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  1. #16
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    the sawdust factory, FNQ


    okaaay... might be a couple of things. Straight up I'd say you're underpowered for cutting deeper cuts in serious aussie hardwood but assumign teh tractor is rated 85HP at the PTO and not the engine you shouldnt be dangerously underpowered just gutless.

    But that shouldnt make the saw hot - just slow. So before saying "bang a bigger tractor on it for a day" I think you need to figure out why its running hot, because more power to a badly set up saw is just going to make things worse.

    where was the blade getting hot? Whole plate / hot in one place / hot at the rim/ near the eye/in the body? How hot is hot? Except for the area right at the rim where tooth friction heats it a saw shouldnt be moren a couple degrees above air temperature.
    What does the surface of the sawn wood look like, both board side and log side?
    When you gig back does the saw run along the wood lifting excessive fibre?
    Have you discussed it with your saw doctor and made sure the saw tension was correct for your rim speed?
    Does the saw stand up straight when running or is there any visible flutter or deviation?
    Have you had anyone look at it who knows what they're looking at?

    That last might be a real good way to figure it out - get someone whos familiar with saws to come for a play because mostly a good benchman will pick up on whats wrong a lot easier then it can be done playing 20 questions on the internet. My gut tells me you've got a saw/lead/setup issue because you shouldnt need water on it to keep it cool.

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Apr 2000

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Apr 2000

  4. #19
    Join Date
    Apr 2000


    To be honest, I've had a lot of difficulty uploading these photos but here they are in some way or another.
    Photo1 This is the other end where the sawn board come after being cut. To the left is what is called a cyclone. I made it out of a 44 gal drum to catch the sawdust. Incredibly is works well.
    Photo2 I stand where the black padding is. The yellow table top slides past with the wood attached to it by dogs or is held in place by the hob, the circular wheel to the left and presses the wood against the depth of cut fence, the rollers to the right of the saw which is positioned for the dimention to cut. The speed of the sliding table and the hob are controlled by the black topped lever to the left of the pads.
    Photo3 Somehow this photo is basically the same as photo 5
    Photo4 This is a big pine log I cut when it was cutting at its very maximiun. It is inconceivable to even think of using the top chain saw as it is enough of a worry to cut to the max with the main saw. This was in the beginning when the mill was still set up in a temporary shed. The saw did jam and had to be freed which is time consuming and difficult. It do though in the end, cut the whole tree in a successful way so I can be thankful for that. I think that I would certainly use my Lucas mill to cut something as large as this now and resaw on the Slidetec. This tree was planted about summer 1975/6 in a good site index site and has done quite well.
    Photo 5 This is a 27ft long piece of Hoop Pine 8x3 inch I cut a few weeks ago for a job. It did this relatively easily. Hoop Pine is good to cut as it is quite soft except for the whorls and comes out straight and is almost totally fault free. The logs are loaded with the forks of the tractor from the left and onto the yellow sliding table. This piece of wood came from a middle sized HP tree in average site index planted in Dec, 1978 where there is some over stocking. I have at least made a small start to making up a loading ramp and a few posts can be seen.

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