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  1. #16
    Join Date
    Jul 2010


    I purchased a Felder FB610 just prior to Christmas and its guide post too, was out of alignment, not by much and nowhere near the degree of your Laguna but enough to annoy an OCD like myself.

    It took some two hours of fettling and mucking about but now is dead straight through out its entire travel; I believe there should be away of adjusting the post?

    What I am suggesting is that very little comes out of factories and indeed showrooms today that won't benifit from a little work, even Felders.

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Jun 2005


    Has Laguna resolved this yet?

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Wongawallan, SE Qld


    Quote Originally Posted by Chris Parks View Post
    Has Laguna resolved this yet?
    Not yet Chris. The contact for Laguna in the US has advised that the distributor (Gregory Machinery) have to liaise with the manufacturer regarding manufacturing concerns but has also advised that he has elevated my concerns to his senior management (whatever that actually means) and asked me to keep himself and the Asia sales manager informed.

    Although the rep' at GregMach had been slow in responding to my emails, after I followed up again today and copied in the US contact and the Asia sales manager in my email he responded quite quickly and advised that he is waiting on their next delivery of this model of saw in 2-3 weeks to check if they display the same faults.

    He also advised that the demo' one that they have in the showroom is similar however although the circlip touches the side of the hole in the top of the framework it does still pass through it. He doesn't feel as concerned about the apparent misalignment of the frame as I do.

  4. #19
    Join Date
    Jun 2005


    If you were in the US a new machine would have arrived by now. The poor service in this country came about because there was no option available and the suppliers had the customer by the short and curlies. Copying the US into the email got an instant response but it should not be necessary and underlines the lack of response they have shown beyond the second machine. I don't suppose the rep is worried at all, it is not his money on the line! It P's me off when a supplier acts like this and does not try and actively fix the problem. I would have been on the phone to the US by now and letting them know my feelings about the whole thing. Emails are OK but I find a phone call done right establishes a relationship and definitely impresses the Americans no end. If I am buying something OS I always ring and order if I have never bought from them before. At 2 cents a minute the cost is nothing.

  5. #20
    Join Date
    May 2012


    This may be a minor point, but I was emailing Gregory Machinery a few times without answer.

    I tried the generic address on the site and received an instant answer from Rebecca. I also received an email from Tony (sales and Marketing manager) to say that the previous dude was not longer there.

    Rebecca has been a star, returns emails and queries very promptly.

    Perhaps time to fire off a new email to GM?

  6. #21
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Wongawallan, SE Qld


    Quote Originally Posted by Evanism View Post
    This may be a minor point, but I was emailing Gregory Machinery a few times without answer.

    I tried the generic address on the site and received an instant answer from Rebecca. I also received an email from Tony (sales and Marketing manager) to say that the previous dude was not longer there.

    Rebecca has been a star, returns emails and queries very promptly.

    Perhaps time to fire off a new email to GM?
    Tony said the new one's should be arriving in 2-3 weeks when he replied so I'll wait until then before following up.

    I'd like this to be the last bandsaw that I ever buy - i.e. I want it to last me the next 30 years - so I'm willing to be patient if it means I get a more measured and well considered response from both Laguna and GM.

    I'd rather spend another $1k and get something that will indeed see me out, than accept something that isn't completely right.

    I've also emailed laguna to get their thoughts on what would be involved in getting the Italian version here in Oz as there really seems to be a market for a better quality machine.

  7. #22
    Join Date
    May 2012


    I have to admit, although I've only very limited experience, that my Laguna SUV14" is absolutely fantastic. It is a very good machine and I'm very happy with the finish.

    There are a few things I'm going to make on a 3D printer to enhance dust collection directly under the table, but this is just me being a bit pedantic.

    The Resaw King is magic. I was bitterly disappointed with both the saw and blade until I actually took the time to really think about what it was trying to do. I put the teeth just forward of the tyre and now it resaws absolutely perfectly. I recently took the great pleasure of demonstrating it to a professional furniture maker. At first he was very sceptical...I pulled out a big chunk of QLD Maple and resawed off a startlingly perfect 2mm x 300mm veneer that was as smooth as a sheet of paper (it even impressed me!)

    To say he was amazed was an understatement. His look of utter disbelief proved to me it was the right choice.

    Larks, Id reckon when you get this sorted, you'll die a very old and happy man.

  8. #23
    Join Date
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    Mornington Peninsula, Vic


    Quote Originally Posted by Evanism View Post
    This may be a minor point, but I was emailing Gregory Machinery a few times without answer.

    I tried the generic address on the site and received an instant answer from Rebecca. I also received an email from Tony (sales and Marketing manager) to say that the previous dude was not longer there.

    Rebecca has been a star, returns emails and queries very promptly.

    Perhaps time to fire off a new email to GM?
    I also emailed Gregory an email from their web site "Contact Us" page with a sales inquiry several weeks ago, and I'm still waiting for a response. Yesterday after reading this I tried again using the generic address, it's only been 24 hrs, but still no response.......

    Seems my $$ will go elsewhere.

  9. #24
    Join Date
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    Rebecca D <[email protected]>

    She's a master.

  10. #25
    Join Date
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    Wongawallan, SE Qld


    I've had a response from Laguna and, very interestingly, they believe that Gregory Machinery may be importing the Italian Laguna bandsaws shortly.

  11. #26
    Join Date
    May 2013
    Somerset Region, Qld, AU.



    What's the status of this problem ?


    Manufacturer of the Finest Quality Off-Cuts.

  12. #27
    Join Date
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    Wongawallan, SE Qld


    Quote Originally Posted by AussieRoy View Post

    What's the status of this problem ?


    Hi Roy, I'm still waiting on a response from GregMach', they say they are waiting on their next shipment of this machine so they can see what they are like before commenting.

    I must say that I have lost a hell of a lot, if not all, of my original confidence with these guys.

  13. #28
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    South Australia


    Tell them you wat your money back, then go and by something made in a country that has some pride in what produce

  14. #29
    Join Date
    May 2013
    Auckland, New Zealand


    I agree with China, tell them you want your money back it's been too long it's ridiculous. It's not like it's $200 bandsaw from bunnings even it's from bunnings they would have replaced for you by now.

  15. #30
    Join Date
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    Wongawallan, SE Qld


    I don't disagree guys and am getting very frustrated with it all, however their last advice was that they were expecting to have a new shipment in and unpacked by the end of last week so I'm waiting to see the outcome of that.

    If the new shipment shows that they have rectified whatever problem they seem to have had with the last one I think I'll be happy enough to swap it over for a properly aligned saw.

    If not, or if they suggest yet more delays in coming up with a resolution, I'll be asking for a refund.

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