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  1. #16
    Join Date
    Aug 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Sigidi View Post
    Thanks fella's!!!

    If during your travels these morons happen to post a video of their antics you'll be able to id my bobcat with my logo and phone number etc. more eyes watching the better I say. I've chucked a request on fb, the US forum I go to also the kayaking forum I'm on - just to get as many eye's on you tube as possible...ya never know

    Anyway, I am told forensics will contact me within 24 hours of filing the report with Police and then they will determine if they will do any investigation regarding it. So should find out sometime today if I go fish it out or leave it for 'em to play with.

    Thanks again
    Al, dont touch it 'till they dust it for prints. But probably kids with no record....yet.

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Parkside - South Australia


    Quote Originally Posted by Sigidi View Post
    Anyway, I am told forensics will contact me within 24 hours of filing the report with Police and then they will determine if they will do any investigation regarding it.
    Quote Originally Posted by rustynail View Post
    Al, dont touch it 'till they dust it for prints. But probably kids with no record....yet.
    Sounds like they may not even be interested in heading out to have a look at it. Its a sad situation that incidents like this are not even considered worthy of investigation. I am sure that logging the incident on the books will come in really handy if they have a string of similar incidents and somebody hands themselves in.
    Now proudly sponsored by Binford Tools. Be sure to check out the Binford 6100 - available now at any good tool retailer.

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Nov 2004



    I've only just seen your thread.

    This is terrible. You are not having a good run with vandalism and theft. I think I would be looking into some portable cameras that you can pop in a nearby tree to monitor your milling equipment.

    It won't stop vandalism and theft, but you may (through the police) be able to catch the perpetrators. I hope you can fix up the machine without too much cost.


    "Power tends to corrupt. Absolute power corrupts, absolutely!"

  4. #19
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Gatton, Qld


    Quote Originally Posted by Sir Stinkalot View Post
    Sounds like they may not even be interested in heading out to have a look at it. Its a sad situation that incidents like this are not even considered worthy of investigation. I am sure that logging the incident on the books will come in really handy if they have a string of similar incidents and somebody hands themselves in.
    Well I left it alone, in the dam waiting for forensics and they came out the next morning at about 0700, but in his opinion it wasn't worth dusting for prints. Maintained that construction sites bread 'dust' which sticks to everything and this just means when people handle things they lift dirt rather than leave prints!!!!!! so he didn't even bother getting his powder out. Even though the site had half an inch of rain the night before, but he dusted the site office window that got smashed and also the door handle to the site office?!?!?!? go figure???

    Paul (aka Bushmiller)

    I now have four battery operated, motion activated, infra red video cameras, after the last theft I had them installed at the jobsite while I was still there milling, but as I have moved to mill at the local council dump, I didn't have them set up where Bob was, I also thought I would be done in one day looks like I am going to have to pack up everything at the end of each work day.

    I managed to get some help from a jobsite close to this one (who also had their own attention from these w@nker$, trashing their machines, smashing windows to the site office and also tagging brand new houses and driveways) to extract Bob from the dam.

    The damage to Bob was mainly cosmetic and he still turned over and drove after coming out of the dam, albeit for about a minute before he cut out. Turns out the fuel tank must've taken up silt from the driving around they did in the dam as bob will run for about a minute or two, then nothing for 4-5 hours, then a minute or two again. So for the time being to get back to work, I've bypassed the main fuel tank with a 10L jerry onboard above the back door.

    Also a mate recommended checking the oil in the chain case...well crap!!! not only was there a LOT of water in there (I opened the fill plug and it ran out solid for more than 2 min, when the level should be just reachable with the tip of your finger poked into the plug hole) but it was also a frothy/creamy mess Looks like I will have to flush it out and also replace this crappy oil - best price I've managed to get is $140 for one oil fill and I reckon I need at least two fills/flushes before getting the majority of the water/oil mix.

    To cap it off, the drain plug for the chain case and the fuel tank are a weird bung with metal insert thingo - user manual says to replace the bung when you take out the drain plug, so each flush of the chain case and fuel tank will also need new bung thingo's from Clarke Equipment.

    To get my on-board fuel tank running properly means the fuel tank needs to be flushed out, also there is a screen on the fuel pick up line which will need cleaning out. To get to the fuel tank...I have to remove the engine

    So far I've lost 3 days work getting Bob out and getting him running again, still yet to flush the chain case at $140 per flush not including parts and am having to face the prospect of pulling the engine out to clean up the fuel tank....
    I love my Lucas!! ...just ask me!

  5. #20
    Join Date
    Nov 2006


    Theses acts of mindlessness are a symptom of a very sick society..last year we had someone prowling around the farm,and they tried to pinch the motor off the lucas mill...must have been too heavy for them as they left it on the ground.It was raining that night so we never heard anything,they were very sneaky ..the dogs will greet them next time really feel for ya buddy,what a rank act they performed..they deserve a good flogging i reckon..MM

  6. #21
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Nerang Queensland


    I'm with MM, let the dogs loose on these mugs, they have no respect nor conscious.

