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  1. #16
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Margate Tasmania


    Quote Originally Posted by Sigidi View Post
    Alrighty then....

    well after a bit of deliberation and research, everything from above is truthful.

    As 2082-2000 Heart is allowed in hardwood with a minimal dimension of 175mm either face or edge. Providing the heart is in the central 33% of the piece (ie the noughts and crosses thingo)


    Heart is defined as Juvenile wood fibres of low strength and subject to excessive distortion when drying, lower density material containing growth rings with a radius of less then 50mm.

    and further

    Heart and pith material have no effect on the strength of cypress and no special provisions for grading exist.

    Now knowing the above info regarding the definition for heart saying the heart is 100mm dia and knowing it needs to be no bigger than the middle square in noughts and crosses, this then implies a bhp cannot be smaller than 300mm and still be structural??? Can anyone else see where I'm coming from with that?
    Hey Sigidi,
    I think that you have got your maths wrong here.

    My calculations for a square post of 175mm sides provide an area of 30625 mm2.

    You state that the heart must be contained in the central 33.3% of the area. This would mean that the heart area is allowed to be a maximum of 1/3 of the above area, i.e. 10208 mm2.

    To calculate the radius of the allowable heart = square root(heart area divided by Pi)
    Using the above figures r = SQRT(10208/3.14159) = 57 mm

    Consequently the allowable heart diameter for a 175 mm square post would be 114mm.

    What do you think???

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Gatton, Qld


    Kev, I didn't do any maths other than some simple additions. What I figured was the definition for heartwood, was rings with a radius of less than 50mm or consequently a diameter of 100mm, so assuming the heart must then be contained within the middle square of nine squares of timber and the size of that square has to be a minimum of the diameter of the heart ie 100mm, and you have a grid of nine of these same sized squares then does this mean the post has to be 300mm across?

    My problem comes from the definition and diagramassociated with it. The def says 33% but hte pic shows nine equal squares in a 3x3 grid with the middle square being the area where the heart is. Now if the post is nine equal sqaures and the heart can only take up one of nine squares, the n the percentage of allowable herat is more like one ninth of total area or 11.1% recurring.

    The issue I have is the two definitions and the diagram don't mesh with each other, if taken independently, then there is no problem, but in conjuction it doesn't work??? Dunno mate, it still has me stuffed, but it does show a 175x175 square peice of timber in the diagram.

    If it wasn't for the diagram one could interpret the wording of "Heart is allowed in hardwood with a minimal dimension of 175mm either face or edge. Providing the heart is in the central 33% of the peice" as meaning you can have heart in a peice of timber if it is greater than 175mm in either face or edge size and the heart has to be located in the mid third of the peice of timber - not towards the outside of the peice. How does that sound?

    Mate it still has me a bit head scratching, will ahve to leave it for awhile anyway, have less than 5 hours til reveille til another day everyone
    I love my Lucas!! ...just ask me!

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