I live on an acergae in SEQld. We have termites in our yard, as would everyone in the neighbourhood.

Everytime we kick over a bit of wood we find them. For the first six months I was in our house (which is 14 years old) I was stressing about it.

I decided a needed a plan - a termite protection plan. An old Army buddy of mine owns a pest control company and he gave me some honest advice about chemicals and the like.

In the end I decided against using any of the chemicals that a pest controller typically would use. This was because...

My frame is cypress pine. best thing since sliced bread!
The foundations were treated with the old chemicals .
We installed termidectas (a simple dowel system that sits on your btm plates of your wall studs and are inspected every three months - by the home owner).

And using a liberal spray of something like mortein professional on the weep holes evey 3 mnths.

I also have a sacrifical pile of timber about 30 metres from the house, I know they are going to be around so they might as well be in location of my choosing.

My pest controller friend said that termites are not very hardy...any bug spary will kill them, typically though the stuff they use is aimed at letting them go back to the nest and spread the joy.