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  1. #16
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Kentucky NSW near Tamworth, Australia


    Quote Originally Posted by echnidna
    So does that mean that every time we fart our roof deteriorates.
    Only if you haven't got ceiling in your house or if your working in your shed and you stink like a pig.

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Kentucky NSW near Tamworth, Australia


    Quote Originally Posted by IanA

    Well answered.

    Lysaght produced heaps of good literature. One example is their booklet titled "Steel Roofing and Walling Installation Manual".

    Do you know if there are current reprints available of any of these publications. If so I would recommend them to anone faced with a re-roofing job.

    I also remenber seeing some excellent stuff on the effects of runoff from inert catchments, such as Zincalume, Colorbond and tiles, but can't locate my copy.

    Here you go, download your own personal copy and the same for anyone else wanting to put up their own roof and wall cladding.

    There is a loads of information on the BlueScope® Steel and Lysaght® web site including free down loads.

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    maybe next door


    Quote Originally Posted by Barry_White
    Also because of the fanatical heritage wankers.
    OOOOhh - bit sensitive arent ya Bazzza - you still a LysaghtTM rep?
    Why dont they make Z800 galv anymore just out of interest??
    And you wouldnt be calling me a fanatical heritage wankerTM now would ya?
    I prefer the look of galvanising and laying the sheets out from the centre out on a symmetrically shaped roof in a tiled pattern makes more sense aesthetically but when you talk to fanatical salesman wankersTM they cant understand it.
    Last edited by capedcrusader; 26th December 2004 at 01:08 AM.

  4. #19
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Kilmore, near Melbourne, Australia


    OY! Don't forget about us regular wankersTM too!!!!
    Last edited by RETIRED; 26th December 2004 at 11:07 AM. Reason: You forgot the TM:D
    Kilmore (Melbourne-ish)

    ....catchy phrase here

  5. #20
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Kentucky NSW near Tamworth, Australia


    Quote Originally Posted by capedcrusader
    I prefer the look of galvanising and laying the sheets out from the centre out on a symmetrically shaped roof in a tiled pattern makes more sense aesthetically but when you talk to fanatical salesman wankersTM they cant understand it.
    Quote Originally Posted by capedcrusader
    And you wouldnt be calling me a fanatical heritage wankerTM now would ya?
    Sorry capedcrusader but that comment was not directed to you personally.

    Quote Originally Posted by capedcrusader
    OOOOhh - bit sensitive arent ya Bazzza - you still a LysaghtTM rep?
    I haven't got a sensitive bone in my body and I am no longer a Lysaght® Rep.and after 11 years I decided it was time to retire but I do appreciate your point of view and I understand that every one has preferences in life. The problem with a lot of heritage people is that they are fanatical and have cost a lot of people a lot of money because they slap heritage orders on propertys without the thoughts of some of the people that own them and want to modernise their property's.

    What you have to remember is that what some of these heritage wankers do is have heritage orders placed on property's that they don't have a financial interest in.

    What this does sometimes it devalues the property and stops people from having their choices in life and the only way around it for them is to sell at a loss.

    It would be a very dull world if every one wanted the exact same thing. Me personally I like all new things and love new technology. I know this is not for everyone but I don't believe that what I like or dislike should cost any one else for what they like or dislike.

    Quote Originally Posted by capedcrusader
    Why dont they make Z800 galv anymore just out of interest??
    The laying of tiled pattern of roof sheets went out when they began to rollform roofing material. Sheets were only laid in that manner because of the way roofing was made which was very old technology. By rollforming you are only limited in length by the limitations of transport which is about 21 metres, although on some commercial jobs if they are large enough they will set up the rollformer on site.

    The tiled pattern would probably not be obvious when it is laid in new iron and would probably take 100 years or more to appear when the sheeting begins to go rusty.

    The reason I dare say that they dont roll Z800 would be economic. The process of manufacture at BlueScope Steel would require probably in the order of 150 to 200 tonnes of product to warrant producing it. To sell that amount of steel in Z800 would not be sold in 50 years and to hold that amount of stock is not in the realms of possibility in a profit driven company like BlueScope®.

    They do manufacture up to Z450 in Custom Blue Orb which is mainly used for curving. See the quote from their website.



    The base materials are ZINCALUME® steel, galvanised and stainless* steels. AQUAPLATE® polymer coated steel is used for water tanks.

    *For extreme conditions, COLORBOND® Ultra steel & COLORBOND® Stainless steel may be made available.

    Material Specification:

    LYSAGHT CUSTOM BLUE ORB® is made from:
    • ZINCALUME® aluminium/zinc alloy-coated steel complying with AS 1397-2001 G300, AZ150 (300 MPa minimum yield stress, 150g/m<SUP>2</SUP> minimum coating mass);
    • ZINCFORM® zinc coated (galvanised) steel complying with AS 1397-2001 G300, Z450 or Z275 (300 MPa minimum yield stress, 450 g/m<SUP>2</SUP> (for unpainted) or 275g/m<SUP>2</SUP> (for COLORBOND® painted steel) minimum coating mass); or
    • AQUAPLATE® steel is ZINCFORM® steel, polymer coated for water tanks, complying with AS 1397-2001 G300, Z450 or Z275 (300 MPa minimum yield stress, 450 g/m<SUP>2</SUP> (for unpainted) or 275g/m<SUP>2</SUP> (for COLORBOND® painted steel)minimum coating mass).
    All the materials cover either 608 mm or 762 mm.

    The base metal thickness (BMT) is 0.60 mm or 0.80 mm.

    The COLORBOND® prepainted steel complies with AS/NZS 2728:1997.

    Just as a point here is a link to a site that gives all the ALT Codes that produces ®, ©, £, ¼, ½, ¾ etc.

    Thanks for putting up with an "OLD PHART" that thinks he knows a lot about nothing.

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