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  1. #16
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Coffs Harbour


    Good point. I would have done the same thing. Im keen to hear what the dust extraction is like. I hear the port is on the smaller side

  2. #17
    Join Date
    May 2012

    Default sorry for the long post.....

    $217 from Machinery Warehouse if you ask them if they can do a better price.

    The best place for bobbins in unquestionably the sand paper man. I went through the whole process of working this out only in March. You can get them off Amazon, but once you add the postage they are not cheaper (cos they take up space, plus not many options there either). The ones I have TSPM have lasted 3 big/long jobs each so far.... but I do give them a scrub with my Big Rubber and never sand wet or sappy stuff on it (same rules for the thicknesss sander). They are excellent quality and I would certainly buy more.

    As an aside, you would think you'd go through them like sandpaper on a ROS. This would make it evil in cost to run...but it isnt the case. The sleeves seem to last a very long time, easy to clean, plus one moves them up/down and inch on the sleeve to vary to wear, plus, swap them top to bottom. Also also, you dont need every grit under the sun. For some reason 80 and 120 leave a very good finish.... you'd go higher for fine furniture, but for shaping and removing bandsaw marks (what I mainly use it for) its a fantastic machine.... again, just the 80 and 120 and you're done (light touch with light sweeps at the end)

    Personally, on this deal, I would have gone with Timberbits.... simply because he's a local and its free postage (plus some pen guts ) - however, I did get my Triton TRA001 router from that eBay seller and it mysteriously came from.... Sydney Tools... hmmmm.

    Regarding what Delbs advises with the port, I thought that too at first. With either the big 2HP dusty and a 100-to-35mm reducer (made out of a yoghurt container (science!)) or the little auto-on shopvac it keeps everything very clean. BobL-mega-turbines seem not required on this one. If it is a hassle, it fits with two small screws and the port slides out (maybe I can print us up some 4" 3D ones in ABS )

    AussieRoy is right. This is NOT a 40 hour a week jobbie. But a tool for $200 never is. One needs to buy the next one up for $1200 for that....

    Mine is the Scheppach and I'm very happy with it (they are all IDENTICAL). It was supplied with a dicky switch and H+F shipped a new switch the very same day and it was back up at 9am. I am over-impressed with H+F.

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