This shed is 6m high, 7m wide and 36m long and I was quoted $35,000 - $65,000 to renovate (stuff that im doing it myself). I am turning it into an office with a show room and also there will be a smallish wood workshop at the end with the roller door for me. the shed itself is around 80years old and still solid as a rock. The hardest part of the whole shed was doing the ceiling which I had to use a suspended ceiling as the trusses are around 3m apart and there was no way I was going to pull the roof off to put more trusses in. I have to say that putting up a suspended ceiling on your own is VERY VERY time consuming and painful. I am hoping to one day start renovating things like sheds, offices and houses for a living. if anyone has any ideas on how to get started let me know.
Cheers Chris

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