I'm doing a lovely renovation and I've got quite a few taps to select. The project is being done in stages ... the first stage is my ensuite ... then in a couple of months the bathroom and "powder room" will be done.

Since I'm incredibly unadventurous and hate decisions ... I've sort of decided on ONE type of tap for all taps in the house (including the kitchen) ... there are quite a few versions of the tap (I want a lever tap) I like so I haven't made a final decision on the brand yet. As I have to make the decision on the tap for the ensuite within a fortnight or so, I'm not sure if I should:

- choose all the taps for the entire renovation and stick with one - but only buy the tap for the ensuite now
- select the same tap AND buy them all right now
- get the taps for the ensuite only - then if I hate them or if they are bad I will have tested them and I can change my mind for the other bathrooms

Any suggestions?! THANKS!

plans etc on: http://lucyshouseblog.blogspot.com

Read the full thread at RenovateForum.com...