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  1. #16
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Nowra, NSW, Australia


    Quote Originally Posted by rat52 View Post
    ..... with more power.
    Yeah, 32:1 is pretty impressive.
    ... Steve

    -- Monkey see, monkey do --

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Dundowran Beach


    When I was in scouts we had a Jamborette at Macksville showground. Pretty good turnout too.

    There was a challenge for the building of a rope bridge, the win to be awarded on the basis of how many
    scouts could occupy the bridge without the bottom rope touching the ground.

    There were two crucial elements to this construction: excellent knot work. including the use of what is now
    commonly referred to as a "truckie's" knot and a bloody good 3;2;1 holdfast.

    Well, the bridge our troop built withstood every test thrown at it. Every other bridge collapsed!!

    I have always, ever since then placed great faith in the use of ropes for construction purposes.

    Whoever the cretins are who are responsible for the laws in Queensland should have their gonads placed in a bear trap!

    I wonder if some firm has made money from the implementation of this law. Or is that being cynical??

  3. #18
    Join Date
    May 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by Chief Tiff View Post
    "It's not the responsibility of the Police to inform the public of changes in the laws."
    Combined with NSA spying, secret hearings, terrorist laws, enforced silence with threat of imprisonment and police using Gestapo/Stasi tactics it is no surprise.

    Who and what are we voting for?

  4. #19
    Join Date
    May 2007
    North of the coathanger, Sydney


    Quote Originally Posted by Chief Tiff View Post

    But what REALLY gets my goat is that the law can change and the Police force isn't obligated to inform the public. I had to undergo a "defensive driving" course last month and our instructor informed us about the latest road rule changes, and he only finds these out because he goes specifically looking for them. He dislikes the police; but even more so when he was informed "It's not the responsibility of the Police to inform the public of changes in the laws."
    I agree it is not the role of the police
    and 'ignorance of the law is not a defence'
    however it is the role of government - because for some reason they have changed the law

    it is also the role of your local automobile association

    PS it seems to me that some twit has thought up definitions of 'secured load' as a result of some horrific accident involving a load which shifted
    a typical overreaction by any government of the day!
    Last edited by Sawdust Maker; 2nd September 2013 at 09:26 PM. Reason: add PS
    veni, vidi,
    Without wood it's just ...

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