    Don't suppose Bob is insured?
    Every day presents an opportunity to learn something new

  7. #22
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Dundowran Beach


    Al, is it possible for you to do the flushing with a mixture of kero and diesel?

    I guess if you have other productive work to do then it will pay to get someone
    to do the flushing for you.

    Have to agree with MM. A pair of hungry dorgs would be the go!

  8. #23
    Join Date
    Nov 2004


    Quote Originally Posted by artme View Post
    Al, is it possible for you to do the flushing with a mixture of kero and diesel?

    I guess if you have other productive work to do then it will pay to get someone
    to do the flushing for you.

    Have to agree with MM. A pair of hungry dorgs would be the go!

    While I agree wholeheartedly with the sentiment I'm afraid dogs will get you more trouble than they are worth. Guard dogs are almost without exception contained in a fenced area. There is a good chance that such an animal will be unable to distinguish between a passing kid and a vandal.

    Different thing entirely if you are there with the dog as presumably you have a measure of control over the animal (if not leave this option out too), but then being there negates the need for the animal unless you are set upon by a gang .

    After a day milling, you hardly have the energy left to pack up gear let alone errect fences so I don't really have a solution. Luckily I never had to contend with this type of behaviour.

    I hope that Al can get Bob going again.


    "Power tends to corrupt. Absolute power corrupts, absolutely!"

  9. #24
    Join Date
    Nov 2006


    This story goes from bad to worse, boot camp/national service or something is needed for these sorts, too easy for em to lay about on the couch all day then go and find something to wreck.

    Would an immobiliser/secret kill switch be any good, or a motion detector, it's all work and cost tho.

    I hope it all comes good Al.


  10. #25
    Join Date
    Nov 2006


    Sadly the best option, is to pack everything up at the end of the day,and take it home and be grossly inconvenienced in the process ...hope karma cathches up with ' day they will get caught doing what they do,and it may not be a dog that savages them .MM

  11. #26
    Join Date
    Jan 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by artme View Post

    Have to agree with MM. A pair of hungry dorgs would be the go!

    Release the Furry chainsaws!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Assuming we aren't talking poodles here

  12. #27
    Join Date
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    Dundowran Beach


    Yes Paul, you are right. Sometimes I let my fury get the better of me.

    I know from farming experience just how much inconvenience and damage
    these sorts of acts can cause. The same with drunk drivers who clean up your
    fences and run into your fruit trees. There's not a lot you can do about it.

    I am in favour of tougher fines and sentences for these fools. It seem to be
    the only sane way to go.Provided of course that these scoundrels can be caught!!!.

  13. #28
    Join Date
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    Gatton, Qld


    It still has me shaking my head bunch of sods.

    Anyway, bob is working for the time being...


    'outboard' fuel tank meaning Bob will run until I get parts from Bobcat to flush the fuel tank and also flush the chaincase, once that is done, mechanically all should be good, but then I still have to replace the light units and sort something to 'secure' the keystart better so it can't occur again.

    But I am leaning toward packing everything at the end of each day - that will get tiresome and tedious especially if milling in the same spot the very next day. Not to mention the extra wear and tear from dragging around the bobcat each and everyday
    I love my Lucas!! ...just ask me!

  14. #29
    Join Date
    Nov 2004



    I know I said I had never experienced this type of vandalism before and that was correct, at least in regards to timber milling. However a few years back in conjunction with SWMBO we ran a tea house and coffee shop. It was situated in an old stand alone house.

    In the first three months we were there we were broken into three times. The first time they stole the tip jar, the second time nothing, but the third time they stole the new stereo and all our CDs.

    I was incensed. Instead of travelling home each night I stayed in the tea house and armed myself with a mobile phone which had the number of the local police already punched in ready to call. I also had a rather ugly looking knife of which Rambo would have been proud.

    I had assumed I would have to keep up this vigil for some months, but I was undaunted by the prospect. One week later I was wakened by the sound of somebody trying to prise open the windows. I picked up the phone and the knife and dialed the police explaining that I could hear the burglar breaking in.

    I then put down the knife as I wasn't nearly as brave as I thought I was and it occurred to me that if I slipped it between somebody's ribs it was most likely that it would be me in trouble.

    The police arrived with lights flashing and sirens blaring.(I know it beggared belief). I heard the thief run off down the side of the house. Nobody was caught. The police dusted down the windows for prints the next day, but confided it was very difficult to obtain clear prints. Apparently it is not like CSI.

    The good thing was we never had a problem again. I suspect that because I didn't reveal myself to the burglar they didn't know what had alerted the police and were reluctant to give it another go.

    My own suspicions are that it was a juvenile delinquent .


    "Power tends to corrupt. Absolute power corrupts, absolutely!"

  15. #30
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Gatton, Qld


    Yeah Paul, its almost as though they don't want to catch them?????

    Makes you bloody angry hey?
    I love my Lucas!! ...just ask me!

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