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Thread: Skin Cancer

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    The Fabulous Gold-plated Coast.

    Thumbs down

    Quote Originally Posted by nomoe
    You have to try Can-sema (see my sig below for link). It has been the only thing that has cured my skin cancer. There is stuff at the doctors office but it's way more expensive and this works better. Good luck!
    Man, are you deluded. or worse. Please don't try and peddle this crap here.:mad:

    Warmest regards


  2. #17
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Mapleton, Queensland

    Default Skin Cancer

    I hope nomoe is not put off by the eloquent(?) ridicule and name calling, because he has introduced you to a cure (actually the North American Indians did centuries ago) that actually works without necessarily having to resort to " better" and "proven" medical solutions. Cansema has wiped out a cancer on the back of my hand in two easy applications after 3 attempts by my doctor failed to eradicate it. There is no scar left. It has removed several from my wife's arm, shoulder and back that she had been assured by a doctor and a dermatologist were gone; but were not (again, after frequent attempts by doctors to remove them with nitrogen freezing.)
    An elderly neighbour with a cancerous lesion on the top of her head quite independently told us that her doctor was treating her with Cansema and subsequently told us and showed us that it was totally gone.
    A friend of ours who is a doctor (but not our personal doctor), who enjoys the outdoors and triathalons, has had frequent skin cancers and has had them cut out. They grew back. He began using Cansema and the growths were destroyed.
    It may not work in one application : it may take several, but it works, and without the disfiguring scarring and the expense.
    By all means, seek expert advice and have your skin checked by specialists (we do), but do not turn a blind eye to a cure that actually works for cancers while the recognized medical methods do not always.
    The method of treatment is your choice .
    The web address for the curious, concerned or the self-proclaimed experts in the field is: or or simply enter alpha omega laboratories into your search engine.
    I hope no one takes Arron seriously. You are not a spokesman for the mainstream medical profession or the drug companies, are you?
    By the way, we don't sell Cansema, we simply use it for it's qualities as an effective cure.
    If you were around in the 1930's would you have put down penicillin the same way. Treating infections with a mould? Come on guys, get real.
    Ozwinner refers to research by multimillion dollar companies for cancer cures. They do this to make multi multi millions of dollars of profit.
    For example recent research shows that sugar water is just as effective as expensive cough remedies and it does not suppress the body's natural defences as these "miracle" remedies do.
    We might ask gregoryq who the deluded one is.

    P.S. Do we have to stoop to name calling to make our point?

    Good on ya, nomoe! Sorry I didn't catch your comments earlier

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    West Gippsland, Vic

    Default For Info only..

    Out of interest only, I just googled andrographis and graviola, the 2 principal constituents of Cansema and found info that states andrographis is herb known to assist the effectiveness of the human immune system. The information states it is used a traditional Chinese remedy for the common cold. Graviola is harvested from graviola trees in the amazon rainforest and is said to be effective in the treatment of cancer.

    Main Actions (in order):
    anticancerous, antitumorous, antimicrobial, antiparasitic, hypotensive (lowers blood pressure)
    Main Uses:
    1. for cancer (all types)
    2. as a broad-spectrum internal and external antimicrobial to treat bacterial and fungal infections
    3. for internal parasites and worms
    4. for high blood pressure
    5. for depression, stress, and nervous disorders
    Properties/Actions Documented by Research:
    antibacterial, anticancerous, anticonvulsant, antidepressant, antifungal, antimalarial, antimutagenic (cellular protector), antiparasitic, antispasmodic, antitumorous, cardiodepressant, emetic (causes vomiting), hypotensive (lowers blood pressure), insecticidal, sedative, uterine stimulant, vasodilator
    Other Properties/Actions Documented by Traditional Use:
    antiviral, cardiotonic (tones, balances, strengthens the heart), decongestant, digestive stimulant, febrifuge (reduces fever), nervine (balances/calms nerves), pediculicide (kills lice), vermifuge (expels worms)

    Cautions: It has cardiodepressant, vasodilator, and hypotensive (lowers blood pressure) actions. Large dosages can cause nausea and vomiting. Avoid combining with ATP-enhancers like CoQ10.

