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View Poll Results: Do you want to see Metalwork Forums moved from Woodwork Forums to it's own web site.

122. You may not vote on this poll
  • YES

    61 50.00%
  • NO

    43 35.25%

    18 14.75%
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Results 16 to 30 of 61
  1. #16
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Not far enough away from Melbourne


    I cannot see it being a bad thing. I concentrate mainly on woodworking, but I find that there is a LOT of metalwork I have to do to support my woodworking habit.

    I generally just let the metalwork posts pass me by in the recent posts ans just lately there seem to be a hell of a lot more of them than there used to be. I would rarely answer anyones questions in metalwork as I do not consider myself qualified to do so so there is no reason for me to read them unless something particularly catches my eye.

    When I need assistance/information to assist me with a metalwork task, I know where to find it and as I understand it this resource will still be available to me.

    With the metalwork forum growing rapidly, I feel it may well be time to unshackle it and let it stand alone and grow in its own direction. For my part I will be happy to know it is still there for when I need it.


    I got sick of sitting around doing nothing - so I took up meditation.

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Oct 2011



    I just voted. The results are close.

    I like the fact that the MWF is in a WWF. I think it does keep a few tools out of the forum. I do also like to have a look at some of the other forums without having to go to another site. But I do see the benefits of splitting just not sure.


  3. #18
    Join Date
    May 1999
    Grovedale (Geelong) Victoria


    I have seen a few people saying "I don't have time to go to another forum" or similar

    It wouldn't take any longer to go to the new site than it would to go from, an open page in say, General Woodwork, to the full Metalwork Forums on WWF unless you logged out from the new forum or Woodwork Forums and had to log back in. Even then it shouldn't take any more than maybe 10 seconds including your log in time.

    Admittedly you would have to leave WWF to go to Metalwork..... But hey you have to leave one forum to go to another now the only difference is, you currently don't have to leave the site.

    The new forum will be a fraction of the size of WWF and so it should load almost instantly, way faster than WWF which is currently averaging around around 3-4 seconds at it's worst.

    I wonder if people should be saying they don't have the inclination, rather than don't have the time.
    Maybe it's more a case of "I don't like change", or "If it ain't broke don't fix it!"

    It is going to cost a lot of money and time to set up and get working properly and I'm not too keen on spending money on something that won't work. To date pretty well everything I've done has been to the benefit of the forums and the members. As I've said in the past when big things have happened (and a lot of big things have happened here over the past 16 years). I don't do anything that I feel will be to the detriment of the forums or the members

    Bottom line:
    If it doesn't work it can always be switched back to Woodwork Forums.
    Cut the losses, lick the wounds, shake it off and say: "OK what's next!"
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  4. #19
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Armidale NSW


    Quote Originally Posted by ubeaut View Post
    But hey you have to leave one forum to go to another ...
    No you don't. All the posts are listed on the new posts list. It a convenience thing ... sure it doesn't take long to open a new tab, log in, go to the new posts list, etc, but as I browse sporadically during the day, it just becomes a hassle to keep opening extra tabs, logging in etc to check multiple forums.

    At the end of the day it's your sandpit and you can do as you please (and I feel it's already been decided anyway) .... we are not the forum's customers, we are the goods for sale.

    Bite off more than you can chew and then chew like crazy.

  5. #20
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    se Melbourne


    On Woodwork Forums I would not expect to find too much of metal work so a split has a lot of merit.

    With regards to Renovate Forums I still look at it occasionally, but as with any forum the members comments can make or brake it. I find certain members comments derogative, and after a few threads what they say becomes repetitive. As yet I have not found this in Woodwork Forums.

    $$ I guess there would be companies prepared to sponsor a forum titled Metal Work, but not Woodwork.

  6. #21
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Australia east coast


    I don't really care. Generally I read/post here to keep up with what the rest of the Aussie nutcases are up to, I rarely bother with the woodworking side. If it went away because metalworking was in its own space, fine. If things stay as they are, fine.


  7. #22
    Join Date
    Feb 2015

    Default As is.

    I prefer it as is, I think the reason MWF gets so much more traffic than other metal work forums is simply because there is such a plethora of forums located within this site a simple click on the mouse allows you to move from one to another seemlessly. I think you would actually see less traffic if it was changed.

  8. #23
    Join Date
    Aug 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Chesand View Post
    I voted in favour of splitting as there now seems to be more metal working threads than wood working and I have to pick my way through them. I am not into metal working but very occasionally I might read a thread so it would not bother me if they stayed together.
    I was confused by this comment, until I realised that people were using the new posts link up the top - which I've never used on any forum of this size and diversity, as it would take me entirely to long to sift through all the posts of stuff I'm not all that interested in reading.

    I clicked it out of curiousity, and counted 7 posts from the metalworking section in the first 150 results, with an enormous spread of results from other quite varied sub forums thrown in - I'm curious as how many people would actually read posts from ALL those different subforums? I wonder if its possible or desirable to implement a function for members to filter out 'New post' results from certain sub forums (not just Metalwork!) that they are not really interested in? Makes no difference to me as I don't use it, but perhaps some other forumites might like that option?

    Quote Originally Posted by ubeaut View Post
    • I'm also sure that many in the Metalwork Forum don't go outside of the Metalwork Forum now and I reckon there are some that don't even know there is a woodwork section attached to their Metalwork Forum, even thought the header says "WOODWORK FORUMS".
    • People are more likely to look for metalwork info in a Metalwork Forum rather than on a woodworking site and probably give it more credence.
    Both of those are very true. I occasionally browse through certain other areas of WWF to find out information on something else, but for the most part I check in solely on the Metalwork section, and that alone. Not even the welding section most of the time, despite having quite a keen interest and a good selection of welders at my disposal.

