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View Poll Results: What kind of climate control do you have?
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Thread: what is your shed like?
11th May 2009, 03:25 PM #46
Sizalation on the roof, before putting iron on, sizalation, 1.5 batts & 16mm MDF/Chipboard cover sheets on walls, ok in summer, unless heat wave conditions, small yukon pot belly for winter, works so well, have to leave a PA door open, shed 12m x 7.6m x 3m.
Considering whirly birds before next summer arrives.Don't let schooling get in the way of a good education:U
11th May 2009, 06:23 PM #47
Pitched roof, steel frame and steel sheetwalls. Typical colourbond shed on concrete slab 12m x 7.6m by 5m at the top of the pitch.
Walls and roof sheeting sprayed with 30mm insulation foam. Two whirlybirds fitted to roof and large wall mounted fan for cooling. No heating. TV , radio kitchenette and have been told on some occassions that I just should live there when not the most popular person in the world.
Summer is reasonably cool for Sydney's west with the fan, but noisy. In winter just add more clothing.
12th May 2009, 06:18 PM #48
You guys have WALLS? And DOORS?! Jeez, some people have all the luck. I have one wall (one side of the house) and a roof that leaks in heavy rain...should do something about that before winter, eh? Everything else is open.
If I lived anywhere other than Perth it'd be an issue.
On the upside, it means I have lots of infeed and outfeed room and the breeze shifts all that fine dust pretty quick smart.
26th May 2009, 05:19 PM #49
2 whirly birds, 3 ceiling fans, 1 large fan - floor type and 1 fan - bench sitter, 2 roller doors, 1 personal door, 7 windows.
Summer the inside temp is usually in the high 30's to low 40,s
Winter the inside temp is usually in the low teens to low 20,s
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