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Thread: Hello from Moscow
1st April 2009, 10:20 PM #1andrey vm Guest
Hello from Moscow
I welcome all the participants of this forum!
My name is Andrey Morin and I am from Russia. I have found your site occasionally while looking through the information on joiner's works on the Internet. I have decided to look what is this forum about and really liked it. I was pleasantly surprised by a very interesting and helpful information. Very useful section in your forum I suppose is the restoration of the furniture pieces. Never seen specialized forum on this item. I am going to look through it myself and want to inform those who are interested in it. Just a little bit about myself.
I am a furniture designer and project and create myself wooden handmade furniture. These are tables, chairs, armchairs etc. In my works I try to connect functionality with the modern conceptual art ideas. I am in constant search of a new aesthetics and try to have a fresh look at familiar and habitual things. I like style furniture - art deco and a modernism
At leisure I take a great interest in cycling, construction activity and a table tennis. I am the big music fan.Also I am the vegetarian conducting a healthy way of life.
Handling with wood is a kind of occupation which is free of politics and frontiers! I think there are a lot to things we can study from each other despite the thousands of the kilometers dividing our countries!
Best Regards, A.Morin
1st April 2009, 10:26 PM #2
G'day Andrey, and welcome aboard.
I hope you have a good time here.
1st April 2009, 10:35 PM #3
Welcome Andrey can you show some pictures of your stuff.
1st April 2009, 11:08 PM #4
G'day Andrey and welcome aboard.
Very comprehensive and interesting introduction you have given us.
Like you I am an Art Deco fan so we have something in common apart from woodwork.
A question: your English is excellent.Do you speak as well as you write??
1st April 2009, 11:14 PM #5
Welcome Andrey - Hope you get a lot from the forums and stay for a long time. Also hope you can understand some of the strange Australian language. We speak English but often it is in out own way.
AEnjoy your time here. Hope to see lots of you.
Cheers - Neil
2nd April 2009, 12:36 AM #6
G'day Andrey, and welcome aboard.
2nd April 2009, 01:34 AM #7
Hi Andrey, welcome aboard.
It's a great international community here, with very nice and helpful people.
Have fun.
2nd April 2009, 07:54 AM #8
Welcome Andrey, good to see you here.
Reality is no background music.
Cheers John
2nd April 2009, 09:39 AM #9andrey vm Guest
Thanks all for the welcome!
With a writing of the text I was helped by my friend.My level of colloquial English language still very primitive. In the future I hope it to improve.
For now I use computer translation. For this reason at first I will be more reader. I will participate with the great pleasure in forums of this site. I hope to learn a lot of new and interesting and to tell about the experience of joiner's works and wood.
2nd April 2009, 12:02 PM #10
Hi Andrey, and welcome to the forums
...don't worry too much about your English....you'll get a good education here from the Aussie's. I'm American and the blokes in these forums have already corrupted my speech, reading, and writing habitsLast edited by Ed Reiss; 2nd April 2009 at 12:03 PM. Reason: spelling
Do something that is stupid and fun today, then run like hell !!!
2nd April 2009, 12:18 PM #11
WADDAYAMEAN we've corrupted you Ed???
Sorry Andrey, your first bit of Australian
2nd April 2009, 06:33 PM #12
Hi Andrey & welcome to the forums. Don't worry too much about your english here it'll probably be better than most of ours. lol.
2nd April 2009, 10:11 PM #13
2nd April 2009, 10:27 PM #14
Hi Andrey, I like the way you said that there is no politics in woodwork, we are like a peacefull league of nations here (well mostly) I don't think there have been any wars started over the correct bevel on a plane blade or what sort of glue you should use. You must show us some photos of your work.
3rd April 2009, 12:58 PM #15
HI Andrey,
Welcome. What sort of timber do you have access to for your furniture making? We are sooooooo lucky here down under cause we got so many species of wood that your average chippie couldn't tell you the name of half the types he has access too!! never lone the imported stuff. That really determines/aids your designs...... me!!! I struggle with all sotrs. My local sawmiller, Ronny, is sick of me asking "what the hell is this stuff Ronny?"
He had a black ring through his sawdust pile once. Said it was Nth Queensland Black Box wood. He is the only miller in the area crazy enough to saw it.. you need a very slow moving saw to cut it without it smoking-up and blunting your saw. It is mainly used a chocking blocks for mobile cranes and heavy earthmoving equipment.. anyway that just another woodie story from OZ