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  1. #196
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    NSW, but near Canberra


    Quote Originally Posted by Bushmiller View Post
    Also, have we learnt our lesson and are we prepared for another variant? Or will it be back to square one as far as quarantine is concerned?
    As individuals, I don't think we have learnt anything. I made the shopping run in to town this afternoon. Now I do realise that the new "masks outside" (etc.) rules don't actually come in to force until midnight, but I would have thought that the "spirit" of those rules was clear and that maybe people wouldn't actually wait until the clock ticked over... But no. Couples and groups in the supermarket ("1 person to go shopping from each household once per day"), groups of 4 and 5 young men chatting with no masks, many people walking dogs with no masks, even one person sneaking in to the supermarket through a checkout to avoid checking in.

    Hmm. I realise that most of those things are technically OK for the next few hours, but is it that hard to start following the requirements a few hours early?

    The pharmacy still has people being rude, offensive and even abusive, refusing to wear masks (or wear them correctly) etc. They are still getting frequent calls from people who "want the visor" and, despite being 60+, refusing AZ.

    A staff member at Bunnings told me that as soon as the lockdown was announced they were completely flooded with customers and had to put up barriers to herd people in to queues to get IN to the store in a controlled (and 4sqm/person) way. So clearly the "avoid contact with other people" message has fallen on deaf ears!

    The politicians can't do anything but argue with each other, the various organisations involved can't give a consistent view or set of rules, and whilst I understand we have an "evolving situation" there were THREE different changes to the vaccination rules on ONE SINGLE DAY last week. I have been very supportive of the NSW vaccination program so far, but it's starting to fall apart due to inconsistencies between the various authorities. And saying "it's the vaccinators responsibility to keep up to date with the rules" is completely unfair if they change the rules every hour, and rules publicised on the different (government) sources say different things!

    The staff in our shop (wife included) said that last week was the worst week they'd ever had. They even started closing for lunch because it was either 30minutes to reset or they were going to lock the doors and walk away.... They were so frazzled that one customer who witnessed another customer being "less than friendly" actually paid for a bunch of pizza's to be delivered to the shop from the Tapas bar up the street so the staff could recharge.

    So overall, I don't think we've adjusted, nor do I think we're in a position to cope with a worse strain......

  2. #197
    Join Date
    Apr 2018


    Our State leaders constantly trying to score points attacking other State leaders is really getting up my nose. Can’t think of a better time for them all to be working together

  3. #198
    Join Date
    Nov 2004


    Quote Originally Posted by Warb View Post

    They were so frazzled that one customer who witnessed another customer being "less than friendly" actually paid for a bunch of pizza's to be delivered to the shop from the Tapas bar up the street so the staff could recharge.

    Love that. Goes a long way to restoring faith in mankind, but also the stuff of legends.


    "Power tends to corrupt. Absolute power corrupts, absolutely!"

  4. #199
    Join Date
    Nov 2004


    Quote Originally Posted by Warb View Post
    As individuals, I don't think we have learnt anything.


    So overall, I don't think we've adjusted, nor do I think we're in a position to cope with a worse strain......

    Exactly my take too. Also at the political level there is not enough being done for future pandemics and not only the government, but both sides of politics, who seem totally absorbed by self interest: They are absolutely not serving the interests of the people, but neither are the people helping themselves (apart from at the supermarkets). I have to say that I am on my high horse from a position where I have been largely unaffected (and uninfected) by this pandemic. It is easier for me to be "Hollier than thou" when the only thing I am prevented from doing is visiting our daughter in Brisbane.

    Well Sydney is paying the price for not heeding the restrictions. Trouble is, their selfishness has now impacted regional areas and others that were not previously impacted.


    "Power tends to corrupt. Absolute power corrupts, absolutely!"

  5. #200
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Not far enough away from Melbourne


    Quote Originally Posted by Bushmiller View Post
    Well Sydney is paying the price for not heeding the restrictions. Trouble is, their selfishness has now impacted regional areas and others that were not previously impacted.
    As I see it, If NSW had implemented a proper lockdown in a timely manner and enforced the rules properly then Victoria would not be in it's current position. And taking it one stage further, all of Australia was pretty much COVID-free - until some genius decided we were doing so well - "Let's open the international border. We can contain it with Hotel Quarantine". Without that stroke of genius there would be no Delta in Australia. Even Dictator Dan could see that coming when he said "If we don't lock a few people out we will have to lock everyone down."
    I got sick of sitting around doing nothing - so I took up meditation.

  6. #201
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Sydney Upper North Shore

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    Please don’t blame “Sydney” as a single entity re virus spread. There are many LGAs whose people are following the restrictions to the letter and have no or very few cases. The cases in Maroubra were caused by people from the South West of Sydney breaking rules and visiting a house. I listen to the reporters at the Press meetings saying why isn’t it all of Sydney that has curfews, you are only punishing parts of Sydney. Damn right - they are the f&$#*wits that can’t follow the rules and regulations, don’t give a damn and make the rest of us suffer.

    I have problems with the NSW Govt decisions at time though. They gave permission for 60 people to attend a funeral in Wilcannia when the rest of the State is 10. Then approx. 400 turned up, joined in a Covid huddle, got infected then spread it to the four corners.

  7. #202
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    SE Melb


    The NSW government apparently still allows punters to turn up at bunnings browsing for 1 dollar a tin of wax. Go figure.

