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  1. #16
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    Why should there be any set order depending on who does what for a job.

    Just because somebody does a different job to somebody else doesn't put them any higher up a "pecking order"
    That is why there are so many problems in the world today.

    So the Federal MP may have a more important job than a State MP. (I said may)
    Big deal, does this mean he is more important or that his job is.
    He gets all the reward and recognition he deserves, it is called a pay packet.

    This goes not only for the pollies but the firies, and anybody else for that matter.

    People who think they are important need to get over themselves.
    They are guests, they should be happy with that and talk when they are asked to.
    "There is no dark side of the moon really. Matter of fact it's all dark."

  2. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jack E
    People who think they are important need to get over themselves.
    They are guests, they should be happy with that and talk when they are asked to.
    The idea of who goes first is very old. In some cases it is about importance, or how close that person was to the King of the day. A Senator was closer than a councillor so obeisance was shown to the higher authority.

    I prefer to think that the Federal member represents more people so therefore should go first - ie give the majority their say.

    Regardless of what we think, I suspect Felder does not want to slight anyone who funds his activities, nor embarrass his fellow fireman.

    Australian Order of Precedence.

  3. #18
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    Red face

    Hi Felder,

    I am a member of the QLD equivelent of your RFS. I am a volunteer and I assume you are also.
    In my opinion, it is a RFS meeting, and I would of thought the RFS brass along with the heart of the organisation, the volunteers, would be given seniority.
    This seems to go against the feeling of this thread, but I would assume you are directly answerable and have most contact with the RFS brass, and not the politicians.

    It is a difficult one, good luck with your decision!

    Last edited by Buzzer; 30th May 2006 at 10:06 PM. Reason: included volunteers

  4. #19
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    Just get everyone to introduce themselves...the mad scramble amongst the councillors and MPs to get to the podium first should provide a bit of entertainment for all gathered.
    Whatever note you blow youre never more than a semitone away from the correct one....(Miles Davis)

  5. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Groggy
    Regardless of what we think, I suspect Felder does not want to slight anyone who funds his activities, nor embarrass his fellow fireman.
    Yes, you are right Groggy.

    I just felt like a bit of a rant.

    I agree that the idea of peoples importance goes back a long way.

    That is my gripe. The days of royal families actually holding any signifigance are gone but we still have all this protocol rubbish.

    People are people, no one is more important than any other, except as you say, when money is involved.

    Good luck Felder, I hope your event goes well and everybody is satisfied.

    Cheers, Jack
    "There is no dark side of the moon really. Matter of fact it's all dark."

  6. #21
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    in the navy, i think seniorority goes on the date joined the outfit. so a captain who joined on say 1\1\85 has seniorority over a captain who joined on 2\1\85. (hopefully)
    First On Race Day

    And the first brock trophy goes to...............
    and we got no "2" as well
    A FORD driver.

    ironic isnt it?

    and if ya cant win on ya own merit punt em off!!!
    holden cheater team!!!!!

  7. #22
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    I hope you take the opportunity to collar a few of the pollies and twist their arms for more money! A couple of our blokes went to a training weekend that the minister for emergency services attended and they proceeded to hassle him about all sorts of things. (Ie how about giving us some chainsaws left over from the cyclone clean up, and how about just giving us a bit more money so we're not scratching to equip our brigades etc etc). You're obviously not doing enough stirring if you can gather such an assembly of Very Important Useless People.

    "If you need a machine today and don't buy it,

    tomorrow you will have paid for it and not have it."

    - Henry Ford 1938

  8. #23
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    Hey Felder,

    I've got another one just like this which I can lend to you for your meeting.


  9. #24
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    So who goes first?

    This is my ranking and reasons

    the local State Member (Bob Debus), don't forget to include his electorate and titles — Attorney General, Minister for the Environment and Minister for the Arts — Debus comes first because you're funding is State based

    the local Federal Member (Kerry Bartlett), again include his electorate — he comes second because he's the other politician

    Commissioner (Phil Koperburg),
    Blue Mountains Fire Control Officer (Mal Koenig) — cause they are your bosses, introduce them individually

    Local councillors — depends who and how many there are. If the Mayor or deputy is there they go first, if not it's the longest serving councillor from the Ward the brigade is located in. Then the rest as a group ranked alphabetically.

    The other RFS brass may or might not be introduced. It will depend on who and how many — you don't want to spend an hour introducing everyone.


