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  1. #16
    Join Date
    Jul 2006


    Interesting thread..!

    In the process of building a kitchen. I am about to order flatpacks from Lincoln Sentry. Are they good in terms of low formaldehyde?

    They arent that cheap but I know they are reasonable quality. Hopefully the formaldehyde is low.


  2. #17
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Kuranda, paradise, North Qld


    Extremely interesting thread! I missed it when it was forst posted as I was away on holidays and without internet access. While I was away though, I was shocked to find that thereis a large company in Brisbane bringing in entire kitchens, granite tops and all, from China. Then I found out that there was more than just the one. When I got home I picked up the local paper and found that there was a mob selling imported "stuff", you know, cheap Chinese tools etc, in Cairns. They also had an ad for cheap kitchens, with granite tops, "factory direct". I gave them a call about a hand operated walkie stacker (like a really basic hand operated forklift) and also asked them if their kitchens were made in China, reply was in the affirmative. Now besides the noted health risks there's the matter of labour effectively being imported by bringing in completed cabinets. Like others have said, this scramble for the cheapest product without regard for health or comunity wellbeing is all going to end in tears. Personally I'm not too worried about its impact on my business. I'm a one man show and own all my equipment and premises. I can't keep up with demand as it is and hav enever been without work, even when things have been really quiet. It does make me wonder how long it will be before I see a few more closing down auctions though.

    Mick (alert but not alarmed )
    "If you need a machine today and don't buy it,

    tomorrow you will have paid for it and not have it."

    - Henry Ford 1938

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Dec 2005

    Default Who to use?

    Hey P.B.

    Last time I checked, Lincoln Sentry were fabricating all their carcasses locally (a bit northish) on the Sunshine Coast.

    I can't vouch for the provenence of the board they use, but you should be able to get a direct answer about that from someone at L.S.

    Looking at their prices though, I would be suprised if it is imported, but it is still something worth checking out, as Australian made doesn't neccesarily mean made out of Australian materials.

    Mick - It just blows your socks off doesn't it?
    We keep our overheads and hence our margins as low as possible but when someone tells me they just got a quote for a two pack and granite kitchen for $3.5 K they seldom want to understand the rationale of why I can't do it for them at the same price.

    As you have observed, this trend is gaining massive momentum and expanding into many new domains. The above mentioned bargain kitchen (and everything else) buyers obviously believe that their children will not be needing jobs (or any other form of economic future) in this country.

    It's great to be getting some rational feedback on this topic.

    Much respect, all.
    Kitchen Design Consultant

    Custom and Flatpack Kitchens

  4. #19
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    ipswich Queensland (Gods backyard)


    and that is where we all have to take a stand ,OUR KIDS WONT HAVE ANY JOBS ,it will take years of recovery once this culture of buying imported crap subsides to get back to the old days of buying aussie made for our kids and grandkids ,but the governments cant see this ,but then again i have never met a lawyer or doctor that has seen what it is like on the street at night
    kind regards
    tom armstrong
    Flat Packed kitchens to the world

  5. #20
    Join Date
    Jul 2006


    Thanks guys - so who have good carcasses and doors. Lincoln sentry are checking for me.

    He did not know.

    Is there any for around the same price as LS that are good. The thing is though Ive done all my kitchen around the LS stuff.


  6. #21
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    ipswich Queensland (Gods backyard)


    lincoln sentry and for that matter all reputable manufacturers in aus use the european sizes/style of cabinet manufacture called system 32 ,and this has standardised the industry,so no matter if you bought off me or laminex os ls you will end up with the same cabinets (in theory).
    doors are doors are doors
    choose your own to suit your price range
    stay away from the chinese imports /there is a big push coming from within the industry to get the government to explain why carcinogenic products can be imported into the country but our aussie board manufacturers have safety and health issues to contend with if they make the board to the same standard,
    sybarite,renomart ,back me up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    kind regards
    tom armstrong
    Flat Packed kitchens to the world

  7. #22
    Join Date
    Dec 2005

    Default Back Up!

