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  1. #16
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Left of the middle


    Sorry rgum for my last post, I jumped in early
    As Oz says deck the biggest one, I think along the same lines as Echnidna
    it's been going on to long and your the "easy" target. change jobs brother, work should be fun
    All the best Bro
    100% of all non-smokers die

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Dec 2005


    Quote Originally Posted by rgum View Post
    I've had thinners squirted in my eye
    And the next time this or a similar incident happens, leave work, citing injury and see a doctor for treatment. Ensure the doctor is aware of how this situation arose, this will be recorded in a OH&S document to be submitted to workcover.
    As soon as "your" Workcover (or equivalent) Gvt Dept receives this documentation they will be on your employers doorstep - and then the sh*t hits the fan for them!

    You really need to leave.

  3. #18


    Instead of all this namby pamby stuff, why dont you just giving him crap and start messing with his tools and head.

    Bullies, even apprentice bullies hate being challenged. Start by filling his lunch box up with some nice runny PVA and give him a sly wink over lunch

  4. #19
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Port Pirie SA


    I reckon there's nothing more fun than bullying the bully... just put the ????? up them(outsmart them, no violence as it will make you look bad), they usually fold straight away because most people who bully others are insecure in the first place.

  5. #20
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Default Act

    Quote Originally Posted by rgum View Post
    I've had thinners squirted in my eye and been spat on , both most recently and often, by a boss ( part owner ) who I get on with reasonably well. I am the target of their ( 3 of them ) attention daily. Bloody sick of it. I've asked for nearly 3 yrs for it to stop.
    I'm no solicitor but I am managing a bullying and harassment case within an organisation I'm involved in at the moment.
    Do not accept inappropriate behavior from anyone, there are regulations that protect employees as ozwinner said. Employers who condone bad behavior risk serious business disruption and cost if they ignore these matters.
    I assume your employer does not have a employee complaints policy, if they do follow it. If not ask to see the senior manager/owner and lodge and informal complaint. Insist the manager carries out an investigation and engage the parties in mediation.
    If that approach is not followed or fails lodge a formal complaint. That is in writing listing in as much detail on the incidences as possible, dates, those involved etc. The employer is then obliged to act and possibly call in an independent investigator who may recommend imposing penalties for those found to be engaged in harassment, including termination. In any event those involved will know your serious.
    Final note if not handled correctly these cases usually end in tears and rarely have any winners. Handled properly an understanding can be reached and a far better workplace will be the outcome for all.
    The bottom line is you should not have to leave!
    Cheers Mike
    "Working to a rigidly defined method of doubt and uncertainty"

  6. #21
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Regional South Australia


    And the next time this or a similar incident happens, leave work, citing injury and see a doctor for treatment. Ensure the doctor is aware of how this situation arose, this will be recorded in a OH&S document to be submitted to workcover.
    rgum. As much as you love what you do, I dont think that staying in this particular workplace is going to be healthy for you physically or mentally.

    The quiet option. Put out feelers, and try to get work somewhere else, I have heard that it is easier to get work if you are already working.

    Any documentation you have, doctors reports etc, witnesses that will support you will all be helpful if you decide to make a big noise.

    I did a google, and these links might have something to help you, even just a ph number so that you can talk to someone who knows about this stuff and can advise you.

    Whatever you do, you shouldnt have to put up with this stuff.
    Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons,
    for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.
    ....................... .......................

  7. #22
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Redlands area, Brisbane


    It's gone on too long already.

    You really need to get out of there. Life's too short to work with these sorts of di_kheads.

    I had a situation in a large company where a senior manager physically accosted me by shaking my arm. Fortunately for me he was stupid enough to do this in front of about a 100 witnesses.

    I walked downstairs and went to HR. Made a complaint and said that I wanted an apology. They were baffled that I didn't want him sacked. However, I knew this clown giving an apology would hurt even more than getting the sack.

    In any event, he was "retrenched" some months later. Followed by me some twelve months later.

    Moral of the story? You might get justice, but don't hang around anyway.

  8. #23
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Northen Rivers NSW



    Maybe spend some time posting exactly whats gone on so that you can get some good advice from those here. Posts so far are a bit cryptic.

    Give some specific examples of each in depth so that the full situation is known.

    But seriously for your own health you must do something as a matter of priority. Perhaps go and see your gp in the morning.

    good luck

  9. #24
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Blue Mountains


    As others have said. Document it, get some evidence than get out of there. After three years its too late, particularly in a smaller team. When you're out decide on the legal stuff. It would become hell if you were still there. I chopped the top of my finger off at one place and when I returned I was the pariah. Boss resented the compo, I left, he paid. No winners really,

    "We must never become callous. When we experience the conflicts ever more deeply we are living in truth. The quiet conscience is an invention of the devil." - Albert Schweizer

    My blog.

  10. #25
    Join Date
    Sep 2006

    Default Again!

    I'd like to react violently but I will suffer as a result. In what ever way. Not the right path.
    Gawwwwd Echidna! What a thing you did. Glad it solved the prob.

