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Thread: Triton Rubbish

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Nov 2004



    I think this issue may have been approached from the wrong direction.

    You, like many others, had researched the market and concluded that the Triton router is one of the best around. Surely all these people recommending the product can't all be wrong. Conclusion is that yours has a fault: An unacceptable fault to the extent that the supplier should either replace the machine or refund your money so you can go elsewhere and irrespective of whether you buy another Triton or chose a rival brand.

    To my mind your real complaint is the way the retailer has handled your claim and of course the fact that your project for which you bought the machine is now on hold.

    To illustrate further, I have bought in total three Ozito machines including a small router. The router performed like yours. It worked very well for about a day and then started to issue smoke and sparking from the motor. Blind Freddy could tell there was a terminal problem (no pun intended) unless he was deaf and had lost his sense of smell as well.

    I returned the machine to Bunnings explaining the problem. The bloke, who is still there, said "I'll just plug it in to check the problem." It smoked like a beauty and started to stink the place out immediately. He smiled and said, "Would you like a replacement or a refund?" As it happened I took the money and bought a different brand from Bunnings.

    The other two Ozito products are fine although are occasional users only.

    I also have the large Triton router, which I use solely for under table use. It's fine too.


    "Power tends to corrupt. Absolute power corrupts, absolutely!"

  2. #17
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Not far enough away from Melbourne


    Quote Originally Posted by Tobias View Post
    at least if you go to bunnings they give you cash back or replace straight away,
    Thats putting a lot of faith in Bunnings. When I had to take my Triton router back to them because it was an out of the box failure (that its when it doesnt work at all, not when it works for two weeks and then spits out sparks, threatens to start an earthquake and destroy the planet if not the whole solar system) and they were required by law to replace it. The law has changed since then by the way. tBunnings insisted that it was a warranty claim, which it wasn't because it never worked. I went right through that bunnings store right up to the manager before going to consumer affairs to get it resolved in accordance with the prevailing laws at the time.

    In your case, Tobias, you have your chosen retailer is following the law to the letter and trying to help you and yet you are still complaining about both the retailer and the product you bought. Every manufacturer, no matter how good their QC have a bad one sneak past. I know it is frustrating when it happens to be the one that you, yourself buy and you have to wait.

    I learned a long time ago that you cannot always control what happens to you, but you can always control how you react to it.

    Think about it.


    I got sick of sitting around doing nothing - so I took up meditation.

  3. #18
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    May 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by Tobias View Post
    derogatory one poster ha no not so i call it as i see it i guess a few of you are on the other planet where its ok that new tools just break straight out of the box, no it wasn't a cheap router bit, do i need a trade qualification to know that a sparking and smoking 2 week triton router is junk, really? or do i just ignore it until it explodes or i get electrocuted? If i got a "bad one" what does that say about triton quality control? Look it gets better it turns out its the armature, seems like a common problem, and they don't have a single spare in AUS so i have to wait 1 week to 1 month till i hear anything again, sorry not acceptable, at least if you go to bunnings they give you cash back or replace straight away, i have every right to be disappointed, my project is now on hold
    Jesus Christ man! Just ask for a refund. It's all in comment #3, there is a link specifically outlining your rights.

    You are fully entitled to a refund or replacement. Friggin man up, pick up the phone and tell them to get one ready as you are getting in the car to get either a replacement or a refund.

    Stop griping about it and just do it. You are coming accross as a bloody whinger now.

  4. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Evanism View Post
    Jesus Christ man! Just ask for a refund. It's all in comment #3, there is a link specifically outlining your rights.

    You are fully entitled to a refund or replacement.
    Not necessarily so!

    As I stated above, the retailer has every right to have the item inspected to determine if it is appropriate to repair or replace/refund. In addition to this, if the inspection determines that the item has been used inappropriately and suffered damage as a consequence then there is no requirement for the retailer to refund, repair or replace.

    It has been my experience that when someone is complaining about a situation where due process is being followed, as opposed to when they are not getting their entitled rights, it is generally because they are afraid of what might be discovered as the process is followed.


