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24th June 2019, 06:40 PM #16
Hi Doug3030
Been thinking about attending - guess I should just bite the bullet and commit.
I will be attending.
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24th June 2019, 08:59 PM #17
28th June 2019, 06:39 PM #18
I think I will be there plus kids
Dave TTC
The Turning Cowboy
Turning Wood Into Art
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doug3030 thanked for this post
28th June 2019, 06:54 PM #19
Hi Doug,
I will attend, it will be good to meet everyone.
Sent from my SM-G970F using Tapatalk
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25th August 2019, 06:34 PM #20
Only six weeks to go!
It's time to start working on a few details.
Lets start by looking at who's coming. I have spoken to quite a few members off forum and had a lot of them tell me they are coming but so far surprisingly few have posted it in this thread.
SO far we have:
Doug (Doug3030) and Jools
Matt (Simplicity) and Sally
Dave (Davettc) and kids
So who else is thinking about it?
We had a great day last year, so don't sit on the fence. Check your calendars and lock the day in. This is a family-friendly event, partners and kids are most welcome.
I got sick of sitting around doing nothing - so I took up meditation.
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Simplicity liked this post
25th August 2019, 07:40 PM #21
Count me in.
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doug3030 thanked for this post
25th August 2019, 07:46 PM #22
I'll go along
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doug3030 thanked for this post
26th August 2019, 10:40 PM #23
I'd have liked to come, but I'm having an operation in the week before so best if I don't commit myself. Have fun without me.
26th August 2019, 10:50 PM #24
I hope the operation goes well for you.
If you like, when I PM attendees with the address, I will include you and if you feel up to it, feel free to drop in, even if it's just for a short visit.
And if you don't feel up to it we can, as you said, still have fun without you.
To update, we have:
Doug (Doug3030) and Jools
Matt (Simplicity) and Sally
Dave (Davettc) and kids
So who else is coming?I got sick of sitting around doing nothing - so I took up meditation.
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justonething liked this post
2nd September 2019, 10:15 AM #25
I am learning, slowley.
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2nd September 2019, 10:53 AM #26
Please add Michelle and I as possibles
Great minds discuss ideas,
average minds discuss events,
small minds discuss people
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15th September 2019, 10:11 PM #27
Three weeks to go til the premier event on the Melbourne Woodwork Social Calendar.
Everyone is invited to bring along something for a Show and Tell. Maybe a project you have made or are working on, an interesting tool or piece of timber or anything else woodwork-related.
If you have any surplus tools or timber to swap or sell, bring them along. They might just be what someone else is looking for.
Bring yourselves and a sense of humor and a few stories to share.
We are asking people to bring their own folding chairs if they have them. We do have chairs but probably not enough to go around, so please help out if you can.
More details next week.
To update the attendance list:
Doug (Doug3030) and Jools
Matt (Simplicity) and Sally
Davein OZ and Michelle
That bloke who turns up at GTG's whose name we dare not mention.
Dave (Davettc) and kids
Brian (Homey)
So who else is coming?
I got sick of sitting around doing nothing - so I took up meditation.
16th September 2019, 08:16 PM #28
Definitely will be there - Bob and Maureen
Last edited by Oldgreybeard; 16th September 2019 at 08:16 PM. Reason: Can't type
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16th September 2019, 10:12 PM #29
Hi Doug, my attendance is looking less likely. I hoped that I would be in city the day of and around your BBQ.
Now it seems I will be too far away and distracted by other important matters to attend.
Likelihood of my attending is only 10-20%, if I were to quantify it. Sorry mate!
I know you will all have a GREAT TIME. Maybe next year mate.
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doug3030 thanked for this post
29th September 2019, 12:30 PM #30
OK, one week to go.
Time to start filling in the important details.
The GTG will run from 11am to 4pm. Don't forget it is the day that Daylight Savings kicks in so don't get caught out.
As has happened in the past I will be providing a basic sausage sizzle lunch. Others are welcome to bring along food to share or to satisfy their own dietary requirements. Sally and Matt have indicated that they will be bringing along some of Sally'amazing baked goods. Feel free to contribute in any way you like.
Those of you who have attended my gatherings previously will know that there is no expectation that anyone is required to contribute. You never really know anyone else's personal circumstances so nobody will be passing judgement on whether anyone else contributes or the value of their contribution. Some people like to be generous and others are not in a position to contribute at all. Everyone is welcome and I would not like to think that someone chose not to come because they could not afford to contribute something. All are welcome and NOBODY will be judged.
Because this thread has been around for a while and some people have not posted in it for a while, I ask for everyone to confirm their attendance again so that we have an up to date list and a better idea of numbers for catering etc. Just a quick post in the thread or by PM saying you are still coming will suffice. Maybe an idea of what you might be bringing towards lunch if you choose to do so. If you are not coming but have earlier indicated that you would be here a short post advising of this would be appreciated too.
Attendee numbers are likely to exceed available seating so please bring your folding chairs if you have something suitable.
Everyone is encouraged to bring along something for show and tell - an unusual tool, a small project you are working on, even something you want help or advice on. unusual timber or anything of interest to a group of woodies.
Also if you have any excess tools or timber you wish to try to swap or sell bring them along. Pagie said he had some excess handsaws,but I'm not sure he will be bringing them.
That's the basics for now. More fine details to follow later. Please don't forget to confirm your attendance.
Looking forward to a great day.I got sick of sitting around doing nothing - so I took up meditation.
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