I would guess it took around 200 hours from concreting in the posts until completion. I did most of the work myself, although I had a guy help me for a few hours on the couple of occasions.

Some stats:
  • Ordered 2km of cover grade decking (probably have a few hundred metres left).
  • Wastage was in the order of about 30%.
  • Used 4 species of HW : yellow stringy, turpentine, red ironbark and tallowood.
  • All of the framing is cypress.
  • Used 21 steel posts.
  • Used 21 kg of nail (all hand nailed).
  • Used 20 Lt of seasoning oil on the framing timber.
  • Used approx 13 Lt of decking oil to do the first coat.

I finally finished it on the weekend and have put 1 coat of oil on the whole thing. Now I just need to put on a second coat of oil, make a landing (to step up onto the deck), do some landscaping and some general "deck decorating" (under the appropriate supervision of course).