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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    Central Coast

    Default G'Day from a 'youngen'

    my name is Rhys Cooper.

    I have been a member of this forum for a bit, and just thought I may aswell do a proper intro.

    I have recently finished my HSC, studying Woodwork, Design and Technology, English, Maths, Science and Business Studies.

    I have applied and been accepted into the Australian School of Fine Furniture in Tasmania, but due to unforseen circumstances I had to defer for a year...which has enabled me to 'discover' other courses I want to do, so I will keep you all updated as to what happens with that.

    I got into woodworking at school in yr7, making a breakfast tray, then a pencil box in year 8. I then chose it as an elective in yr9, making a Deck Chair and footstool.

    In yr10 I kept doing woodwork, making a clock, coffee table and cabinet thing (never got finished)

    Year 11 I chose woodwork, cant really remember what we made.

    Then year 12 I made my workbench, and an armchair for my 2 major projects.

    So here I am know, working and saving for University and tools, so I keep my interest in Woodwork.

    Hopefully the payment comes through from Rudd so I can buy some Harold and Saxon Bench Chisels

    I am know trying to think of something to make to keep me occuppied on my days off...some ideas maybe? (No boxes, or small fiddly things)

    Buy the best tools you can afford and you'll only cry once...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Pensacola Florida


    ...with all that you have days off ...well, if you want something that will really occupy...whoops, meant monopolize, your time, get into woodturning - not to mention that it's also a good way to lower your bank balance as well

    Oh...and welcome to the forums Rhys

    Do something that is stupid and fun today, then run like hell !!!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Munruben, Qld


    Yep woodturning and pens. you wont have any time to spare and not much cash either. Welcome to the forum. mate.
    Reality is no background music.
    Cheers John

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