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  1. #181
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Nerang Queensland


    One of my lovely neighbours has dobbed my shed in for being to close to the fence and over a sewer . Back in 2001 when it was built I discussed it with council, with a bloke I knew, and he said there was a problem because of the sewer (although no easement!) but as long as it could be dismantled (if anyone needed to get to sewer, but unlikely as the was a manhole next door) and 600 off the fence it was fine. Now it has to be 1500 from the fence and must be approved. As it was reported formally the council had to act and now I need to get it approved .

    Well I talked to a building certifier and as long as I have the structural drawings, and pay the bribe relaxation fee of $2000 , plus certifier's fee of another $500 odd it would be fine. Well the drawings are at home, and John (Gawdelpus) did have a look for me, but without luck . I also rang the company that built it only to find they went bust , and the company that took it over only kept records for the past 3 years, so no use to me.

    So after all that I booked a plane back to the Gold Coast on Wednesday to sort it out. If I can't find the original drawings I can at least measure it up and draw my own. At least as a structural engineer I can also certify them. I'll book the return trip when I am confident it is all sorted.

    I am leaving my truck and trailer at SeasideVicki's place, chained and locked up well
    Every day presents an opportunity to learn something new

  2. #182
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    East Warburton, Vic


    Was wondering what was happening in regards to that, is a bummer that you have to fly back home though, hope you get it all sorted ok



  3. #183
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Leopold, Victoria


    Just what you need in the middle of an enjoyable trip that we are all following intently.
    Hope you can quickly sort out the problem, and your neighbor.
    Last edited by Treecycle; 24th February 2014 at 09:45 PM. Reason: Missed a word

  4. #184
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Harmers Haven Victoria


    What a lovely neighbour to have. Nice to see he waited till you were well away before complaining. I would have thought that being there since 2001 would have made it a fait accompli.

    Wood Butcher

  5. #185
    Join Date
    May 2007
    North of the coathanger, Sydney


    I realy don't know why neighbours don't discuss these things - because they think you've done something wrong you're out of pocket 2 1/2 grand plus airfares not rely fair

    my immediate neighbours got fined and have to go through the same process as you because an irate neighbour complained that their back fence was too high. the complainant lived in a block of flats two blocks away and was annoyed because of some noise when the gardeners wer cutting up a slab. D-head
    veni, vidi,
    Without wood it's just ...

  6. #186
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Gold Coast


    Sounds like they plan to sell and want to remove any obstacles to potential sales. At least that was my experience with a neighbourly complaint. Fortunately unfounded in my case.

  7. #187
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Nerang Queensland


    Well it isn't getting any easier . Didn't find the drawings, nor anything to do with the shed purchase/construction , only found a quote for a replacement after the fire that burnt down the first one. The quote did have a job number on it, so I have approached the new company that has taken over the bankrupt one, hopefully they can chase it up now (they file under job no.s, but I'm not holding my breath). Even if I have to throw them a few $'s to get some it would be worth it. I can draw and certify the workshop drgs myself however, it just takes time.

    Today was spent searching, then drawing up the concrete/layout drawings, plus all the "forms" I also need to fill in. As I was measuring things up I also measured up the garden shed next door to the workshop and it was 3.7x3 in lieu of the 3x3 I thought it was. Problem being it is an old flat pack shed, so can't be certified, and anything over 10m2 now has to be certified. These days the flat pack shed are 3x3 max.

    So tomorrow I have to dismantle a panel out of the sides and roof and shorten it to 3x3. Just need to drill out the pop rivets, then re-rivet them - ah crap my pop riveter is in the trailer . Other issue is I have to move everything inside it beforehand to make it all fit again in a smaller space

    Tomorrow I'll get up early and start on the small shed mods, after ringing the shed company again (in Sydney so an hour ahead). Heading back to Adelaide on Sat is looking sick.
    Every day presents an opportunity to learn something new

  8. #188
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    North Of The Boarder


    Quote Originally Posted by Sawdust Maker View Post
    I realy don't know why neighbours don't discuss these things - because they think you've done something wrong you're out of pocket 2 1/2 grand plus airfares not rely fair

    my immediate neighbours got fined and have to go through the same process as you because an irate neighbour complained that their back fence was too high. the complainant lived in a block of flats two blocks away and was annoyed because of some noise when the gardeners wer cutting up a slab. D-head

    That remind's me Nick the park across the road has now had large sandstone rocks placed around the perimeter so people can't tear up the area with their cars so no need for you to bring camera and take photos next time.

    Neil shame you can't fight it on the grounds of time limit.

    FiL had a similar instance with a neighbour of certain ethnic group who applied two days before Christmas for rights to build a Community Centre those in the street had 14 days in which to state their thoughts to council. This place now is a large sectarian religious school built on land which was supposed to native vegetation and fauna area.

