Doing the design for a new master bedroom/ens/retreat area for our new place.

Not sure whether I should incorporate it into the existing roofline or move it away a couple of metres and have it standalone with a short glassed breezeway to join.

The house is weatherboard so matching claddings is not an issue. The foundations are are single brick perimeter with double brick piers where the bearers locate. Access is easy and the end that I would join to seems structurally sound with no obvious brick cracking etc.

Would it need more reinforcing to come off the end such as another run of brick piers or would the new bearers just sit alongside the originals basically extending the run?

Is there a lot of work cutting in the new roof into the old one. Basically the original roof is a hip design and the extension will be a gable roof at 90deg to it. The drawings of the roof arent 100% as I think the new gable roof will be slightly higher than the original roof so there will be a stepup. The current roof/roofs are structurally good so I am a bit concerned of screwing around with them.

So any ideas/suggestions re whether to attach or go seperate?

Hope the sketchups work?

Attachment 75166

Attachment 75167

This is the current floorplan;

Attachment 75168

Attached Files house - seperate with roof.skp (60.7 KB) house - joined with roofline.skp (60.4 KB) floorplan margate house.skp (54.3 KB)

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