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2nd June 2009, 01:51 PM #16
Yes that'll do it
In spite of being a very heavy cast top it is posible to warp them if as you say screws are left protruding the precice tolerances around the bronze bearings are such that the plate must be flat. The 8 levelling screws aren't usually an issue, just a bit fiddly.
The above table bit change feature somewhat negates the benefits of the UniLIFT, if you've got to switch the router off and manually wind the collet above the table. The answer is the Xtreme Xtension, no more under the table stuff except for changing the speed which can be done standing up.
I hope that this helps.
2nd June 2009, 02:47 PM #17
I have no issues with the height thing - it's easy to wind it up. I love the lift (and I love my LS17 & Wonder Fence as well, I might add!
I was trying to say that the process of changing bits above the table works fine, even with needing to manually turn the lift knob on the TRA001. It's no big deal (for me, on my table, at least).
The lift is magical, the levellers are my one and only pet hate. Apart from using too many of the little worms (one per corner is all that is needed) is that the worms are so small, they need a solid surface to bear on. Timber doesn't work, they just slowly bite into it. They need metal to sit on.
But that's no big deal either, I just put four adjustable bolts under my table, going up and under the plate, and once I set it level, it stays that way.
The main point I was trying to make was a little note to anyone putting a TRA001 on a UniLift .. remove the two little bolt-head things Triton uses to mount the router on their router table.