Hi All,
I've read the BCA reg's on winders, but as I've misinterpeted BCA reg's before I just wanted to make absolutely sure I'm on the right track before wasting time and energy.
BCA regs state that winders need not have the same going as the flight they join. I'm reasonably sure the walk line on winders in a staircase less than 1m wide should be measured on the centreline. If the winders are used i a staircase over 1m the slope relationship needs to be checked at two walk lines: 400mm from inside & 400mm from outside. Can any of the experienced minds here please confirm this.

The reason I'm not 100% certain is the BCA regs state the walk line for spiral stairs is 7/10ths of the distance from the inside (and spiral stairs are just a bunch of winders after all)

Hope the above makes sense and thanks in advance,

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