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6th July 2018, 12:06 PM #136
Two years with mine.Still got another 12months warranty.Happy chappy.
7th July 2018, 08:03 AM #137
I could make a video of it if you like, now that it's been well used. Anything in particular you would like to see or get an opinion on?
Sent from my SM-G935F using TapatalkMy YouTube channel: https://youtu.be/2_KPRN6I9SE
7th July 2018, 10:16 AM #138
Thanks for your responses.
Nothing in particular, Dave. Just curious if everyone was still happy with their saws.
I could have done with one for my current project but they are out of stock until mid August so have found another way round my problem.
They certainly appear to be best value for money in their price range considering width of cut etc.Tom
"It's good enough" is low aim
7th July 2018, 11:24 AM #139
I still haven't built a proper mitre station and dust shroud for mine but both things are on the list.
Sent from my SM-G935F using TapatalkMy YouTube channel: https://youtu.be/2_KPRN6I9SE
8th July 2018, 12:28 PM #140
It appears that dust extraction to a useless bag is par for the non-industrial course.
They should be scrapped and come with a simple dust shroud.
The vacuum supplied with the SWART combo is as useless as most as far as
dust collection goes. The only reason I haven't chucked it is because it 'may' have
a use one day for a liquid spill.
All whinging aside my saw & table are doing the trick.
Doing a lot of straight cuts of 70mmx35mm pine and like the near glass finish.
Getting a few corner imperfections at times on raising after the cut but maybe using the slide
might solve this.
At the price I am more than happy though.Last edited by TERMALERT; 8th July 2018 at 12:29 PM. Reason: to correct a spelling
8th July 2018, 01:16 PM #141
Swarts tools 305mm 12" sliding compound mitre saw drop saw
One thing that I did with my vac port was to pull it off and cut out the mass of plastic blocking the port. There are two bars that go across the port, get rid of them! I have mine hooked up to the dust extractor and don’t have any problems with it now.
Not my prettiest woodwork but it works!
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9th July 2018, 11:39 AM #142
Brilliant Cal.
Now just do the same thing in thin wall hinged plastic that folds flat
for posting and SAVE THE WORLD !!
Not kidding.
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Cal liked this post
10th December 2018, 03:01 PM #143
a video of the SWARTS 305mm SCMS.
So I finally got around to making a video of the SWARTS 305mm SCMS.
I review the saw and give my honest views on the pros and cons as I see them.
Follow the link to see it on YouTube:
A warning that the video is 20 minutes long (including a blooper at the end) so feel free to skip through it. Hopefully it will help anyone out there considering one of these saws.
I talk about the bevel cuts, the mitre cuts, the depth stop, the clamps, the laser and dust collection. Including the some of the adjustments to get it dialed in.
I cut something about the 16:40 mark.
I give a summary about the 18:14 mark.
Feel free to add your views in the comments.
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10th December 2018, 09:32 PM #144
Nice review
Dave TTC
The Turning Cowboy
Turning Wood Into Art
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26th December 2018, 08:40 PM #145
Swarts vs AEG SCMS
Hi DaveVman (and anyone else), was wondering if you're familiar with the AEG 10" saw at Bunnings - and if you any thoughts comparing it to the 12" Swarts? Am having a hard time deciding.
Same price.
AEG has 6yr warranty.
Reviews say the AEG built-in dust extraction is pretty good - captures most of it.
But AEG is only 10" and it isn't as compact.
And it's only single bevel.
The most important factor to me is cut accuracy at all angles. Reliability comes a close second priority.
Just seeking thoughts on these two models only please.
26th December 2018, 08:52 PM #146
For me I would want compound litres in both directions. Also I use a 12".
Remove those two factors and I'd likely lean towards AEG. The AEG is more likely to have positive locks at 90 degrees etc. Last I tried a Swartz it needed to be locked with the screw lock at the desired angles.
As for accuracy you should be able to calibrate them both the same if they are Not good enough out of the box
The Turning Cowboy
Turning Wood Into Art
26th December 2018, 10:38 PM #147
I assume that you watched my video review of the SWARTS. I haven't owned or used the AEG so I don't feel qualified to make a real comparison.
It might depend what you are going to use it for. Mine is mostly for woodwork rather than carpentry work so the SWARTS had various advantages for me.
Sent from my SM-G935F using TapatalkMy YouTube channel: https://youtu.be/2_KPRN6I9SE
26th December 2018, 11:38 PM #148
Gee, this is a strange thread
Just skim-read through this thread.
Has anyone else noticed the high number of posts from ‘members’ who join, make one post almost immediately, then never make another post or be heard from again. Second only is the number of members who only ever make two posts, but both in this thread. Here’s some I noticed:
Diddums Post #9
Bass buddy. #13
Djbarrie. #25
Lee1952. #38
Dentree. #39 and #43
Foodpre. #42
Gabstarr. #47
Yaengunp. #92
Custom-chippy #96
Possum2477. #121
Welshy. #145
Odd that they don’t stick around such an excellent forum. Never mind, at least they all love Swartz tools and take the time to tell us how wonderful they are.
ArronApologies for unnoticed autocomplete errors.
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27th December 2018, 01:18 PM #149
I wouldn't read too much into that. I suspect it is just that it's mostly males (often not overly talkative) and mostly 2 generations who grew up without social media (and see no reason to tell the world their every thought and deed). Plus something like a tool selection can be very individual when you have so many options like we do with SCMS. So they just join when they feel they have something to share. Most of the members across the whole fourm only read stuff.
That's my guess anyway.
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DaveTTC liked this post
28th December 2018, 02:32 PM #150
Yep I agree. Just joined now as a member to be able to post a question.
At this stage of my hobby (starting out), I'm more about reading and listening, rather than having anything to contribute/post. Have come to this forum for years - just never joined.
Chances are you won't see a post from me for ages. When I do, it'll probably be because I'll see something I can answer. Not likely anytime soon given my current experience. (I am active in other forums, totally off woodworking, where I have experience to share.)
Anyway, to the Dave's, very much appreciate the replies to my earlier question. And the review video was excellent! It'd be in Swarts interest if they posted some good demo videos of their gear to their site/YouTube.
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