Hello, I'm fairly new here and finding the info on this forum so valuable for my many half finished renovating projects.

Anyway I'm having a go at our en-suite at the moment, nearly finished gutting it, but I'm having doubts about what to do with preparing the walls in the shower for re-tiling which are rendered brick.

The shower had leaking problems at the floor/wall joins and also quite a few tiles were cracked, presumably from the render cracking behind them. When removing the tiles, large chunks of the render have come off and also the old waterproofing near the floor is very hard to remove.

Instead of trying to clean up the render and patch up the missing bits, I was thinking of attaching villaboard to the current render or removing all the render and attaching villaboard to the brick. I was wondering if this is something that is recommended or what anyone else has done is this situation?


Read the full thread at RenovateForum.com...