    And on the second, it took me some time at beginning of my machining journey to actually think 'Why does this woodworking site constantly come up whenever I look for information on lathes and mills", and then click on it and start reading. Which in that regard, tends to make me agree with others who are thinking the atmosphere will change quite a bit if the name of the site is more explicitly to do with metalwork. Whether that's likely to be good or bad, I'm not so sure....

  9. #24
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Horsham Victoria


    Quote Originally Posted by BobL View Post

    One of the losers are most likely to be the woody members who occasionally stumble across useful metal related posts but might not be prepared to go visit the metal working site. Also the occasional woody does ask metal related questions but new members may not realise they can do this. My impression that it's less likely the other other way around. Good cross linkages will help. .
    I would miss the metal aspect. Stilk reading the eest of the losts but i know for myself i have benefoted by browsing metal threads and asking a question or two over here

    Dave TTC
    Turning Wood Into Art

  10. #25
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Murray Bridge SA


    Quote Originally Posted by sacc51 View Post
    I prefer it as is, I think the reason MWF gets so much more traffic than other metal work forums is simply because there is such a plethora of forums located within this site a simple click on the mouse allows you to move from one to another seemlessly. I think you would actually see less traffic if it was changed.

    I prefer it as is also. I scroll through the various sections and learn a lot, plus I add a comment where warranted, sometimes a tongue in cheek comment. I spend on an average about 3 hrs per night going back and forth through the whole forum, as my enjoyment is both wood and metal, even after 45 years in the steel fabrication industry.
    Thanks to Neil Ubeaut, for putting a fantastic forum together and to all the moderators as well.

  11. #26
    Join Date
    Feb 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by Jekyll and Hyde View Post
    I was confused by this comment, until I realised that people were using the new posts link up the top - which I've never used on any forum of this size and diversity, as it would take me entirely to long to sift through all the posts of stuff I'm not all that interested in reading.
    It depends how many times you check the site during the day. It sounds stupid or obvious but the more often you check then the less time is needed to keep up and the less likely there is of missing an interesting post. I check the site often enough so that (unless I am away for the whole day) the new posts are rarely more than one page - usually only half a page. That way I can check just about every message that comes through that might be of interest to me. It doesn't mean I read everything, just checking what is coming through.

    I clicked it out of curiousity, and counted 7 posts from the metalworking section in the first 150 results
    It varies quite a bit - I just checked and there were 12 metal working related posts out of the first 150 but a few times I have seen as many as 50% of the posts being MW related.

    I'm curious as how many people would actually read posts from ALL those different subforums? I wonder if its possible or desirable to implement a function for members to filter out 'New post' results from certain sub forums (not just Metalwork!) that they are not really interested in?
    I have thought that would be useful as well

  12. #27
    Join Date
    May 1999
    Grovedale (Geelong) Victoria

    Default Activity Stream and New Mesages:

    For those who are worried that they will miss out on Metalwork Forum updates if they are on WWF.

    • All posts and threads made on MWF will show on WWF as RSS feed in the "closed for posting" Metalwork section.
    • All posts and threads made on MWF will appear as they are made in the Activity Stream and New Posts (almost instantly).

    In the over all scheme of things nothing much will change at all other than the new site and the fact that MWF won't be lost the myriad of woodworking and other forums. It will have it's own identity, a life of it's own free from the constraints of Woodwork Forums and able to grow into whatever the members want it to be.

    Hopefully it will grow into a wonderful resource of knowledge, help and friendship for the metalworkers of Australia and further afield. Something that can be used by schools, hobbyists, enthusiasts, armatures and professionals alike all sharing the same passion.

    Sorry.... Got a bit carried away there.

    Cheers - Neil
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  13. #28
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Gold Coast


    I, like BobL, scan the forums via the New Posts avenue. I find it easy and efficient and keep an eye on the diverse interesting things going on here. The only time I look at a specific forum page is to post a new thread, otherwise I make the decision to drop into a thread purely on the basis of the thread title.

    Although I am not a metalhead, there are many cross platform topics of interest. Something like how to grade or sharpen old drill bits is just as pertinent to woodworkers as it is to metalworkers. I wonder which forum say sawmaking threads should end up in, afterall it is metal working for woodworkers isn't it? I can't say I'm ever going to rebuild old metalwork mills etc, or go on tours of the Hadron Collider workshops but threads like that are interesting to dip in and out of as well.

    To be honest since joining WWF I don't really keep active membership of other multiple forums. The breadth of topics and helpful local people here is enough to keep me here and not waste more internet time scanning myriad other forums. I have for instance rarely visited the Renovate forums since they were spun off and when I've gone there it is really just as a seeker of information rather than continuing an active participance.

  14. #29
    Join Date
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    Horsham Victoria


    The renovate forum does not show in any feed anymore here does it?

    I used to follow it but since it no longer shows i only go there if i have to. I post some stuff here that i might have posted there if it wete stikk attached.

    I scan all new posts like BobL and read quite a lot of sub forums that i would not if it did not cone up in the timeline feed

    Dave TTC
    Turning Wood Into Art

  15. #30
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Armidale NSW


    Quote Originally Posted by ubeaut View Post
    For those who are worried that they will miss out on Metalwork Forum updates if they are on WWF.

    • All posts and threads made on MWF will show on WWF as RSS feed in the "closed for posting" Metalwork section.
    • All posts and threads made on MWF will appear as they are made in the Activity Stream and New Posts (almost instantly).

    As posts do for the reno forums?

    Bite off more than you can chew and then chew like crazy.

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