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Thread: the case of the disappearing ram
28th September 2004, 06:03 PM #1
the case of the disappearing ram
I am supposed to have 256 megs of ram. By chance I looked in system properties a couple of days ago and it said 64megs, I have just looked now and it says 192megs, although I know nil about PCs I suspect somehow the ram has come loose, do I just wiggle it around untill I get it back to 256
Jean Bloom
28th September 2004, 07:03 PM #2
Call the cops - there has been a spate of livestock thefts around due to the drought induced scarcity
Sorry - can't help more ...This message has been proudly brought to you by Bunyip
28th September 2004, 07:53 PM #3
Turn it off before you wiggle it.
You have either bad or loose ram.
28th September 2004, 07:59 PM #4
G'day Macklin
Open the computer case & remove ALL the RAM sticks. Get yourself a soft pencil rubber (the white kind) & give the gold contacts on the bottom of the RAM sticks a rub. This cleans the contacts without damaging the material. DON'T put yer grubby mits on the contacts when you put them back. Ensure that each stick is seated properly & the little white locking tabs are in place.
This usually fixes 90-99% of the problems with RAM & video cards
Hope this helps
29th September 2004, 09:30 AM #5
thanks for the replies
Jean Bloom
29th September 2004, 09:54 AM #6
Are you seeing how much ram you have instaled or how much is available. There is a very big difference. You may have 256meg installed but there could be as little as 64meg (or even less) available depending on what is being used at the time of checking.
Cheers - Neil
29th September 2004, 09:58 AM #7
Good words of wisdom as usual. Dat's why he da man
29th September 2004, 12:29 PM #8
I think you can still be hung for livestock theft.
29th September 2004, 12:53 PM #9
The ram might be out with the ewes doing what rams like to do.
29th September 2004, 08:06 PM #10
Thanks, it is installed ram ( is it possible you mean system resources). Anyway it is installed ram.
Thanks for the advice to all. The other replies were rather sheepish
30th September 2004, 09:55 AM #11
The chops went well on the barbie but the leg was a bit chewy.