  10. #25
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    The RFS should have an etiquette book that specifies meeting etiquette. The CFA use to have one.

    In commonwealth etiquette the following applies: royalty, followed by Heads of State, Ministers, Ambassadors, High Commissioners and finally all others. Keep "others" to a bare minimum: ew.g. the Captain and any specially invited guests. It would not be expected that anyone lower than the most senior person from a government dept/organisation/brigade be mentioned (e.g. Commissioner / Minister / Mayor / Captain).

    If it is a speech with 4 or more persons to mention you could go with a pc salutation as such:
    "Your Excellencies Ministers, Councilors and Commissioner
    Distinguished Fellow Officers, Firefighers and Guests
    Ladies and Gentlemen".... (the rest of the speech will cost ya )

  11. #26
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by journeyman Mick
    Very ImportantREALLY Useless People.

    With that little addition we have a new acronym which describes poli's to a tee, I'm sure Zed will approve
    That aside, if you let Kopenberg up first, he may just put the state and feds up for a bit of money and have some pleasure in watching them trying to wriggle out.

    Edit. Half asleep VIRUP does not spell virus, sorry people, even though I think they are.
    Stupidity kills. Absolute stupidity kills absolutely.

  12. #27
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    Perhaps we could change it slightly to Very Important Really Useless Souls - or VIRUS. Now that is a shoe that fits!

    Thanks everyone for your comments, suggestions and links to websites.

    None of this would have been an issue or concern if I hadn't been pulled up for it last year. At the last AGM I asked the FCO at the time (who has now been replaced by Koenig) to address the meeting, and said in a loud enough voice for the rest of the meeting to hear him "I think you should ask the Member for Blue Mountains (Debus) to speak first".

    Generally, I'm not the sort of person who gets hung-up on protocols. I give respect where respect is due, and generally recognise when someone has a senior role over mine. If it weren't for the comment last year, I wouldn't even be asking this question.

    PS - Thanks arose62! But I might need a bigger one for this meeting.....
    Retired member

  13. #28
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    Does Koenig work for Council or the RFS?
    If the former, he follows the Mayor, if the later he follows Koperburg

    If you get any Federal funding Federal member goes first
    If it's all State funding then it's Debus

    Then Koperburg, unless Council kicks the can, when Koperburg would follow the Mayor

    I'm surprised that you are getting such a galaxy of "stars" what's going on? Is someone in line for a gong ?

    If so who will present the gong? Presumably Koperburg assisted by Debus, but check with Phil's office — his PA will know.


  14. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by ian

    Does Koenig work for Council or the RFS?
    He is an officer with the RFS, so will be introduced after the Commish.

    Quote Originally Posted by ian
    If it's all State funding then it's Debus
    'tis all State funding

    Quote Originally Posted by ian
    I'm surprised that you are getting such a galaxy of "stars" what's going on? Is someone in line for a gong ?
    Dunno about the gong? Maybe it's me?
    Nah Koperburg is a Blue Mountains resident and although he is a busy bloke he doesn't mind getting back down to the grass roots of the organisation he runs whenever he can. Personally, I really respect it. It would have to be a big change from going from strategic meetings with powerful people to going to a shambles run by a volunteer fire fighter who tries to sell woodworking machinery by day.......good on him. At least this way he will not lose touch with what is happening in individual Brigades, and the issues we face.
    Retired member

  15. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jack E
    Why should there be any set order depending on who does what for a job.

    Just because somebody does a different job to somebody else doesn't put them any higher up a "pecking order"
    That is why there are so many problems in the world today.

    So the Federal MP may have a more important job than a State MP. (I said may)
    Big deal, does this mean he is more important or that his job is.
    He gets all the reward and recognition he deserves, it is called a pay packet.

    This goes not only for the pollies but the firies, and anybody else for that matter.

    People who think they are important need to get over themselves.
    They are guests, they should be happy with that and talk when they are asked to.

    I'm not entirely sure that I agree with your points - other than that the vermin a federal and state level ought to be shown the level of respect that they deserve...

    I think that the Commissioner performs a very responsible job, and performs it well (in Koperburg's case), and as such, is worthy of respect. So also do all of the firies, professional or volunteers at all ranks.

    So, my 2c worth would be to have the Commissioner up first, with a quip from the MC as to who the firies report to, then the (wastes of space) who allocate funds, then the folks who actually do the job - they get the last word for once

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