  8. #203
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Sydney Upper North Shore


    Quote Originally Posted by justonething View Post
    The NSW government apparently still allows punters to turn up at bunnings browsing for 1 dollar a tin of wax. Go figure.
    Bunnings are now click and collect only, throughout the whole of Sydney, not just the high risk LGAsvv

  9. #204
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    SE Melb


    Quote Originally Posted by Lappa View Post
    Bunnings are now click and collect only, throughout the whole of Sydney, not just the high risk LGAsvv
    So I heard, But its bunnings who decided it was not safe for staff to keep the stores open. NSW government still apparently allows it...

  10. #205
    Join Date
    Feb 2016


    Bunnings' esential staff may not feel so essential when they get the plague due to work.

    Wait until a few workmates drop dead.

    They'll feel more like sacrifices.

  11. #206
    Join Date
    Feb 2016


    Warb, you may be interested, our chemist has now put up a thing at the door so people cannot get in.

    One asks for the item and they go get it. This applies to prescriptions too.

    I liked it. It reminds me of an old fashioned shoppe where the wares are displayed on a tall wall.

    It seems a sane response to keep highly valuable staff safe.

  12. #207
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    back in Alberta for a while


    Quote Originally Posted by doug3030 View Post
    As I see it, If NSW had implemented a proper lockdown in a timely manner and enforced the rules properly then Victoria would not be in it's current position. And taking it one stage further, all of Australia was pretty much COVID-free - until some genius decided we were doing so well - "Let's open the international border. We can contain it with Hotel Quarantine". Without that stroke of genius there would be no Delta in Australia. Even Dictator Dan could see that coming when he said "If we don't lock a few people out we will have to lock everyone down."
    I'll be very blunt -- Australia is still very much Covid free.
    Here in Alberta (population about 4.4 million), the daily case numbers are greater than what NSW is currently experiencing.

    and yes, my perspective is somewhat skewed.
    I'm one of the people that "Dictator Dan" meant when he referred to "lock[ing] a few people out ..."
    Perhaps I should apply to be recognised as a "Stateless person", given that my country of citizenship has made my return to Australia completely unaffordable. When I looked at air fares last week, the cost to fly on United out of LA was >$20,000 (AUD) per economy seat. Even if I max out all my credit cards, at that price I still can't afford to purchase the 2 seats I'd need to return "home"
    regards from Alberta, Canada


  13. #208
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by doug3030 View Post
    As I see it, If NSW had implemented a proper lockdown in a timely manner and enforced the rules properly then Victoria would not be in it's current position. And taking it one stage further, all of Australia was pretty much COVID-free - until some genius decided we were doing so well - "Let's open the international border. We can contain it with Hotel Quarantine". Without that stroke of genius there would be no Delta in Australia. Even Dictator Dan could see that coming when he said "If we don't lock a few people out we will have to lock everyone down."
    There is not such thing as truly closed borders. Want medicines? They come from overseas. Someone has to fly the plane.

    Blaming individual cities does nothing. Melbourne was similar in 2020 (with a less infectious variant).

    COVID was always going to get out again in the community. It is highly infectious.

    Australia has done incredibly well and been Evry lucky suppressing COVID. Unfortunately that has lead to mass complacency. And in combination with crap media reporting and IMO short sighted ATAGI advice, resulted in widespread vaccine hesitancy. We have squandered our good fortune.

  14. #209
    Join Date
    Apr 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by ian View Post
    I'll be very blunt -- Australia is still very much Covid free.
    Here in Alberta (population about 4.4 million), the daily case numbers are greater than what NSW is currently experiencing. ...
    Yep, the Pacific Ocean does make a reasonable moat, but given the credulity of the previous US administration, I then questioned whether it was adequate.

    Down here in Tasmania we have also raised the drawbridge and effectively closed Bass Strait, locking out "all those contaminated people from Sydney and Melbourne". Drastic, but it seems to be working. We have only had one covid case this calendar year. And restrictions here are relatively minor:
    • sign into any commercial premises (for tracing purposes),
    • hand sanitisation,
    • maintain social distancing - 1.5 metres,
    • wear masks when visiting hospitals,
    • that's it.

    But we know other restrictions will be instantly rolled out if or when we have an outbreak.

    But we did have very tight restrictions when we had a major outbreak in Burnie (pop 20,000) with 700+ infections, 15 deaths in March-April 2020. Locked in homes, could only visit local shops, pharmacy, doctor, everything else closed, Police patrolling and $1,000 fines. Even tighter around Burnie. But 90% of people supported the restrictions; we grumbled but agreed.

    One "trick" allegedly used by Police in enforcing travel bans is to input a car rego number into their computer, which instantly gives the home address and calculates the distance from home. If more than 3 kms away then please explain. I got pulled up for a random breath test and the young constable greeted me by name and observed that I was only 2 blocks from home. This is consistent with the "trick".

    As to people trapped overseas we keep hearing monopoly numbers of those on the waiting list for repatriation. The blocking point is hotel space available for quarantine - cost about $3,000 per person after you arrive - and I cannot realistically see it abating this year. The best I can say for your situation, Ian, is that I would prefer to be trapped in Alberta than a lot of other places.

    Maybe you will have to join the "in crowd" who seem to be able to travel internationally without restrictions.

  15. #210
    Join Date
    Apr 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by doug3030 View Post
    As I see it, If NSW had implemented a proper lockdown in a timely manner and enforced the rules properly then Victoria would not be in it's current position. And taking it one stage further, all of Australia was pretty much COVID-free - until some genius decided we were doing so well - "Let's open the international border. We can contain it with Hotel Quarantine". Without that stroke of genius there would be no Delta in Australia. Even Dictator Dan could see that coming when he said "If we don't lock a few people out we will have to lock everyone down."
    Really? When were the international borders openned - apart from New Zealand?

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