I have an old home with no insulation at all anywhere . For a few years now I've kept saying to myself that I would fix that but never have. Well this year it's going to be different though I need some help.

The house is in Sydney if that helps any. During the summer it's unbearably hot so I'm looking to fix that. The last few days have prompted me into action :lol:

Can anyone give me some pointers on what type of insulation is good but cost effective and which I can install myself? I am on a budget so nothing extravagent but of course nothing so poor that I'm just wasting money. Ideally it would be great if it blocks heat from the cavity into the house for a cooler summer and keeps from escaping the room into the cavity for a warmer winter.

One request is that it's not a loose material that can blow around etc. Something in an easy cuttable sheet form would be great.

Where can I purchase it from at a good price would be handy as well if you happen to know. I'm happy to order interstate if the price is right.

Also I heard that there might be a rebate which makes it all the more desirable.I understand that the rebate ends 30 June 2009. Does anyone know how much this rebate is and how do you calculate these R-Values for a DIYer.

Is there any gotcha's by claiming the rebate? For eg increased fee's or electricity rates go up ? Unlikely I know but never hurts to ask.

Will one of those whirly birds make a huge difference even if insulation is in place or will it be a waste of money?

Finally any really good site that goes into this for aussie conditions.

Many Thanks

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