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  1. #1
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    Default Forum slow to load Thread area out of wack

    Having major slow load of New Thread and or Reply and images not being added

    below is what New Thread looks like if it works


  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Default Site Problems

    Now i'm not quite shore but i think there could be a bug on this site. Other threads have been posted regarding slow to load and commonwealth bank spam.
    I never get spam and until someone else posted that they were receiving C/bank spam i to have received it. So is there something odd that other users are having probs with?

    In trying to learn a little about everything,
    you become masters of nothing.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by wheelinround View Post
    Having major slow load of New Thread and or Reply and images not being added

    below is what New Thread looks like if it works

    This morning a router got nuked and left a few servers inaccessible, this was the cause of your dead images.
    Woodwork Forums
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  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by FRB Design View Post
    Now i'm not quite shore but i think there could be a bug on this site. Other threads have been posted regarding slow to load and commonwealth bank spam.
    I never get spam and until someone else posted that they were receiving C/bank spam i to have received it. So is there something odd that other users are having probs with?
    Have you checked the headers on the combank spam message? They'll give you some idea as to where its coming from.
    Woodwork Forums
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  5. #5
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    G'day Steven they finally let you out to play instead of being stuck out the back
    It wasn't just images even trying to post the damn thread pages were not loading completely noticed it got better and faster did what I needed to do eventualley.

    Thanks Steven I figured something was wrong but never Nuking a router not so bad if it had been a Triton

    As for spam I have also been getting it Commonwealth Bank has on their web site an announcement and an address where they cam be contacted re such PIA.


  6. #6
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    THE FOLLOWING IS FOR EVERYONE: It isn't to be taken as personal, it's just an easy way to respond and try to make things clearer to all (the minority) who are interested.

    ===== RANT BEGINS =====

    Now i'm not quite shore but i think there could be a bug on this site. No bugs just the odd paranoid user. There's no way anyone can get your email address from this site unless you give it to them or put it in an post and if you do, then more fool you. Other threads have been posted regarding slow to load 14,290+ active members here and it's the same few people ever seem to have a problem. Gosh maybe it's not the forums, but at their end and commonwealth bank spam. You mean that spam that half of Australia is getting in copious amounts.
    I never get spam and until someone else posted that they were receiving C/bank spam i to have received it. Maybe if you stop reading all the "sky is falling" stuff and you won't get the spam..... or will you.If you've got an email address then it's a sure bet that you're going to get unwanted stuff in it, especially if you surf the net. Even the best spam filters will allow some through from time to time. It can't and doesn't come from here. So is there something odd that other users are having probs with?
    We spend a lot of time and effort keeping the forums free from spam and protecting the information of our members. Anyone who reckons they receive spam because they visit these forums is wrong, dead wrong. Can't happen.

    I have a couple of names registered here for testing purposes they have genuine email addresses that have never been used anywhere else on the www and neither have ever received spam or any unsolicited email other than admin or forum notifications, etc. Proof conclusive that there's no spam coming from here or because of any connection to these forrums. Surf the net and I can just about bet you'll get got.

    Our site does not contain spyware or any other tracking or invasive programs. We can't and won't say the same for links used in signatures of members or placed on here by unscrupulous people trying to advertise or get hits to their own sites. We try very hard to vet all of them and to this end delete or ban as many as 30 - 40 every week. However once you leave this site through a link we have no control what so ever over what you will get from the external site. Surfer beware!

    As for slow running: Stuff happens from time to time, very infrequent but sometimes it just does. It's not a bug, it isn't the end of the world and I promise the sky isn't falling. Yesterday there was a massive outage from one of our servers as Steven said, it had to be replaced and took a few hours so in that time a number of people may have been affected.

    I couldn't access email, our or site for around 3 hrs, not the end of the world, Google was off the air a couple of weeks ago for some time, not the end of the world or the internet, A good part of the east coast of USA was off line a couple of years ago, but the earth didn't crumble and the sky didn't fall, well it did but that was in an isolated place and no one really cared.

    Slow sometimes happens when there are 1300+ people on line at the same time and most are looking at the same new post, or a thread has lots of pics to load or we're running backups so that when everything falls over we'll be able to start from pretty close to where we left off without having to explain why people can't find the post they did a day before.

    If anyone keeps having a recurring problem, the most likely answer is: it's at your end or something you've done wrong. Most common your server is clogged, spam or security settings too high and logging out from forums when you leave as clears your cache and slows you when you log back in again.

    ===== END OF RANT =====

    I hope this is of some help to the handful who seem to worry about such things.

    Cheers - Neil

  7. #7
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    This just in from a reliable source:

    There was a cable cut in asia somewhere last week. I think near singapore. without double checking, I think it effect optus and telstra users, about half of all internet users here.
    A major Internet link between Australia and the rest of the world has failed, affecting multiple ISPs and their customers.
    Customers from Telstra BigPond, Netspace and Westnet have all reported issues accessing overseas sites. Some other ISPs seem unaffected.

    The problem appears to have started just after midday.
    ---End Quote---

    See what I mean. Stuff just happens.

  8. #8
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    Our site does not contain spyware or any other tracking
    A scary statement one which is not altogether quite true Cookies good or bad are tracking they track to see who's online, who's signed in etc yes these should be dumped when cookies are cleared. The forum does need some of these to operate with in the software/program.

    Sadly there are those who can set up gates outside of servers and routers picking up traffic etc adding their own bad cookies trying to gain access to other user machines.
    If they can crack ANZ, CW, Westpac, World bank NASA never believe they couldn't with this site.

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