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  1. #16
    ss_11000 is offline You've got to risk it to get the biscuit
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    Quote Originally Posted by Waldo View Post
    G'day Stirlo,

    If you have to show content rich sites, then sites like Adobe would have to be way up there.
    I dont have to show content rich sites but seeing as though the website I intend to create will have photoshop created and eddited images, FLASH animations, video's, interactive buttons etc etc, I would like to find sites that have similar features so I can get some Ideas and a general view of what I like and dont like in a webpage.

    The Adobe site is one that I will use

    ATM, I have analysed the following websites/pages: Hockey NSW,Hockey Aus, Hunter Hockey Forum, Gryphon hockey.
    On my list to analyse are: Stu's Shed, Adobe, Nickolodeon, Disney Channel, Chris's site, web105, Woodwork Forums, and there may be more to follow.

    Basically, I will just look at the websites and write down what I like about them and what I dont like about them. Then I will talk about what I may include or adapt from the website (wether it be an idea or a picture etc.). Then at the end of my 'Research' (after I have looked at all the pages etc), I will do a conclusion that will say what these sites have influenced me to do or not to do etc. I expect to be doing this for the next 3 - 4 weeks so I will keep updating this thread.

    I will then move onto my 'Development of Ideas' where I will draw sketches of my webpages and the whole site. To do this, I constantly need to refer back to my 'Statement of Intent' and my 'Research'.

    S T I R L O

  2. #17
    ss_11000 is offline You've got to risk it to get the biscuit
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    Quote Originally Posted by ian View Post
    Stirlo, don't take the following as a deliberate negative,

    as a user of your proposed site, I couldn't care less what YOU like or don't like in a site

    It's far more important how the site performs and appeals to ME and other potential users
    Thats a fair call. And now that you mentioned it, I dont really know why I am doing it like that besides what my teacher told us: the markers like it, if in your research you tell them what you like and dont like about the sites you visited. I will ask tommorrow about WHY we do it this way.
    Quote Originally Posted by ian View Post

    In my opinion
    down load speed – you might design the front page for a dial-up connection (as the default) and then allow the user to select their connection – Dial-up, ADSL, Cable, etc (unless of course, the site software can automaticly determine the connection type) when it comes to watching videos or downloading content
    I hate sites that scroll across the page –I Agree
    I'm quite happy to scroll down a page Me too
    colour schemes. A significant proportion of the population is colour blind — typically red-green — so you would want to avoid these coloursThanx for the tip. This may be a bit difficult because a hockey field is typically green.
    site engine – don't be cutting edge, or too tricky, as anyone with an older computer wont be able to view the contentwhat do you mean by this? The server the sites on? If so, unless I plan on publishing the site, this wont be an issue.
    I like PDF down loads, but size them for both A4 and US quarto(?) I will have PDF's available for downloading.
    navigation — I like really really obvious click on links My site will be completely user interactive with next to nothing happening without the user wanting it to happen. Also, you will never have to click on the back button or forward button etc, everything will be linked.

    S T I R L O

  3. #18
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    back in Alberta for a while


    site engine – don't be cutting edge, or too tricky, as anyone with an older computer wont be able to view the content what do you mean by this? The server the sites on? If so, unless I plan on publishing the site, this wont be an issue.

    It's not unusual for a site to "demand" that I download viewer version 9.2 to view the "all the content", presumably because the designer has used some wizzbangery in the latest version of their authoring package which then requires the latest viewer plug-in to see.


  4. #19
    ss_11000 is offline You've got to risk it to get the biscuit
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    Quote Originally Posted by ian View Post

    It's not unusual for a site to "demand" that I download viewer version 9.2 to view the "all the content", presumably because the designer has used some wizzbangery in the latest version of their authoring package which then requires the latest viewer plug-in to see.

    ah, I see what you mean now
    S T I R L O

  5. #20
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    Westleigh, Sydney


    Stirlo, also remember that some of the people looking at your site may be blind, and their screen readers can't always handle it when you try tricky things. I'll PM you the name of a bloke who may be able to give you some advice. All this is good research.
    Visit my website

  6. #21
    ss_11000 is offline You've got to risk it to get the biscuit
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    Thanx for the PM Alex

    Currently - My school computers are running Macromedia MX 2004 dreamweaver and FLASH. We have Adobe Photoshop CS. BUT: one computer does have CS4 installed on it because a student required it this year. My teacher is hopeful that by the start of next year, the school will have the licence to run it on all the computers

    Now, if I may direct you all to this website: . After seeing this website today, I have decided I would like to make my webpage exactly like that (except for the content). I know this will require CS4 which is why I am going to do alot of my portfolio before the end of this year because I wont have access to the software untill next year. Also I will need to view tutorials and video's etc....My only concern is that I wont have the familiaraity of the software on my side that I would have had with MX 2004, But if I put the effort into doing some tutorials etc I should be fine (I hope)

    thanx heaps for all your help so far guys keep it coming
    S T I R L O

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