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Thread: Castration Yes or No
2nd December 2004, 03:48 PM #16
I am a sort of advocate of the sort of treatment you guys are saying but there are some rather large issues that need addressing first. While we lived in the US a couple of cases made the papers that make you stop and think.
1. A 17 yr old part indian boy in one of the southern states was arrested, charged and convicted of the murder rape of a 7yr old. He spent 9 YEARS on death row before the real story came out. He was hated by the local sherriff, for no particular reason as he had not been a juvenile offender, and the sherriff made up all of the evidence against this kid. When the kid was arrested they put him into a cell next to the person who had really done it, who was in there on charges relating to another incident. They nearly put this kid to death and his only crime was being hated by the sherriff. If the above posts were performed he would not be alive/entire but yet he was innocent.
I beleive without actually having a source for the statistics that about 10-20% of the exocutions in the US are wrong. Another point is that this crime you talk about is the only crime that simple accusation is regarded as proof and nobody will beleive otherwise.
I have children and the thought of someone doing this to my kids makes me so mad you would not beleive, but there is a reason the Magna carta took payback out of the hands of individuals and I do think that lifetime solitary confinement is more horrible than just about any other punishment we can come up with. At least if we find out that they were innocent we know where they are.
2nd December 2004, 05:16 PM #17
You make a good and worthy point PAH1. This is an emotional subject and people understandably get emotional about it. Trying to view the evidence objectively when close to the victim would also be difficult I'd imagine.
I'd go with solitary if it was for life without parole or any privileges like letters, TV, books...etc.
HH.Always look on the bright side...
6th December 2004, 10:01 PM #18
How come?
Originally Posted by HappyHammer
Of all the filthy mongrels of this ilk, I reckon that these are the worst.
As a 10 and 11 year old I fought to keep one of these scum away from me, and I succeeded but other kids did not - hate them.
I am late coming in but it brought back bad memories and I didn't know how I would handle the subject, but thanks for the opportunity.
Peter R.
7th December 2004, 09:41 AM #19
Sorry to hear that Peter, I'm with you on the clergy or anyone praying on vulnerable kids. I hate that people in a position of trust abuse it and make people think twice about leaving their kids anywhere or taking part in activities that should be fun. Who can be trusted?.. a lot of the time family are involved's very, very, very scary.
HH.Always look on the bright side...
8th December 2004, 05:30 PM #20
May I travel with this
Originally Posted by HappyHammer
The reason we are seeing more and more adults come out with their experiences now, from when they were young, is that these days people believe them.
I spoke to a laye teacher in the School that I was at about the other 'brother' of Satan. The laye teacher said something like, 'I don't doubt what you say but if you make too much fuss the police will charge you as being a neglected child and you will be sent to a boys home'. Now that is scary for a 10/11 year old. let me tell you. I tried to tell my mother but all she said was 'it is costing me 400 pound a year in school fees, I don't want to hear any of your stories'. I don't blame her, that was the mettle of the times. A kid that had been molested in those days was given a stigma, the family was disgraced and the clergy were held unaccountable. Even the police of those days used to say 'it is a civil matter'.
I think that there were as many pedophiles in those days as there is today, only in those days they got away with it a lot more.
Peter R.