Quote Originally Posted by tea lady View Post
Oh hi! Actually i don't remember what the internet was like then cos I've only been on line probably for 4 years or so.

I do love what you guys are doing with living wood. I guess my comment was a bit flippant, but only referring to the statement that "nothing like this had been done before". Always a risky thing to say! But I do remember seeing living branches being woven into benches and arbors with chairs under them. Now I'll have to look through every magazine I own and find it!
Yes it's risky but what the heck, Yep I'm watching you.. I check in oh lets see........ 3 years and to make sure you are doing it.
Really I would love it if you find something, I have another site Treeshapers were I'm trying to record the history of the different artists. If you find something I like to be able to added to there. Good luck with your search.