    I post this with no comment other than I am not a medical person so am not qualified in any way to comment one way or t'other on this.
    My interest is that my brother had his complete stomach removed before christmas and is currently having chemotherapy to kill off the other tumours they found when they opened him up. I guess if chemo doesn't work for him he'll try soemthing else. What would he have to lose with only 4 or 5 more years to live anyway. *Shrugs*
    If you never made a mistake, you never made anything!

  4. #19
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Mount Hutton N.S.W


    thanks for the info shed hand i go back for a check up in a month or sooner if possible
    i have a funny feeling the malignent one is back on my neck again there is a lump forming again were they cut the last out:mad:

  5. #20
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    The Fabulous Gold-plated Coast.


    [QUOTE=glenmackinnon]I hope nomoe is not put off by the eloquent(?) ridicule and name calling, because he has introduced you to a cure (actually the North American Indians did centuries ago)

    Yeah? Really. How the hell did the North American indians get stuff from the Amazon? The average age of death of skeletons examined in a wide-ranging study in the Great Lakes area was around 33.

    that actually works without necessarily having to resort to " better" and "proven" medical solutions.

    There's a reason why the scientific world insists on proof. Proof is easy-you can count, you can prove. If you can't show that the numbers of cures is not more than a statistical aberation, then it doesn't work.

    Cansema has wiped out a cancer on the back of my hand in two easy applications after 3 attempts by my doctor failed to eradicate it. There is no scar left. It has removed several from my wife's arm, shoulder and back that she had been assured by a doctor and a dermatologist were gone; but were not (again, after frequent attempts by doctors to remove them with nitrogen freezing.)

    Good. I am happy for you. No sarcasm. What is your doctor's name and phone number, and will you allow him to discuss your medical records?

    It may not work in one application : it may take several, but it works, and without the disfiguring scarring and the expense.

    Why? Is it free?

    By all means, seek expert advice and have your skin checked by specialists (we do), but do not turn a blind eye to a cure that actually works for cancers while the recognized medical methods do not always.
    The method of treatment is your choice .
    The web address for the curious, concerned or the self-proclaimed experts in the field is: or or simply enter alpha omega laboratories into your search engine.

    I hope no one takes Arron seriously. You are not a spokesman for the mainstream medical profession or the drug companies, are you?
    By the way, we don't sell Cansema, we simply use it for it's qualities as an effective cure.
    If you were around in the 1930's would you have put down penicillin the same way. Treating infections with a mould? Come on guys, get real.

    Actually, I wouldn't have. You can easily see the action of the mold on the bacteria in the petrie dish. Can the same be said of this stuff?

    Ozwinner refers to research by multimillion dollar companies for cancer cures. They do this to make multi multi millions of dollars of profit.

    Actually, since there are no cancer "cures", they don't make a zack in profits.
    Almost all direct cancer research is conducted at public institutions. This is how we end up with therapies and , now, vacines for some cancers.
    Pharmaceutical companies are busy making Viagra.

    For example recent research shows that sugar water is just as effective as expensive cough remedies and it does not suppress the body's natural defences as these "miracle" remedies do.

    What the hell do over the counter cough 'remedies' have to do with this? Everybody with a brain knows that they are mostly over-priced snake oil*, and not marketed my main stream pharmaceutical companies.
    *although they do have a powerful placebo effect.

    Well might we might ask gregoryq who the deluded one is.

    That's easy: Its the Governor General.

    I am not a Pharmaceutical company employee, nor do I play one on TV. I think that big pharma has a lot to answer for. But not about this.

    Finally, if you think that this stuff is curing or otherwise surpressing your cancerous growths then great. Thanks for sharing.

  6. #21
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    On the Downs, Darling SEQld



    I was going to mention "DEVIL'S APPLES":eek:
    but am having 2nd thoughts

    Not the Russian potatoes and their superstitions

    Who on Earth would lick Willow Bark to get rid on Headaches, is that being silly or what? :confused:

    What else is there?
    Maybe a cure for.....????????

  7. #22
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    The Fabulous Gold-plated Coast.


