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20th August 2007, 11:32 AM #16
yep, I have. When I was young and "curious". See no interest in it now but still not fussed that he went to one. BUT, he should have left it at that and said yep, sorry, caught out, big deal. What worries me is that he's putting his hand up to be the Prime Minister of the country and he say's publicly "I got that drunk i don't what I did or where I was" seems like the words of a follower, not a leader.
A closed mouth gathers no feet. Anon 2009
20th August 2007, 11:35 AM #17
20th August 2007, 11:39 AM #18
But he wasn't 'at work' at the time.
Certainly the public has an expectation of politicians to uphold certain standards, but unless you advocate total prohibition, and baning strip clubs altogether, then he wasn't breaking any laws.
So long as he hasn't made a habit of it, then he was just being an average Australian bloke who'd had a few too many at the time.
It kind of takes the edge off his 'Christian, family values' type image though.
That's all for the better I reckon.
20th August 2007, 11:50 AM #19I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to be.
My Other Toys
20th August 2007, 12:00 PM #20
Drunkenness and sexual immorality are both a sin in the bible. In this case Rudd chooses a lesser offence. OK it I will give him the benefit of the doubt.
Didn’t he speak to his wife afterward?
“Hi honey, guess what? I am in a strip club. Just a second gorgeous, not I mean I’ve got to go, bye. ”Visit my website at www.myFineWoodWork.com
20th August 2007, 12:04 PM #21
He now has a new adviser, Mr Bill Clinton.
“Repeat after me son, I did not have ……”Visit my website at www.myFineWoodWork.com
20th August 2007, 12:05 PM #22
But we as general dogs bodies have to adhear to the laws anywhere in the world not just here.
At work we are not allowed to even turn up in some work places with a hangover. I used toi know boiler makers who were sent home after a grogy weekend and thats back in the 70's prior DUI and workcover & OH&S policies.
Ah so when a teacher takes your kids on an excersion they after 3 pm are off duty can do what they like. They are not to be held responsible for what goes on just think if they were Interstate or OS and did this.
All inn Favour of getting the APEC guys all phissd say I.
makes me wonder how much tax payers are forking out in grog for the APEC meetings and if this isn't sly way of saying its the Aussie thing to do. Get your visitors drunk.
RRFLMAO Bush already talks bad enough sobber.
20th August 2007, 12:06 PM #23
Wrong! No such thing as off duty while travelling in an official capacity.
his employer has no claim over him.
How many times have off-field "antics" got the into strife. How much more is Shane Warne remembered for reckless handling of a SIM card? (If he'd been Indian he'd have been deported for that.)
With some jobs, comes an OBLIGATION to behave in a particular manner. Representing your country, whether in opposition or not, is one of those jobs. KR let us down. Maybe he could end up as our next John Kerr?
The religious debate is a nonsense and just clouds the issue.
20th August 2007, 12:10 PM #24
I went to one many many years ago and having bought the hostess six vodkas with orange, I observed she wasn't getting as drunk as me, so while she was absent, I tasted her drink and found it was just orange juice. So I went up to the bar and asked for the six shots of vodka to be put in the glass. The barman obliged stating "he must have forgot". The hostess skulled the glass and nearly choked. I ended up very soon after, mysteriously, at the bottom of the stairs. When I finally found my car, I noticed the headlights were still on. Say no more.
20th August 2007, 12:11 PM #25
big deal,
the bloke got and looked at a naked tart. ever wonder why ? he was probably trying to butter up (or suck up) to some other imbicile and decided to try the "common man" approach... who cares!!!!
The question that should be asked is: will this affect his ability to run the country should he become elected. Common sense says no, many pissheads have been heads of many states....
bugger what the bible sez re sin, we all know it was written by a bunch of dudes in ancient times who's prime drivers were/still are "how can we oppress the masses into subservience via a mechanism of us pretinding to be the imaginary friend's earthborne spokesman? Ahh.... lets write a bunch of contentious and confusing mishmash and say he upstairs wrote it"
If god wants us to believe he should provide every generation with a genuine miracle, and I dont mean the bunnies winning the GF this year but rather something irrefutable, lets say something like making the pope fly on international tv or hanging all terrorists by the left testicle in St Peters cathedral, or if u like parting the red sea for a month, or even popping into our direct conciosunesses and saying, "hey Midge, this is GOD Speaking... are you listening ?"
20th August 2007, 12:18 PM #26
So it's ok for him to run the country, as long as he doesn't drive me home afterwards.
I've been to a few countries run by pissheads, and understand why a lot of the former inhabitants of them now choose to live here!!
"I just want to apologise for invading New Zealand, I had had a bit too much to drink and don't remember a thing!"
20th August 2007, 12:23 PM #27
You don't have to be drunk to invade another country. Iraq?
Photo Gallery
20th August 2007, 12:26 PM #28
20th August 2007, 12:27 PM #29
A few years ago with a couple of South African mates we went to a strip club in Toronto Canada, arriving there about 11am, the South Africans were real keen - I am not sure whether they had ever seen such delights before??
The upshot is that after numerous rounds of beer, a little food, lots of gyrating flesh I fell asleep!Tony Ward
Now a power carver and living the dream.
20th August 2007, 12:31 PM #30
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