Having killing quotes from professional painters I decided to take the risk, and paint the ceiling in my new house myself. It has a lot of exposed beams, and that where I need advice which will be highly appreciated. On the first attached photo is what I have now, and on the second is what I'd like to have after my adventure. The timber is oregon. It's pretty rough, and it's definitely needs some sanding. I'm pig-ignorant in sanding so the first question is: what kind of sander will be better for this job - big? small? belt? orbital? What sandpaper I should use? Where to buy?

I'd like to stain these beams and poles to match flooring timber (which will have dark reddish colour) and next questions is: should sanded timber be specially cleaned before staining? If yes what is the cleaner?

If I asked stupid questions - my apologies in advance!

Attached Thumbnails

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