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  1. #16
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    HEYFIELD Victoria


    I might have to give the Atoma a try, sounds to be faster from what I read. (if I can afford to spend even more money on sharpening)
    I was using quality W&D under running water so there was no clogging on the paper but maybe I should change the sheet more often. As I said this was just the initial flattening of the stone, I hadn't even used it yet, it still has a low spot on one corner but I don't have time to flatten for another hour or so. I've used veritas silicon grit on glass before and it usually results in a dished out piece of glass pretty quickly.

    Maybe if I soaked the stone for a few days it will be softer but at this stage it seems pretty hard to flatten on W&D as I said I had sore arms and legs from squatting at the water tank tap for so long under running water while trying to hold a large piece of glass and the stone. I'm turned off sharpening for a while now and on to other things but i'll give it another go some day. If I keep my stone in water I'm worried it will go mouldy or full of slime as I hardly ever use it. I've heard some people use a few drops of bleach in the water, hopefully this will not damage the stone.
    I don't like the idea of having water stored in the cupboard near my tools (which I have in there to protect from rust) and don't have room to leave it out anywhere getting covered in dust.

    Maybe I'm just being fussy but it seems a hassle to me, I want to enjoy sharpening or it will never get done.
    Thanks for all your ideas.

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Melbourne, Aus.


    With W&D or loose grains you only need a little water. It's just a matter of keeping the abrasive from clogging. It should not be a messy matter. A paste like sloppy toothpaste is my signal.
    Cheers, Ern

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