    I got sick of sitting around doing nothing - so I took up meditation.

  5. #20
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    Jun 2003


    Quote Originally Posted by Tobias View Post
    After many many hours reviewing and looking at routers i decided not to go cheap bunnings and instead go a little more expensive and buy a MOF001 Triton router which i now regret
    Tobias no doubt made his extensive research in these forums and based his decision on the many favourable reports of the many satisfied Triton owners, me included.

    What he may not realize is that we bought the routers when Triton was still owned and based in Melbourne with George Leewen, the inventor of the WC, at the helm. Since then it was sold and then again resold to GMC who went belly up.

    The new Triton stuff is now made by an English company formed by what I believe are the former owners of GMC, who retained the name and rights to all their products. They now make the old Triton stuff under a new and debased name of Triton and the rest of the old GMC products under the name of 909 and now sold through Masters.

    So buying a new Triton router is like buying a cheap Ozito for a dearer price, unlike the Triton Routers we all bought that keep on keeping on. Thus he should have bought an Ozito and then we wouldn't have this problem.


  6. #21
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    Nov 2011


    Buger which this tread at not been starred
    Just this weekend after very long(8years)and happy relationship )))
    My triton variable switch as seem to packed it in

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk 2

  7. #22
    Join Date
    Dec 2013

    Default update

    Hi guys just an update, armature parts should be coming in next week, apparently there have been around 4 send off for fixing all for the same problem, can't wait to get started on my project again and hopefully the router will be up to it.

  8. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sturdee View Post
    So buying a new Triton router is like buying a cheap Ozito for a dearer price, unlike the Triton Routers we all bought that keep on keeping on. Thus he should have bought an Ozito and then we wouldn't have this problem.
    That's a shame to hear as I too have been looking to buy a Triton MOF001, maybe I should not?

  9. #24
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    May 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by NathanaelBC View Post
    That's a shame to hear as I too have been looking to buy a Triton MOF001, maybe I should not?
    Madness. We know nothing of this poster, yet we have a rich history of Triton Love.

    I purchased my second router, a TRA001 based on the opinions here and of my triton bearing mates (which seems to be all of them). The TRA is about to live permanently under a router table.

    Can't wait to get it set up.

    If they were crap, this bunch would be the first to the pillory, but they aren't, ergo they are good.

  10. #25
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    May 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by doug3030 View Post
    I learned a long time ago that you cannot always control what happens to you, but you can always control how you react to it.
    This is the ancient view of Stoicism. Good stuff.

    You need to be stoic to be a woodworker. There are many delays, chips, dents, breakages, uncooperative woods, glues that fail, tools that the gods break at EXACTLY the moment you need them...

    Who would have thought that a router would inflame such passion! Another ancient Greek virtue...A man who lived without passion has never lived at all!

  11. #26
    Join Date
    Feb 2014


    Quote Originally Posted by Evanism View Post
    Tobias, you have not been treated fairly.

    Australian consumer law is very clear. You suffered a MAJOR DEFECT and are fully entitled to a replacement or refund.

    It is written here: Repair, replace, refund | ACCC

    Sparks, smoke and on "verge of explosion" is not a minor issue.

    Ring them and ask politely that they courier you a new one tomorrow.

    Honestly, I'm surprised at Just Tools. Their reputation alone would have had me saying they would swap instantly. It's no skin off their nose, they give you one off the shelf, toss the broken one in a box and get a credit from the supplier. 98% of industries work like this. Plus its good customer service.
    Sadly, many business don't give a damn about their reputation anymore. I purchased a high powered laptop last year that was faulty, and returned it to the independent PC store, only to be told it would be sent back to Asus and they couldn't swap it. I went down the consumer affairs route, and they are entitled to do this, because the manufacturer is still taking responsibility. I was furious at their refusal to accept that they sold me a faulty product but no amount of threats would sway the store. Funnily, in the end though, I discovered that unlike other PC manufacturers, Asus' policy is 30 days so I actually just scraped in. Alas, that sort of attitude, and the way they handled it, has lost them repeat business from not only me, but others I have mentioned this to.

