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Thread: Speed Cameras

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Coffs Harbour NSW

    Thumbs up Speed Cameras

    How about? a device, like a black box recorder in planes, that can be attacked to the vehicle of a convicted speedster. The device could be activated by remote signals to recalibrate at the various speed changes. At any time the person is pulled over, or say on a monthly basis, the box record could be checked, by computer generated equipment( like the gadgets that meter readers use) and any infringement dealt with accordingly.
    The speedster could be fined, or lose a license if found driving a vehicle without the box.
    Eventually these boxes could be fitted to all new cars - you would know it was there so would you take the chance? - and speed cameras done away with.
    You could not say it was more of an infringement on your civil liberties than the compulsory seat belt law.
    And in the early days, until people became aware that they could not speed no matter where they were or if the police were around or not, the revenue from these little devices would far out do the cameras, and eventually people would become educated, and resigned to the fact that it is expensive to speed.

    Please feel free to railroad.

    Peter R.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2003


    Or maybe we could fit fart detectors to every pair of jocks sold, then big brother could tax you for farting??
    Ooops, I just cost meself $5


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2004


    Been on the highway behind a semi or B-double spitting rocks at you? He's doing 100kph, but knowing the little black box on your new car will record you speeding to overtake this nuisance, what are you gunna do, slink back to 80kph to avoid speeding and a broken windscreen? I'm for leadfoots!!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Sydney, NSW, Australia


    Why not a barcode tattooed on the forehead?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Glenhaven, NSW


    You must be a bureaucrat! The problem with voicing such an idea is the possibility that some hare brained politician will actually take you seriously and we will sink further into the mire of regulation. Why must we be controlled in everything we do because someone somewhere may be inconvenienced by someone else.
    I drove along one of Sydney's busiest highways this afternoon at 40k for over a kilometre because the Kings School has an unbroken fence facing the road and the RTA has determined that it is a school zone. This does not take into account that this bl**dy school has its own set of traffic lights for access into the school yard ( about 2 square miles of it!) , their own bus stop inside the grounds and it's completely unknown for any student there to walk anywhere.
    I can't take my grandkids down to the milkbar in my car because I don't have the regulation child seats fitted, it didn't do their parents any harm when they were small. The road toll proves that even with all the current regulation, there are still thousands of idiots that shouldn't have licenses in the first place.
    A pox on all such proposals!!!!!!!!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Parkside - South Australia


    How would you know who was driving the car 5km over the limit 3 weeks ago?

    How about this ..... drop all speed limits by 10km/h ..... so 100km/h becomes 90km/h ..... change the tollerance to 10km/h ..... so the limit is 90km/h but you will not be booked until you hit 101km/h .... now here is the clincher .... if you are caught doing 105km/h you will be charged as doing 15km/h and you will get a hefty fine.

    Just think about it for a minute .... you dont really worry if you are doing 65 km/h in a 60 km/h zone ...... but if you were all of a sudden doing 15 km/h over the signed limit it makes you unconfortable .....

    Safe stinky
    Now proudly sponsored by Binford Tools. Be sure to check out the Binford 6100 - available now at any good tool retailer.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Glenhaven, NSW


    Quote Originally Posted by Sir Stinkalot
    How about this ..... drop all speed limits by 10km/h ..... so 100km/h becomes 90km/h ..... change the tollerance to 10km/h ..... so the limit is 90km/h but you will not be booked until you hit 101km/h .... now here is the clincher .... if you are caught doing 105km/h you will be charged as doing 15km/h and you will get a hefty fine.
    Safe stinky
    Same reply, some idiot may just take you seriously. How about remove all speedlimits except for 60 in a built up area. Get booked if you cause an accident by going faster and can't prove that it wasn't your fault. oops, can't do that, just think of all that loverly fine moolah the government won't have to spend.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2003


    Quote Originally Posted by Peter R
    Eventually these boxes could be fitted to all new cars - you would know it was there so would you take the chance? - and speed cameras done away with.

    I agree with you Graemet. Who would want to buy a new car with such a device fitted?

    With stupid and idiotic ideas like these all I can say is " Thank God I drive an old car".


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2003

    Thumbs down You're joking arn't you??

    How about the government prove that they arn't addicted to speed camera revenue and funnel the money from the fines back into improving the quality of our roads?

    In addition to this, those hundreds of millions could go to training the drivers of tomorrow as a usefull, proactive safety measure that could genuinly make a difference on the roads.

    I see your black box and raise you one......

    I want a box that records when people spend excessive amounts of time bellow the speed limit and fines them, automaticly revoking their licenses if this shocking behaviour is commited in anything but the left lane of multi lane roads.

    Here is something they don't tell you, speed cameras have been scraped in at least 3 major countries because they found that they don't work.

    The governments arn't really that interested in road safety, just the same as most car manufacturers don't really give a cr@p about emisions and work places don't really care about OHS.
    It's all about the money. And speed cameras are a license to print it.
    I will admit that speed is a contributing factor in many crashes, but it is not the main cause, it just makes the impact worse.