    There's a HUGE culture of imaturity in factory working.
    I've had my lunch taken and eaten in front of me.

    Am I providing a laugh ?

    Morn tea biscuits I bring are stolen. Why should I have to hide anything? My own personal tools left all over the factory. My lockable tool box ripped open. Tools used.
    Others who do these things encourage those who I work and see it as ok to join in. I wanna belt someone. Two people! But I then can't call in the solicitors.
    I don't wanna leave.!!!!!!!
    Management have basically ignored me. The current part owner is a lovely bloke who would never be in on it. So if I do bring a soliciter, he will suffer too. My dilema. Don't wanna hurt him. But I've also told him and!!!!! Nuthins been done grrrrrrrrr!

    I feel it's gone too far to call in Work safe peoples. I don't wanna leave but if I'm forced too I want some future wages to live on and some compo. Because they put me in this position.
    I'm asked " wheres your sense of humour ?" Yeah right.
    Things have settled a little bit. But where they can, they still humiliate me in front of anyone even if that person has never met me.
    I'm happy to get in on their fun. But I don't want to be a part of stupid things or be the only one to be targeted.

    I do not subscribe to this American maddness of litigation for really stupid things just for the sake of getting some money. Sorry to any offended!

    Has anyone been to a tribunal? A hearing. Anyone know someone who has??????

    On Brighter note..................

    ......yesterday I got my new Hammer cattledog. Yay. C3 - 31.....
    I hope. Saving...saving...saving. Gawwwdd I can't wait. But I gotta go to Portland hanging out to go. Xmas time.
    Thankyou for your replys.

  11. #26
    Join Date
    Jan 2005


    Take a spare lunch with something unsavoury inside it, maybe a cockroach. Leave it on the lunchroom table in plain view.

    Take along some TimTams laced with a good laxative.

    Fill your drink bottle with salt water and enough soft drink to colour it.

    Keep some pet Huntsmen in your toolbox. If they die, put them in a sandwich.

    As for the 'lovely bloke', part owner. If he was truly a good bloke he would look after his workers by getting off his bum and doing something. It is his responsibility to provide a safe and reasonable workplace.

    From the stuff you've described I might look elsewhere for work. One day someone will take them to the cleaners for their work practices and bullying and you know what they will say

    "No-one ever complained about this before!".

  12. #27
    Join Date
    Feb 2003


    The only way to handle it is legally

    otherwise you will get left holding the bag of poo

    Contact Ozwinners links and go from there.

    The boss must be a real nice bloke
    - he just lets it happen
    - so IT IS HIS FAULT.

    and start looking for a job in a better place

    btw its not litigation for stupid things -
    its not a joke gone wrong
    Regards, Bob Thomas

  13. #28


    Quote Originally Posted by rgum View Post

    ...and been spat on , both most recently and often, by a boss ( part owner ) who I get on with reasonably well.
    I would hate to see what happens when you dont get on with someone. This is the point it should have stopped. If someone spat on me, well...

    Quote Originally Posted by Groggy View Post
    As for the 'lovely bloke', part owner. If he was truly a good bloke he would look after his workers by getting off his bum and doing something.
    Real nice bloke ey! Dont be sucked in rgum, he is as weak as you know what. Take all the sick days owing and go look for a better job. There are heaps out there.

    Also, i wouldnt go the legal way. Even though you are in the right, the furniture industry is a small place, and once you are known as someone who has gone down that path it could limit future employment

  14. #29
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Hell with fluro lighting


    Quote Originally Posted by rgum View Post
    The current part owner is a lovely bloke who would never be in on it.
    A Comprimise would be to go to the part owner and tell him that you are being put into a position you dont wish to be in. Explain that you like him, but what is happening is ILLEAGAL, and if it continues you will have no option but to contact the workcover authorities. Let him know he is the only reason you havent already gone to the autorities. Maybe even point him to this thread and see what has been said here about what you could have done.

    Basically make it sound like you are doing him a favour, let him know the cost it will involve if it continues. The problem will be solved I guarantee you (They wont like it hitting their hip pocket nerve).

    The reason I am saying this is I was in a position where I was being treated like dirt by my imediate senior, and did nothing. It got so bad I ended up on medication just to go to work.... Dont let it go that far. DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT, if you dont nothing will ever happen, except it will get worse. (I solved it by getting a better job eventually, but way too late, and others suffered after me. The person was then redeployed after conplaints)
    I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to be.

    My Other Toys

  15. #30
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Mackay Qld


    My supervisor used to pick on every mistake I made even though they were insignificant. Typo's and other silly things and he'd bag my work in front of colleagues. It got to a point where I overheard a conversation between him and another worker and he was talking about a problem with a job and she said "Because mick ....."
    He said "no, nothing to do with mick" but it distressed me greatly, so I stood up and said can you please come into the meeting room, we need to talk.
    I outlined to him my problem and that given I still work here, my work must be satisfactory. He told me that it was and that he hadn't realised the effect of his sarcasm and smart alec remarks. He apologised and has since modified his behavior.
    It may not help, but I understand how workplace bullying affects you and I hope you reach a happier environment sooner rather than later.


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