    In some ways, it's probably better to buy from Bunnings because their return policy is excellent.

  12. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Evanism View Post
    If they were crap, this bunch would be the first to the pillory, but they aren't, ergo they are good.
    Oh I know Triton had a good reputation but when browsing the forums you're looking at posts dating back years and years, so was wondering if their reputation is no longer deserved given the changes in management?

  13. #28
    Join Date
    Jun 2003


    Quote Originally Posted by NathanaelBC View Post
    Oh I know Triton had a good reputation but when browsing the forums you're looking at posts dating back years and years, so was wondering if their reputation is no longer deserved given the changes in management?
    There has been three changes in ownership of the Triton brand since it was sold by George Leewin, the inventor of Triton, and the current owners are a foreign based company.

    Anyone who lives in the past and thinks that the quality and service is still the same as when George owned it is like the Ken Bruce well known in Melbourne for his own commercials.


  14. #29
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Not far enough away from Melbourne

    Default timeline?

    So can someone identify at what point in time did the Triton router go to $h!t?

    I have done a couple of google searches and I am finding information which seems to conflict with what I thought was happening. One website said that George sold TGriton to Hills in 1999. That seems too early for my recollection of what happened. What I am trying to establish is: "Did George own Triton when the first router was released? My recollection is that he was still in charge when the initial TRA001 came out, but not when subsequent smaller models emerged or when the big router was remodelled.

    The way I remember it, George owned it for all workstation releases up to WC2000, as well as the router table and stand. pretty sure that he was there for the release of the Triton saw and big router to use in the other products even though he was using non-triton brand gear in the table in the earlier videos. I believe he was not responsible for the jigsaws, sanders, rebadged bandsaws etc.

    I do not believe the Triton Router or circular saw were ever manufactured in Australia but nonetheless the earlier models were great. Can anyone pinpoint a time when the quality dropped? was it when George sold to Hills, when GMC took it over or was it under the current management?


    I got sick of sitting around doing nothing - so I took up meditation.

  15. #30
    Join Date
    Aug 2010


    [QUOTE=doug3030;1745244]So can someone identify at what point in time did the Triton router go to $h!t?

    I have done a couple of google searches and I am finding information which seems to conflict with what I thought was happening. One website said that George sold TGriton to Hills in 1999. That seems too early for my recollection of what happened. What I am trying to establish is: "Did George own Triton when the first router was released? My recollection is that he was still in charge when the initial TRA001 came out, but not when subsequent smaller models emerged or when the big router was remodelled.

    The way I remember it, George owned it for all workstation releases up to WC2000, as well as the router table and stand. pretty sure that he was there for the release of the Triton saw and big router to use in the other products even though he was using non-triton brand gear in the table in the earlier videos. I believe he was not responsible for the jigsaws, sanders, rebadged bandsaws etc.

    I do not believe the Triton Router or circular saw were ever manufactured in Australia but nonetheless the earlier models were great. Can anyone pinpoint a time when the quality dropped? was it when George sold to Hills, when GMC took it over or was it under the current management?

    George was out of it by then but his crew were still with Hills. Hills were worried that it might be a one man band and would fall apart if George left but as he told them he had a good crew. George kept up visits to Triton owners clubs etc for a long time after retiring. The saw and router were designed around that time and were promised for along time before they hit the market. I had a saw lined up for a birthday present and it was nearly the next birthday before I was able to retire my Ryoby 7 1/4" to hand held. A similar story with my router I bought the biggest one at our local hardware, a Maketa but they did not have the variable speed, when I was risking my life with out speed control the Triton router was on the horizon with all its features known but was ages before it was on the market.
    The saw and router were and still are made in Taiwan, GMC came up with a different Chinese made saw, the present owners brought back the original one and now offer both models. The 2 smaller routers came after the collapse of GMC.
    I am not all that sure there has been a drop off of quality. Well except for the wearied and wonderful stuff GMC stuck the Triton lable on.

    Sorry for the hijack of your thread and thanks for the update, I am definitely going to have to eat my words about you being a " one post wonder".


    Enough is enough, more than enough is too much.

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