Hey guys, I'm 18 years old and live with my brother (25 years old) who has just purchased his new home. He has a family of his own and the house is only a 3 bedroom home, which is making it a bit Crampy. He said if I could transform the Carport into a garage that I could keep the room as long as I pay for the costs. This has me really excited because the Carport is pretty huge, So i wouldn't mind having it as a room. I was wondering what I would have to do to undergo the transition. I have no knowledge in this kind of field because I'm studying to do accounting at university lol. Would I just contact a carpenter and ask him for a quote on the convertion? The carport is connected too the house VIA a brick wall, All i need are two roller doors at the entry point to the backyard and frontyard and a wall on the side too seal it all up. I can take care of the roller doors, but I haven't got the slightest clue on the side.
I've got about $1000 to spend, so do you think that this will be enough? Thank's for your help.

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