    Tom is spot on, and frankly, we really need some (Federal) back up on this one.

    Even my board and door suppliers reps are chewing my ear off asking me if I have seen that AELA article (which I started this thread with...)
    This situation is extremely worrisome - not just for me, but for a whole swag of industry related occupations and service providers.

    If you have a browse of some of the more popular property investor forums you will see post after post from some very self satisfied "renovators" gloating about the massive savings they are making on the cheap kitchens they are installing before selling or renting.
    Getting the message across to them about Quality, Health or the Local Economy is nigh on impossible, as it is all about maximising their personal profits.
    I am pretty sure those profits aren't spent on bringing cheap Chinese excrement into their own fact Tom is lucky enough to be in a position to attest to this - and good on him; more strength to you.

    I still can't believe that our Grubbinment is allowing (Encouraging) a blatantly substandard product to be imported and distributed in high volume direct competition to local industry.
    Of course, when it comes time for someone to be held accountable it won't be the people who made it all happen having the finger pointed at is unlikely anyone will even remember who they were.

    The industry is awash with people complaining about this, but it is my impression that there aren't many people willing to DO SOMETHING about it (or like me they don't know WHAT to do about it...)
    I have put my hand up to support any action that is initiated - but I don't have the personal resources to go campaigning by myself on this one at this stage of my business career.
    Then again, if things don't change there might not be a business to make a career out of.
    I am more than willing to host any documentation/demonstration of this issue on one of my web sites and to promote this issue as vociferously as possible.
    If someone tells me who I should go and talk to/write a letter to/beat over the head with a Chinese kitchen, to bring more attention to this issue I will do it.

    All ideas/suggestions will be considered - My limited experience with dealing in the political/governmental arena leaves me a bit uncertain of which way to take the first step.

    Respect, all.
    Kitchen Design Consultant

    Custom and Flatpack Kitchens

  8. #23
    Join Date
    Jan 2005


    Even some factories in China are now making low emission board. But who knows what board goes into there flat pack crap.

    I had looked at importing 16mm HMR Particle board from China this year an had sourced low emission product to European standards. Rather than just selling imported flat packs we were going to do flat price per sheet CNC cutting / routing service as well as edge banding. Using our own board product. But things change as so is life.

  9. #24
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    ipswich Queensland (Gods backyard)


    [quote=Gaza]Even some factories in China are now making low emission board. But who knows what board goes into there flat pack crap.

    this may be true but is the timber used for the board plantation grown therefore a renewable resource i doubt it instead the chinese will strip there forests down to the last board then plead with the rest of the world that has been activley regenerating there own forests to help them or give them more importing concessions then the whole process starts again ,we went through this with tiawan years ago ,here we go again
    kind regards
    tom armstrong
    Flat Packed kitchens to the world

  10. #25
    Join Date
    Oct 2005


    Quote Originally Posted by arms
    there is a big push coming from within the industry to get the government to explain why carcinogenic products can be imported into the country but our aussie board manufacturers have safety and health issues to contend with if they make the board to the same standard,
    sybarite,renomart ,back me up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    First off, I would suspect that the HIA - NKBA would be able to help us by lobbying the government. However, I am investigating other avenues.....

  11. #26
    Join Date
    Dec 2005


    After installing a few of the cheap chinese bathroom vanites, all I can say is that the purchasers had better enjoy the cheap price, because they certainly can't enjoy the quality.

    Chipboard where the green dye means 'green dye used in manufacture', not 'water resistant glue used in manufacture'.

    Stainless steel fittings, where 'stainless' means 'no rust visible on it...yet'.

    Paint applied in layers soooo thin that it's only just opaque, amazing "1 staple holds back of cabinet on" construction (as you discover when you happen to drill through that staple...and the back falls off), adjustable hinges with metal so soft you cant adjust the screws or the heads will cam out, drawer runners engineered with what must be a maximum load equal to the weight of the empty drawer...and I'm just waiting for the 'type tested' plumbing fittings to fail. ("ooooh but its got dual sinks...")

    Waste of natural resources if you ask me.

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