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1st April 2008, 04:22 PM #16
2006 and still going strong
That ozwinner fella sure was smart buying that drill, and its still going strong even though he gives a good hiding now and then.
1st April 2008, 04:42 PM #17
I bought a $69 rotary hammer drill and got what
I paid for. It wasn't an Ozito but obviously came out
of the same factory.
On it's third outing (all small, light jobs), ball bearings
started appearing on the ground as the chuck self
I enquired at Bunnings about spare parts and when the
guy stopped laughing he advised me to buy another one,
an Ozito this time, for the same low price.
This one hasn't died yet but that's possibly because I
haven't used it yet.
1st April 2008, 06:03 PM #18
I had to pull up some slate recently,
went to bunnies bought ozito jackhammer $69
Worked for day, broke at about 3.00pm
Took back under warranty, replaced
Worked for day, broke at about 3pm
Over and over for a week
My $400 hitachi was in the shed, not broken.
Good deal i rekon- cheaper than a weeks hire from kennards.If you dont play it, it's not an instrument!
1st April 2008, 06:48 PM #19
1st April 2008, 07:10 PM #20
1st April 2008, 08:59 PM #21
I personally will only buy or use quality industrial use tools. For power, ergonomics and safety they are always on top in my experience. I am lucky, as I have a good friend that lives very close by, and he has a fantastic selection of woodworking tools like planer, thicknesser, power saw, compound saw etc. I on the otherhand have only metalworking tools like MIG, grinders, beltsander/ linisher, oxy etc. This way we have use of the good stuff. Not always suiting all people, but a great way to get to use only good tools that don't end up in landfill, even when used for a living daily for 10 years.
3rd April 2008, 01:00 AM #22
I've bought the odd Ozito tool on a throwaway basis when I've been out on site. (ie. I don't have all my tools at hand and an Ozito/GMC/Smiling Mongoose job down at a local Bunnies is cheaper than the fuel/time to drive home and fetch my brand-name tool)
I'm convinced that the belt sanders are utter crap. Doesn't matter which model, the tracking dies and they chew 'emselves to pieces before my next smoko.But even so are often still cheaper to buy'n'bin than the long drive home.
Definitely wouldn't bother actually taking one home though. God forbid they ever pollute my shed!
On the other 'and, shortly after a certain Brickie espoused their rotary 'ammer drill I went down to see what the fuss is about. At the time Bunnies had two different models, a smallish one (in Watts) for $69 and it's big brother (about 1600W? Don't remember without going out to look...) for $99.
I bought the $99 job and to date it has been bloody brilliant! Mainly used for drilling conc founds to chemset reo starter bars and it's done a helluva lot of 'em with no complaints whatsoever. Mind you, I tossed the SDS drill bits that came included in the bundle and spent another $100 buying just one good replacement...
So, what do I think of Ozito? 'Tis a gold-mine: 99.99% crap, but there's the occasional gold nugget if you look hard enough.
- Andy Mc
3rd April 2008, 01:27 AM #23
Ozito - my experience
4" angle grinder $39 - used just about every weekend for 5 years still going strong. Would I buy another, yes.
$69 hammer drill - used extensively for a few days and now occasionally and still going strong. Would I buy another, yes.
ROS: Purchased 2002, used extensively for about 3 months. Now noisy and vvvvvibrates liiikkkeeee buggggerrry, if I have to use it for more than 20 minutes I get a buzzy arm - go and borrow brothers Festool or used Chainsaw anti vibe gloves. Would I buy another, No.
Biscuit cutter: Purchased 2003 - Noisy and also vvvvvibrates - various adjustment screws etc broke, fell off just after warranty expired- still works in a limited way. Would I buy another, No.
12V cordless drill purchased 2004? on special for $29?: broke into several pieces when it fell onto a concrete path from an outdoor table though about taking it back but had well and truly gotten my $29 worth out of it by then. Up to then was working Ok but had to replace battery after ~10 months. Would I buy another, No.
3rd April 2008, 09:58 AM #24
I had to demo the old verandah slab and footings for the rear extension.
Hire of the Hitachi large breaker (good for 200mm thick concrete) is $100 per day. If I hired it I knew I would have to go like the clappers all day to get my moneys worth.
This was during the Adelaide heat waveand I'm not as fit as I once was so down to the big green store, did some bargaining and parted with $350 for the cheap rip off.
This way I could work for 15min then rest for 45min until 2 weeks later I finished.
I now have a machine that will break anything I need to and I was able to do it in easy stages
This time it worked. Other times I have bought the cheepie and regretted it so it just depends on your usage against cost. You have to do your own math.Don't force it, use a bigger hammer.
Timber is what you use. Wood is what you burn.
3rd April 2008, 10:28 AM #25
I have the Ozzito thicknesser and have had it over 12 months. So far no problems with it. Of course you get what you pay for but I am not expecting it to perform like a top of the range thicknesser. Hey its got a 3 year replacement guarantee. Does any of the other manufacturers offer that? I don't know, just asking.
Regarding the receipts from Bunnies that fade off after a few weeks. If you keep them in an envelope they last for quite some time but just to be on the safe side I scan the original receipt and print a copy that wont fade.Reality is no background music.
Cheers John
3rd April 2008, 12:57 PM #26
Thank you for the replies so far.
I'm still thinking about the amount of use I would put one too.
3rd April 2008, 01:14 PM #27
yes, you have to hate them. its mandatory.
buy at your peril. I am of the "buy once" school of thought. the other school doesnt have thought... thats why they buy the sheet...
put it this way - the old stanley hand plane you theoretically found at a flea sale for $20.... clean it up and lo and behold - servicable... probabkly freaking ace too! it may even be 100 yrs old or more... bewtiful... now that oshito piece of sheet...... yuo'd be lucky to get a few years out of it...
now i know that you are all saying that zed wanker.... power tools v's non power tools.... well I ahve an old black and decker power drill from my old man that I use and its still great... did I mention its 35 yrs old ? and I can use it as a circular saw too....
go on... get your cheapo crap... just one more item for landfill... whats just one more... NUthin!!!!Zed
3rd April 2008, 03:31 PM #28
I've got one of those B&D drills (that I still use all the time). I've also got the circular saw attachment, plus the original box it came in. I don't think the saw has ever been used.
I must admit that I have a passion for well build second hand/old tools. It keeps my tool costs down, while providing me with reliable tools that easily outlast the cheapies.Cheers.
Bite off more than you can chew and then chew like crazy.
3rd April 2008, 03:59 PM #29
3rd April 2008, 05:52 PM #30
I had to throw my cheap Ozito 3rd sheet sander away on the weekend, went BANG (mechanically) Big Time.
The second bang was when it hit the floor after I chucked it. (About 2 milliseconds after the original bang.)
I only had the damn thing about 10 years!
My Ozi hammer drill suit me fine.
I seldom use the hammer part, but it does wake me up occasionally when I inadvertently flick the lever.
oops! forgot to sign off.
Cheers, Ernie.
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