G'day all!

I am planning on building a deck, roughly 3m x 6m. I am constrained by a few things: wooden posts that are holding up roof over the area (can i cut around and leave an overhang); fence; drains(should i worry if there is a space between boards), pipes sticking out of the wall (cut around?) and I will need to put in a trap door on one side to maintain access below ground access to the house. I am drawing up plan/measurements which i can upload later...

Perhaps I should say I am not the handiest person I've met but I am very keen to do this project myself! I'm still not up to speed with a lot of the technical jargon so I might be asking the obvious in some cases.

I have had a read through a LOT of the decking posts - a lot of great tips & info.

I noticed that a few posts mentioned concrete blocks/pads - if anyone can tell me where I can get these that would be great! Are they pre-cast or do you have to cast them yourself?

I came across this pre-cast product but it was an american site and i'm not sure if they are available here??



Read the full thread at RenovateForum.com...