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Thread: Whose chequing yore speling?
15th January 2010, 06:35 AM #16
That, and the other catch cry of the "Y" Gen, "whatever", are the reason standards in our schools are falling to an unacceptable level. The spelling and grammar of some of the posters on these forums is so bad that I have placed several forumites on my ignore list, their posts are just too painful to read.
To grow old is inevitable.... To grow up is optional
Confidence, the feeling you have before you fully understand the situation.
What could possibly go wrong.
15th January 2010, 07:31 AM #17
Just look to the left and see, advanced fourm search
15th January 2010, 04:36 PM #18
I think in say about....Oh I don't know.....20 odd years, the internet will have its own language. Now there are about 400 internet terminologies being thrown around. To think it all started from 'lol'.
18th January 2010, 10:51 AM #19
And since when did February have a silent R.
18th January 2010, 08:49 PM #20
Our local rag used to have a regular column by Grammar Man, addressing this sort of thing. One that I've saved concerned the evolution of "a norange" and "a napron" into "an orange" and "an apron."
The funny (or not so funny) thing about all this is it looks so much worse when mis-spellings are rendered in fancy typ faeces. Oops! I just did one accidentally, so I'll leave it that way.
JoeOf course truth is stranger than fiction.
Fiction has to make sense. - Mark Twain
18th January 2010, 11:03 PM #21
No language police please.
The English language has always been a language in flux. It is a language which has been created from many others, using bits here and there as needs arise. For example we write “An hotel” because hotel is French and the H is dropped. We do not write an house. You then find people in difficulty. Is it a historic, or an historic? So should one care?
My opinion is no. The English language has changed from Yea olde worlde style to what it is now. To cling to rigid form has never been part of its history. The creation of the British Empire pulled in new words from Sanskrit etc. Even Kangaroo and boomerang were added to the language in meanings other than their origins.
So no, lets not have the correction police tutting and spluttering over variations. Let the language alone to evolve as it has done since its creation. That is what made it the dominant world language. We do not do as the French do, and have language police.
So slacken off your underpants and remove your stays. Let it all hang out.. The good will stay, the bad will go.
19th January 2010, 03:07 AM #22
Well said rrobor. Pity all didn't share the same sentiment.
That's not an error that's a deliberate plant. Taken long enough for someone to find it.
There was actually five all together, two others have already been found and it tool almost 7 years for them to both be discovered. Just goes to show how much difference it doesn't make when something is spelled wrong but looks right.
That one's been there for almost 2 years now.
Give that man a cigar.....
Suppose I'll have to fix it now it's been discovered. That leaves 2 more just about as glaring as the FOURM one. But I guess not all spelling nazis are also observant.
The other 2 have been there for over 4 years now. So there's a bit of a challenge for those of you with superior spelling knowledge, knock yourself out.
If you can't find them pull your collective heads in.If they are found the finder gets bragging rights for 10 seconds...... Then can pull his/her head in.
19th January 2010, 06:50 AM #23
Well done Neil
Aoccdrnig to rseearch at an Elingsh uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is that the frist and lsat ltteer is at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae we do not raed ervey lteter by it slef but the wrod as a wlohe.
Maybe I'll start using this little tool when I compose my next post.
To grow old is inevitable.... To grow up is optional
Confidence, the feeling you have before you fully understand the situation.
What could possibly go wrong.
19th January 2010, 08:35 AM #24
19th January 2010, 09:26 AM #25
I'm all for language evolution (it's how some of my favourite literary works, phrases and sayings came to be), but bad spelling and grammar are not part of that process. 'Bad language' actually retards the process.
It's interesting Neil brought up "spelling Nazis", yet the only ones to raise their heads were Groggy and !
I don't go around telling 'the youth of today' to put their hats on properly, or pull their trousers up (no matter how much it affronts my disposition); to do so, would be to display "Nazi" tendencies, but misuse of the English language, both spoken and written, makes it difficult for me and others to comprehend what a person is attempting to communicate.
Communication is the key here! As Grumpy John highlighted, scrambled words are still intelligible. Bad language is incoherent, scrambled or not. Modern language is as valid as it was 20, 50, 100 and 1,000 years ago, but habitual and intentional bad spelling and grammar abuse is as anti-social as graffiti and other forms of vandalism. Bad spellers and imperfect grammaticians are no different to any group that flaunt our conventions, be they road hoons or terrorists.
I'm no "spelling Nazi", I just resent lazy, ignorant, inconsiderate people's actions (or inactions) impinging my relative order – whatever form they take..
I know you believe you understand what you think I wrote, but I'm not sure you realize that what you just read is not what I meant.
Regards, Woodwould.
19th January 2010, 09:27 AM #26
In discussions about correct English, be it spelling or grammar, the old chestnut is always trotted forth. English is a living language and prone to change. In that, I agree. and it has changed. After all, at one stage I studied Middle English, the language of Chaucer, and am aware the English language is dynamic.However to hide behind such an excuse, or to use a sneering defence such as "spelling nazi " cannot hide the fact that many people are lazy minded.
Wouldwood made the point that it is where language is used in an official capacity, such as on an ATM or worse still on the dreaded tele' , that correct spelling should be corect.That is a neccesary ocassion.
One example that stays in my mind was the ABC "promo" for a show that advertised a "Grizzly Murder". I just could not bear to watch it.
Just as a post script I got caught out myself just recently. I wrote "programme" as correct spelling, only to find it was a 19th Century affectation, much like "shoppe"
Jerry .Every person takes the limit of their own vision for the limits of the world.
19th January 2010, 09:43 AM #27
Shouldn't that be "trotted out"
And of course it's "occasion" not "ocassion".
Not being picky, or a spelling nazi, just pointing out that we all make mistakes, spelling checkers not withstanding.
19th January 2010, 09:54 AM #28
19th January 2010, 10:19 AM #29
Sorry, all this proves the point as to “what do we want from life”
We are in a forum discussing wood and its uses etc. We have as members, people whose first language is not English, who did not learn laws like I before E etc.
Language is communication, it is not the art of “Showing off” or displaying ones penmanship skills. It is getting ones message across.
If a forum such as this turned into a medium where a mild error evoked screams of horror and ridicule, I’m sorry you would find it would turn the forum into a desert. One with the odd oasis of spelling freaks disrupting the blandness.
19th January 2010, 10:47 AM #30
I reely must take my tongue out of my cheek. Obviously I spelt "necessary" and "occasion" wrongly because they are two of the most constant mistakes. Also, with intent, I wrote "corect" in the same sentence as I had used "correct".
JerryEvery person takes the limit of their own vision for the limits of the world.