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Thread: Am I an idiot ?
16th September 2009, 10:09 PM #16
check him out...
.... have you actually found out why 'slugboy' at 25 doesn't drive...mmm
I would be checking all his credentials... doesn't seem to have a back bone...
We all do over & above for kids... its a non negotiable field... we all are guilty of this & would do it over & over...
But ... along the way lets be sensible ... if he needs checking out... do so... mmm... like the last idea also...lol... but would be worried showing any lazy oath my tool assets.
Lots of parents out here feeling for you mate...
Don't worry.. sometimes its the other way around... my son was prime target for girls with nothing....he was a big earner/ big spender & was far to generous... MUM had to watch his big pennies .... he had two houses & lots of toys... just took him some time to get the brains...... finally found a lovely young teacher... & now settled.. but for a few years I was worried.. ... thank goodness all fine now... what a difference the right one makes...!!!!
Cheers Kekemo.
16th September 2009, 10:16 PM #17
Don 't have daughters but three sons, none of whom are slug boys and for that I am thankful.
At the moment however, I am observing plenty of angst among friends and family her in Brasil who have similar issues.
We all love our children. but there is a difference between a soft heart and a soft head. Tough love is often the answer, provided it's not left for too long.
16th September 2009, 10:18 PM #18
16th September 2009, 10:51 PM #19
16th September 2009, 11:12 PM #20
16th September 2009, 11:16 PM #21
16th September 2009, 11:24 PM #22
You blew it , Phil!!
You are getting slow, Phil. 26 years old and still at home sponging off you?? Car, furniture, removal costs all met by you?? What has she been doing to pay her way in life ?
You should have made it perfectly clear that she was leaving home and that there was no returning. That day she was moving, I would have had contract painters in her room for her to see, ripping down all the posters, repairing all the dints and kick marks, and repainting the room, making it into your study or an office. Your workshop shpuld have been working overtime making new furntiture to suit. That way she would get the message that she has left home, and needs to learn to stand on her own two feet. Tough love!! She would soon realise that Slug Boy was not the ideal supportive partner she needed for this next phase of her life.
Opportunities like that only come once in a lifetime, Phil, and need to be grabbed with both hands. Looks like you allowed the status quo to be restored! Silly man.
he he he
17th September 2009, 10:42 AM #23Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I´m not so sure about the universe.
17th September 2009, 11:31 AM #24
I'm 26 i moved out of home when i was 18, owned my first house at 23 and at the moment own 2 houses (trying to sell one). I don't understand how people can make it to that sort of age and still be living with their parents.
17th September 2009, 04:07 PM #25
17th September 2009, 04:43 PM #26
Mark Twain wrote " I left home at the age of 14 due to the fact my father was such an idiot. I returned years later and was surprised to find how much the old man had learned since I left". We all over compensate for the sins we perceive our parents made, and this is classic over compensation
17th September 2009, 04:47 PM #27
17th September 2009, 05:59 PM #28Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I´m not so sure about the universe.
17th September 2009, 07:59 PM #29
17th September 2009, 08:17 PM #30
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