  9. #189
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    Dismal Swamp.South Aus


    Quote Originally Posted by dai sensei View Post
    Well it isn't getting any easier .

    So tomorrow I have to dismantle a panel out of the sides and roof and shorten it to 3x3. Just need to drill out the pop rivets, then re-rivet them - ah crap my pop riveter is in the trailer . Other issue is I have to move everything inside it beforehand to make it all fit again in a smaller space

    Tomorrow I'll get up early and start on the small shed mods, after ringing the shed company again (in Sydney so an hour ahead). Heading back to Adelaide on Sat is looking sick.

    Sounds like a real drama mate. I hope it all gets sorted out soon. Feeling your pain mate.

  10. #190
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Minbun, FNQ, Australia


    If you find a post of mine that is missing a pic that you'd like to see, let me know & I'll see if I can find a copy.

  11. #191
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Nerang Queensland


    Well huge thanks to John (Gawdelpus) who came over to help me taking panels out of the garden shed to make it the smaller 3x3 size. Unfortunately I had to basically unpack it all first (it was very full), then dismantle and reduce its size, then reassemble and repack it.

    Then we had to repipe to storm water run-off from downpipes on workshop. These basically just were downpipes to nothing, so the water just drained away, but for approvals they must be piped to storm water system. Mine are gavel sumps in the yard and don't work anyway, so I put in fake pipes into the ground, to make them look like they are done properly. The dust extraction system was also on the outside and extends almost to the fence. Not sure if this would be a problem, but easiest way was to remove it, then replace it after approvals when I get back.

    When I get back the exposed slab where the garden shed has been reduced would be a good spot too, in lieu of where it is now, plus no closer to the fence too. The dust system would then be pumped out towards the neighbour I am sure made the complaint, although it is strange, he has 2 structures too close to the fence and without approval, so not sure why he would. My neighbour beside me however told me he has been making complaints about them, dogs barking, noisy parties etc which they are guilty of, but why not talk to them rather than reporting them to council? My shed does look into their yard and pool area and the only reason I can think of, apart from getting caught up in the two adjacent neighbours behind me issues . Feel like reporting his garden shed, same as my one plus covered seating area that wouldn't have approvals, but two wrongs don't make a right.

    Fly out Sat is not possible anymore, nor cheap flight available anymore anyway. Next cheap flight is Tue that will work Ok with me as it gives me more time to do drawings and Mon to talk to certifier. I'll book flights back but make sure I can change it just in case. House sitters are fine with my visit and I'm enjoying home cooked meals too again
    Every day presents an opportunity to learn something new

  12. #192
    Join Date
    Nov 2008


    I am glad you can see some bright side to all your troubles, expense and work, mate.

  13. #193
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Nerang Queensland


    Ok new plans are done and submitted, plus the 2 forms I had to do, and another 6 forms the certifier had to do but I had to sign. I ended up hiring a car today to do the running about in (over to the certifier plus photocopier - he needed 8 copies each of the 5 plans in A3 size). I can use the car to get to airport tomorrow and drop it there so makes that easier too.

    Now it is just a matter of time before I hear what happens at council in 3-4 weeks. By then I will be in Perth assuming nothing else goes astray. Can only hope there is nothing else to do or pay, today cost me $2424 for submission, so all up this has cost ~$3000 plus a week out of my time table to get to Perth
    Every day presents an opportunity to learn something new

  14. #194
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Harmers Haven Victoria


    As the famed Cath P------gill once said "I must be getting old, once I would have just shot the b----ted."

    Wood Butcher

  15. #195
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Nerang Queensland


    Well this morning I had to hang around Adelaide to pick up my new glasses then headed for Adelaide Moulding and Casting Supplies to see their set-up and get some more resin/black pigment/mold release etc. By then it was after lunch and decided as time is running short, I would give Adelaide Hills and Yorke Peninsula a miss and catch ferry straight across bay to Eyre Peninsula. I am currently at Wallaroo and booked on the ferry for 9:30am. The lady that booked me in asked if I was a pensioner disabled etc, but didn't ask for a card , so I said yes which is true (I have a disability sticker on the car she could see) so she gave me a $60 discount that reduced the ticket to $234 (it is a 10m rig). Still not cheap but saves me fuel and time going around the Spencer Gulf.

    Tomorrow after the ferry I'll head for Port Lincoin for a few days to hopefully dive in a cage with a White Pointer and see the Bluefin tuna farms etc . Picked up my underwater camera housing I'd left at home when I went back, so hopefully I can get some good shots.
    Every day presents an opportunity to learn something new

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