    Let me be clear on this:

    Almost everything that was useful in medicine originally came from a natural source. I have no argument with nature, nor with new ideas.

    I mentioned the placebo effect. It is so strong that it must be considered in experiments, and factored out with blind studies. It is real, that's why anecdotal evidence is useless. If I have ruined anybody's placebo effect with this stuff I apologise. I remember reading a study proving that vitamin C doesn't really help with colds, and now all of my colds last longer.:confused:

    To demand proof of a claim is the scientific method, and the way actual advances are made, and blind alleys avoided.

    With something as important as health care, is a little independant verification too much to ask?



  8. #23
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Holland Park, Brisbane QLD


    I would suggest that you seek medical advice (there's a reason why we have to train for so many years...). Or visit the website (or call) your local Cancer Council (non-Government, not for proft charities that are independent in their advice and reputable).

    Unproven remedies are just that - unfortunately people prey on vulnerabilities and since cancer has an average survivorship of around 63%, that means "business" to some people. Rigorous research (clinical trials that are randomised control trials - double blind peer reviewed) need to be conducted to make sure these "agents of cure" don't do more harm than good.

    If this "cure" was so great - why has it not been published in the Lancet or the New England Medical Journal - where is the international fame and fortune that comes with "cures"?? Why isn't it endorsed by the Cancer Councils, the TGA (therapeutic goods administration that approves all new drugs), the AMA (australian medical association)? You'd think pharm reps would be giving it out to GPs and swinging from the rafters!

    My advice - take caution! As a researcher working in oncology, I have heard it all - we get people ringing the Cancer Helpline with cures every day - ranging from ingestion of sea cucumbers to standing on your head for 10 mins each morning whilst smelling lavender. The one that hit the news recently was Dr Holt using microwave therapy to cure cancer - well, after the trial was conducted, his "cure" ended up doing more harm than good (as people abandoned their treatments to undertake microwave therapy instead and are now worse off in their prognosis). Don't get me wrong, I would love a cure for cancer and in fact that's what people like Professor Ian Frazer have done - funded in part by a grant from the QLD Cancer Fund - he has developed a vaccine for cervical cancer. Tried and tested - he's up for a Nobel prize! Now we just have to have treatments for the other 200 or so cancers left...

    BTW- you don't need a DRE (digital rectal examination) any more to detect an enlarged prostate! Get a blood test, which checks for PSA (prostate specific antigen) - unless you prefer the latter....


  9. #24
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Australia and France


    Have a metaphoric greenie from me Dan (I just wasted a real one on some wood stuff you did!)


  10. #25
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    The Fabulous Gold-plated Coast.


    Have a real one from me.

    Is the PSA test now accepted as all that is required? I heard a health minute on ABC radio that suggested the best protection is now a combination of the lab work and the goldfinger routine.


  11. #26
    Join Date
    May 2005


    There are some natural remidies that do work better than prescribed medicine
    For instance huon pine , if you take a piece to the shed and just touch , smell , or shape it, make something from it then it is more calming than taking any amount of valium

    Same goes for rosewood , silver oak, cedar, king billy ........

    The trouble with life is there's no background music.

  12. #27
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    The Fabulous Gold-plated Coast.


    Ha! I just saw this from Ashore on my email, and thought he had written "Viagra"

    I agree. Huon is better than Valium. Not so sure about Ibepoken


  13. #28
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Gorokan Central Coast NSW


    Quote Originally Posted by gregoryq
    . Not so sure about Ibepoken
    Well if you don't know who ubepoken then I'm darn sure I dont.

  14. #29
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    The Fabulous Gold-plated Coast.


    Sorry. I thought that was the generic name for Viagra. No?

  15. #30
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    West Gippsland, Vic

    Thumbs up

    Quote Originally Posted by Farm boy
    thanks for the info shed hand i go back for a check up in a month or sooner if possible
    i have a funny feeling the malignent one is back on my neck again there is a lump forming again were they cut the last out:mad:
    Good luck with it Farm Boy. Staying positive is half the battle.
    If you never made a mistake, you never made anything!

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