Results 16 to 30 of 54
22nd April 2006, 09:43 PM #16
It may as well all be swahili to me. :confused: I can't fathom why the rep system is needed, don't know what it means, can't work out why I have over 10,000 points, can't understand why, as a newish member of less than 6 months standing, that I rank so high at 38 or something (despite my less than auspicious start). I've read the FAQ's but still can't grasp it. Must be a Tasmanian thing.
(got in before you big island buggers with that last comment).
If you never made a mistake, you never made anything!
22nd April 2006, 10:06 PM #17
Originally Posted by Shedhand
If some blokes got more reputation than me, does that mean I should treat him differently ? .....if not, then, what do I do with it then ?
Is it a ranking system. Uno, guys with higher reputation are mean't to be agreed with more than those with lower ? .....Cause, that doesn't fit? There'd be plenty of new guys to this forum with loads more experience in certain feilds than old members.
22nd April 2006, 10:11 PM #18
More equitable rep points system - HOPEFULLY!
cyc doesn't lead the way twas a stuff up by me whilst redoing the Rep Point System. However he is high on the list and rightly so. His posts and expertise has kept these forums up and running through some major problems and has earned him much adulation and rep points.
Hopefully what I have spent most of today messing with may settle down some of the childish rubbish that has been seen over the last little while and go some way toward ending the flaming of newbies and the stacking of greens onto friends and family, etc. And don't deny it happens because the admin can see who gives who points and all the comments left. Not that we are interested. No one has bothered until recently when the children started crying.
Here is a synopsis of the new rep stuff
Default Reputation: all newbies will start with 250 rep points Unchanged
Every 30 days, users gain 1 point of reputation-altering power. Unchanged
Every 100 posts, users gain 1 point of reputation-altering power. Used to be 50
For every 1000 points of reputation, users gain 1 point of reputation-altering power. Used to be 100
A user now only has to make 1 post before his reputation hits count on others? (This is so they can hit back if flamed as has happened in the past.) Used to be 50.
User must have at least 1 reputation point for his reputation hits to count on others? Used to be 50
A user can no longer give more than 10 reputation clicks in any 24 hour period? Used to be 20
A user must now give 20 different users reputation before he/she can hit the same person again? Used to be 10
All Admin will now give and take 200 points at a time. Used to be 10 then went to 20 then same as other members which meant we had less rep power than many of the members
Moderators, (except for Oz) will give and take around 100 Al is still the user with the most rep points and for now will hand out in lots of around 150. (a drop of over 70% from before)
Moderators and Admins will only hand out rep points in accordance to the rules Using them for what they were intended and in the way intended. Would be nice if all members would do the same, but that is about as likely as me seeing world peace in my lifetime. Human nature being what it is, it just ain't gunna happen.
Most members don't realise that "Have a greenie" or "Have sent you a red" could actually be as many as 400 rep points. This can wipe out a newbie in one hit. Because of this all will have a drop in the points they send to people of at least 50% and up to 75% or even more depending on how long you have been a member.
Some of you will still be sending out 100 or more points in one hit. Use them wisely. Give them the way they were intended CLICK HERE and help the forums to grow.
Cheers - Neil
PS To stop the sniping and innuendo the rep points for admin and mods have been turned off. We don't load our own points like some of you do and even if we did we would have well and truly earned the bloody things, to anyone who honestly believes we don't earn every point we have I say............. NOTHING! You just aren't worth it.
22nd April 2006, 10:19 PM #19
Originally Posted by ubeaut
Just worked mine out both ways. A drop of around 80%! :eek: I knew I should've slung some reddies at the purple circle while they counted... if I could work out who really thought they were out thereby were actually in, that is.
- Andy Mc
22nd April 2006, 10:25 PM #20
Originally Posted by Skew ChiDAMN!!
Erhhhhhhmmmmm 7.3?
Al :confused:
22nd April 2006, 11:34 PM #21
Originally Posted by ozwinner
23rd April 2006, 12:04 AM #22
Originally Posted by ss_11000
- Andy Mc
23rd April 2006, 01:10 AM #23
Skew - Right now yours are worth 37 points per hit yesterday 150
Al - Yesterday 560, today 150
Stirlo - Yesterday 75 today 15
23rd April 2006, 01:41 AM #24
So that puts me somewhere between 37 & 150... better get busy Stirlo.
If you find a post of mine that is missing a pic that you'd like to see, let me know & I'll see if I can find a copy.
23rd April 2006, 02:26 AM #25
Clif - yesterday 265 today 88
23rd April 2006, 08:40 AM #26
Watch out for the Cliiiiifff
Photo Gallery
23rd April 2006, 09:23 AM #27
Pardon my ignorance/stupidity, but how do you find out how many points (as opposed to green/red marks) other people have? I ask out of idle curiosity, since I have never participated - it seems to me that the rep points system is a distraction from the main point of the BB, to share woodworking information.
23rd April 2006, 09:32 AM #28
This may annoy Neil, but,,,,,,,the question for me still exists....
What does this whole rep system mean ? ..... I'd probably get into it, if uno, it was like a kinda frequent flyer system. Some kind of prize for being highly regarded.....I know, maybe you could give blokes complementry jars of Ubeaut wax every 5000 reputation points they gain.I could use a new jar soon too.
23rd April 2006, 09:40 AM #29
All that and I'm still 14th.
Is there anything easier done than said?- Stacky. The bottom pub, Cobram.
23rd April 2006, 09:42 AM #30
Originally Posted by ss_11000
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