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Thread: Xmas Cheers to all
25th December 2008, 01:31 PM #1
Xmas Cheers to all
Merry Xmas/Saturnalia to all the Forumites and your associated human and non human companions.
Being a good hermit/elf, I'm in the shed sending out good tidings.
Xmas puzzle: Examine the photo - all is not as it seems.
Deception (with good intent) on three counts.
Can you identify them?
Terra AustralisLast edited by terraaustralis; 25th December 2008 at 02:00 PM. Reason: file size too big
25th December 2008, 02:12 PM #2
Welcome and merry Christmas to you too.
Reality is no background music.
Cheers John
25th December 2008, 03:18 PM #3
Wecome Terra Australis,
I'll have a go.
1. The Barrel does not contain 1990 Red
2. The glass in your hand wasn't from the barrel
3. Its a hat, not a Balaclava
Have a good time here, and again Welcome
25th December 2008, 06:06 PM #4
Hmph, it's not a hooman on the barrel, it's a trog.
2nd, there's still some wine left in the glass.
3rd, the pipette doesn't seem to be penetrating anything.
That said, I wasn't aware that Saturnalia down under was limited to Xmas. My, hick, mistake ;-}
And season's greetings to you CM and Watson.Cheers, Ern
25th December 2008, 06:18 PM #5
and you too Ern
25th December 2008, 06:44 PM #6
Mate, I'm too tired to solve that, even too tired to drink!
but Ern definitely seems to be on the right track.
Merry Christmas! Ho! Ho! Ho!
26th December 2008, 12:16 AM #7
Cask of Anaesthetic
What can I say!
I have be truly unmasked.
All items true and correct - you went well beyond the three I suggested. There's always more when to see with double vision! It's the Xmas spirit that does it, you know.
Not Cabernet Merlot or red of any description in that barrel. I'll admit that it was a Shiraz in the glass.
A faceless Trog at that - rsser - I swear we must have met in another life, Sir. You know me too well.
It's not even a cask - just a fantasy of a cask.
In fact two unmatching halves purchased from Bunnys for the sole purpose of citrus (and not grape) growing. Whether there was a girl inside when the saw magician did his sectioning - I never found out. However, there was a frightening amount of red crystallized deposit inside. I tried chewing it - it didn't help!
SWMBO was not impressed and threatened to do things to soft tissue that seems only to be carried out by some certifiable employees of the local abattoir.
As close as I'll ever get to the real thing - the wine I mean.
The last Melbourne edition of Working with Wood (2008) had an excellent display of Coopering tools - absolutely fascinating and intriguing tools. I take my hat off to anyone who can make such amazing water tight sealed containers by jamming bit of wood together.
Merry Xmas