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Thread: Forum updates
7th December 2012, 08:48 PM #16
Looks exactly the same on my Android Tablet
7th December 2012, 08:49 PM #17
Library link does not work, goes to search instead.
Laptop is same as well but has Musical Instruments instead of Library under search box.Cheers
7th December 2012, 08:53 PM #18
Single column style is bad on iPad as well. Search box completely overlaps Musical Instruments.
7th December 2012, 09:40 PM #19
Single Column and default are the same for me. I was just getting used to the look of the last upgrade and now this, i understand the advertising, but why the new posts and tag cloud? I'd rather see them at the top of the screen and have full width posts.
I am finding the thread colours harder to read and that orange is not nice at all.
Why the change?????1915 17"x50" LeBlond heavy duty Lathe, 24" Queen city shaper, 1970's G Vernier FV.3.TO Universal Mill, 1958 Blohm HFS 6 surface grinder, 1942 Rivett 715 Lathe, 14"x40" Antrac Lathe, Startrite H225 Bandsaw, 1949 Hercus Camelback Drill press, 1947 Holbrook C10 Lathe.
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7th December 2012, 10:17 PM #20
Similar problem with my Android tablet. A workaround is to make the default font size smaller but that affects all websites visited (and wwf is the only one that needs it, so that means others are annoyingly small too). I've changed mine back and I'll live with the overlaid menus for now.
As others have mentioned, part way down, after the right hand side content ends, all the screen real estate is still lost. The threads and posts are still crammed in and each webpage is now longer than necessary.
Alternate "full site" styles don't seem any different on my tablet. Don't talk to me about mobile styles - they're just a crippled browser experience as far as I'm concerned.
I'd rather have the sponsor info across the screen instead of down.
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jimbur liked this post
7th December 2012, 10:59 PM #21
A happy camper
22 inch screen
Latest Firefox with Adblock plus enabled
Enough is enough, more than enough is too much.
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wheelinround liked this post
8th December 2012, 12:35 AM #22My ambition is to grow old disgracefully. So far my ywife recons that I'm doing quite well! John.
8th December 2012, 07:55 AM #23
Well lucky for you!!
Not everyone (the majority) is fortunate enough to have that much real estate, especially when using a tablet.
What's the point in having the New Forum Posts (On the right) when you are also viewing New Posts from the menu???And as for the position of the Tag Cloud???
Russell (aka Mulgabill)
"It is as it is"
8th December 2012, 08:34 AM #24My ambition is to grow old disgracefully. So far my ywife recons that I'm doing quite well! John.
8th December 2012, 10:03 AM #25
That cuts both ways, some of us are tied to our desk tops because we don't have a tablet ,smart phone, i'pod or any of the other "In" gadgetry.
On the other hand you are properly right because I don't want any of it or I would likely have it. But I still don't see why I should wast too much sympathy on you hard done by types.
[I won't say my heart pumps custard for you because last time I did the funny side was missed and the thread got closed.]
Enough is enough, more than enough is too much.
8th December 2012, 10:10 AM #26
New Post navigation - broken or just different ?
After you generate a list of "New Posts", how do you navigate past the first page of that list ?
At the moment my list is less than 50 so maybe there isn't enough to generate the navigation control. However, my generated list tells me it's displaying 1 to 39 of 41, then after I read a thread from that list, regenerate a new list it then tells me it's displaying 1 to 38 of 40, repeating becomes 1 to 37 of 39 and so on. I just counted the displayed list and when it says 1 to 37 of 39 there are actually 37 headings shown.
If the count is accurate, that means there seems to be no way to read the oldest of "New Posts" (at least wben it's under 50).
8th December 2012, 10:15 AM #27
Couple of thingsMore than a couple of things:
- It wasn't broken so why fix it... It was broken. We needed to change from the last skin because it was not able to be easily upgraded with vBulletin security fixes and other upgrades which have to be done from time to time. It needed a lot of extra back room work and code changes every time there was a new upgrade and even then it threw up it's own problems.
- Right hand column didn't just appear it has been on the main page ever since the last upgrade, the one with the coloured skin that many said they hated.... Sound familiar?
- Right hand column is now viewable on all pages as was the left hand columm on the old site.
- Right hand column is 30px (10mm) narrower than the left hand column that was on the old forum for around 6 years.
- Depending on your screen size... Home page is now between 15 & 20 screens shorter than it was before the last upgradeand shorter by another 6 - 10 screens than it was a day ago (depending on the skin being using).
- White background has be changed to a softer colour. Just waiting for the complaints on that.
- The search bar will be moved to where it was on the last skin above the tab bar. This will fix the squish problems with the tabs.
- The Sponsors Banners are essential to keeping these forums free and will stay on the side bar.
- For anyone with 100 posts or more the side bar will not show. With a bit of luck this will be implemented some time over the weekend.
- What works on the test site doesn't always work when you go live. So things have to be changed on the fly. This isn't always possible to do at the drop of a hat and sometimes may take a few hours to a couple of days. Remember that we who fix this stuff aren't paid and have jobs and families to tend to as well as keeping the forum members happy.
- Open your eyes, look at the big picture and maybe you will see that this is a better way and not a step(s) backwards.
- Be patient and all will be fine.
There is one Google block ad at the bottom of each page for all but new members and visitors and this doesn't go anywhere near helping to pay for the forums. Meaning those who use the forums the most, basically contribute nothing financially to the running of the forums as it is all done by visitors and sponsors.
In the past the Sponsors banners have only been seen on the main page and in the forum they sponsored. Now with the implementation of the smaller banners and the side column they might actually get their moneys worth and continue to support the forums so you the members can enjoy a free site that continues to grow.
As I have said before I never take a backwards step with the forums. It isn't a worthwhile proposition to do anything other than take forward steps. Steven, and I have heard the same "I hate it, step backward, members will leave, etc, coments before.
With every upgrade and every change that has ever been implemented since May 1999 there has been an outcry and complaints. Yet funnily enough the forums continue to grow and when the next upgrade comes people will complain again because it has changed.
Sorry but things have to change and without knowledge of what is occurring in the background members have no idea of what adversely affects these forums, nor of the many, many, countless and thankless hours of back-room work that goes into keeping them running smoothly. So suck it up. Report any problems you find and get on with the business of enjoying the forums.
I've said this before and no doubt will say it again:
These forums are free to everyone, free for you to take part in, free for you to enjoy, free for you to make friends, free for you to meet with like minded people, free for you to disagree with, and free for you to leave if you are not happy.
I hope this has addressed some problems/complaints/concerns.
Cheers - NeilKEEP A LID ON THE GARBAGE...Report spam, scams, and inappropriate posts, PMs and Blogs.
Use the Reporticon at the bottom of all Posts, PM's and Blog entries.
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8th December 2012, 10:24 AM #28
I don't know if this is what you did but if you hit "mark forum read." it starts the "new posts" list from zero again. If you don't it just keeps adding to the list and you get the usual page 1 2 3 4 > list.
Hope that's some help.Hugh
Enough is enough, more than enough is too much.
8th December 2012, 10:30 AM #29
Thanks for the post (and the forum !) Neil. It 's good to get a measure of the similarities after we get tied up in the differences.
In many ways I appreciatea quick and easy way to see the sponsor listings. Is it possible to add a "sponsor list" submenu to the Community menu or another menu that both registered users and guests ?
8th December 2012, 10:47 AM #30