

  13. #28
    Join Date
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    Mildura, Victoria


    Yeah, well, I reckon supporters at sporting events should cheer quietly, and soft golf balls should be use on weekends. According to some the population is ageing, and soon the majority will be 'seniors' - therefore if the majority rules, morning and/or afternoon sleep times will have to be made into 'quiet' times.


    Is there a 'sarcastic' smiley?

  14. #29
    Join Date
    Aug 2005


    Reasoned, reasonable discussion from both views - good to see.

    Unfortunately, here we are dealing with a politician - who is not doing it because he necessarily sees it as good and reasonable - his purpose is to follow his own agenda, "leave his mark" and to get [re] elected. The political animal is not known to adhere to reasoned, reasonable, logical debate/discussion.

    Should this go through then what follows -
    [and here, I'm perhaps, not being totally reasonable]

    perhaps you might need to get a licence + the appropriate fees of course

    perhaps the machines and users should be registered + the appropriate fees of course

    perhaps certain machines should be banned - we could have a "buyback" - what a novel idea.

    perhaps you should have to prove you need the machine

    perhaps we could solve the problem completely and do away with all sheds

    perhaps, perhaps, perhaps.................

    If all this goes through - Can we start on noisy motorbikes next?

    Can We, Can We, Can We, Can We,...............


    There are noise regulations etc already out there - if it really is such a problem, then, - let's get real and enforce them, deal with the offenders and leave those who do the reasonable thing alone.

    We have here the political folly of "More law will create more order"

  15. #30
    Join Date
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    Tolmie - Victoria


    Quote Originally Posted by markharrison View Post
    I'll go with you up to the point of kids. There is nothing that can sometimes be reasonably (read as, lawfully!) done about the noise of children!!!
    I'm not complaining about the normal noises kids make, most of us were kids once and the rest of us are still kids! I love kids, have two and two grand kids. There is nothing like cheering up a house with the reasonable noises of kids.

    The noise that used to upset me is spoilt little undisciplined sh&ts squealing, screaming, and making unecessary noise despite being told to turn it down by the parents. You can tolerate 30 minutes but hours on end every weekend ?

    I strongly suspect the kids are trying to get some form of attention from their parents who think loving your kids involves sending them to expensive schools, buying them expensive presents, etc when what the kids are pining for is a hug and a bit of time playing with Mum and Dad.

    An hour of backyard cricket with Mum and Dad would beat hands down the latest SMS quadraphonic on line 3D games machine with a laser pointer.

    Unfortunately these kids feel they not only have to tell Mum and Dad of their dissatisfaction but they need to tell the whole neighbourhood.
    - Wood Borer

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