    Lack of training and not paying attention is the main cause of most crashes, cameras don't catch these killers, so they ignore it.

    Steamingly yours.


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2004


    um dont they already have the means to do this, My brother used to drive rigs for mayne nics and they had computers in the trucks that recorded speed gear change what revs he was doing when he changed gears and so on. along with that the trucks have pics taken of them all over the country by the gov......
    I really think our gov can spend more money on health, environment ect allthough if we put this into action we can fine the buggery out of everyone and the gov will be rich no one will drive a car and we will all be very healthy due to exercise and the environment ok as well problem solved.

    I watched a program on speeding a long time ago and the thing i remember mostly is the conclusion
    "the only way to stop people from speeding and make them be careful on the road is to strap dynamite to every veichle!
    in totadys age the veichles are getting faster and safer therefore peoples sence of danger is lowered, if people feel danger each time they get into a car then they will be more careful.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Tolmie - Victoria


    I think the reason most of us sneer at the speed laws is because we see the government is supporting something that gives them money. No different to slippery salesmen. What they are selling happens to tremendously benefit them financially.

    Fines can be quite unfair, the poorer person being affected by a $150 fine far more than a wealthier person.

    We can’t base fines on tax returns because the wealthy cheat on that also. The Federal Government admitted this fact because it was the main reason GST was introduced.

    So why not introduce community service for the speeding. That’s right, no fines - just time. We all have a limited time on earth so spending time doing some good for the community would be fairer while at the same time discouraging drivers from speeding or other offences.

    Would Governments introduce such a scheme? Not likely because they would derive absolutely no income from people doing community service. What about the cost of speed detection and supervising the speedsters raking up the leaves? The Government constantly reminds us that the effects of speeding cost the economy heaps so it could be argued they are saving heaps by discouraging speeding.

    If such a scheme was introduced, it would remove the suspicion that most people have about speed cameras being a revenue raiser for the State Governments and perhaps give people a better reason to slow down and save the economy from losing money.

    Personal suffering and lost ones are of course are secondary to the almighty economy – pretty hard to tax someone on life support or someone six foot under!
    - Wood Borer

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    eastern suburbs, melbourne


    I've had two speeding tickets in my entire life. both times they were on roads where the speed limit goes up and down like a yoyo ( for no discernible reason) and both times I was actually a tadge under what I believed the speed limit was at the time.

    I found out later that the cops regularly waited at one of the spots. I went back and checked the signage after the event and it was particularly poor - in retrospect I should probably have kicked up a fuss and got them to move the sign.

    The new 40kph speed limits around schools tend to be fairly poorly signposted and they assume that you actually know what time it is - ever tried to check your watch on a motorbike? In some ways it would be easier if they made them permanent because then they could sign post them properly ( coloured stripes on the lamp-posts would be good ).

    I've noticed that not many schools here have a fence on the kerb directly in front of the gates ... this stops the kids running straight out of the gates into the road ... they have to turn left or right and it reminds them that the road is there.
    no-one said on their death bed I wish I spent more time in the office!

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2003


    Speeding is a crime. 60 means 60 and 80 means 80.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Near Bodgy, AlexS, Wongo & CraigB


    If you want to be overtly regulated I suggest you go live in Communist China or some other Despotic country somewhere.

    Accidents are necessary - they remove idiots and incompetents from the gene pool, hopefully before they breed and spread !!!

    Why not go further ? why not fit little black boxes to our kids foreheads and if they ride thier bikes without a helmet the parents get fined!

    What about that tosser in Vic. that wants to "improve" speedos so they dont go over 130kmph ?? would not a limiter or making rev-head commercials illegal make more sense ??? of course not - the motor lobby groups and the fine revenue is too powerful. of course its too sensible to do it like this innit ?

    Over regulation is bull$hit!

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Adelaide Hills


    I want a box that records when people spend excessive amounts of time bellow the speed limit and fines them, automaticly revoking their licenses if this shocking behaviour is commited in anything but the left lane of multi lane roads
    Ben, this assumes that we should all be driving "at the limit".

    I'm sorry but this is a bit of a thorn in my side,
    The speed limit set in an area is the maximum speed that any driver should be traveling at, unfortuntly this also includes overtaking on highways.
    I agree that these people should be in the extreme left lane, Only because the law (in most states) is that you should be in the left lane unless overtaking.

    I drive to work every day and am required to drive between different locations within Adelaide as part of my job. I generraly drive below the speed limit, accelerate slowly and decelerate gradually, mainly because I carry medical equipment in my car. I often have a quiet laugh to myself over the person who has gone speeding past me only to wind up three cars behind me at thenext set of traffic lights (in the other lane).

    FWIW my last speeding fine was in 1984, at the time I was at colledge and the fine relly hurt. I decided that the government was not getting any of my money by those means ever again. why should I subsedise their speed camera program.

    There's no such thing as too many Routers

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